Well illustrated Elsewhere.
It's funny how voicing a personal opinion from the platform is ok if it's in favour of the Watchtower. I doubt if it was anti-WT teaching that it would go un-noticed.
Ignored One. (Iggy).
tuesday's dateline will deal with the child abuse charges against the witnesses in pa., the one that was in a dallas morning news story a week or so ago.
however, in sundays closing talk at terrell, bro.
strahly said " keep in mind , these are apostates and that christians would want to avoid viewing that program.
Well illustrated Elsewhere.
It's funny how voicing a personal opinion from the platform is ok if it's in favour of the Watchtower. I doubt if it was anti-WT teaching that it would go un-noticed.
Ignored One. (Iggy).
http://www.theonion.com/onion3819/pope_forgives.html .
vatican citycalling forgiveness "one of the highest virtues taught to us by jesus," pope john paul ii issued a papal decree monday absolving priest-molested children of all sin.. .
"though grave and terrible sins have been committed, our lord teaches us to turn the other cheek and forgive those who sin against us," said the pope, reading a prepared statement from a balcony overlooking st. peter's square.
Maybe someone should point this out to the Onion guys.
Ignored One. (Iggy)
she tells me she registered as "shunned".
please give her the big warm apostate .
j w d style!!!.
Hi Shunned,
Ignored here.
Sending you love from the UK.
Ignored One. (Iggy)
ok, i'm single, i have 2 weeks to use up, and i want to go somewhere interesting.. got any suggestions?.
also, what's europe like in september?.
help me out here - please!!
You could always try Ibiza.
Ignored One. (Iggy)
i hope that dateline reconsiders airing this program on the evening most frequently used for book studies.
Will someone tape it and then DivX is up for those who wish to distribute it via file sharing progs?
Plus it means us non US peeps can view it too.
Ignored One (Iggy).
once upon a time there was an evil antagonist of god named ha satan.
this evildoer thought of many ways to make worldlings oppose god's covenant people.
he finally got a bright idea.
Mystistool = Hilda.
the fake precision fallacy involves making a claim with a mathematical precision that is impossible to obtain.. he does this on his site where he starts with an alleged and unsupported figure that the watchtower has a file of some 23,000 child molesters and runs that figure up to the point where it becomes absolutely absurd.
his purpose is to persuade readers that jehovah's witnesses are a hot bed of child molestation.
the problem is that he starts with at best very dubious sources and then he takes this data and treats it as if it is precise and factual.. it is not unusual for many of us to use a frivolous "false precision" in making statements.
Nah. Not too bothered about Starwars. Saw the last one and found it a bit ropey to be honest. I may see it if it gets good reviews. I'm looking forward to Spiderman though.
Ignored (the troll) One.
if i had enough energy and time left over from silentlambs, batteredlambs, rape resistance and the blood issues, i would get involved in the fight for justice for these people.
i cannot believe this video is legal.. and in any case, it certanly seems wrong.
Aww. I like Jackass. It's been on Channel4 over here in the UK.
Ignored One.
i did a search on bill bowens postings in this forum.
very interesting.
Didn't they just do something in the UK where they have 10 days to produce the file if requested?
Yes. Basically for a fixed fee (£5-10 I think) you can get any information an organization has on you. This also includes CCTV footage. Mark Thomas even did a show on it. He got all the info that such orgs as MI5 etc had on him.
Ignored One.
can someone pls help.
is mothers day (& fathers day) celebrated by the jw's?
if it is not, can you provide a scriptural reason for the decision.
I also like the fact that the GB mention the fact that it's bad to celebrate birthdays because people were killed at them.
In that case we should ban driving by car, using public transport, eating, drinking, breathing because hey, someone must have died doing those things.
Ignored One.