"It's the dog's bollocks." = It's rather good isn't it.
Other words:
Banging: A pounding beat. Usually found in House, Trance, Techno music.
e.g. "wow, this tune is really banging."
Ignored One.
a question to my fellow united staters on the board, .
do you find yourself using british expressions in your daily life because of being on this db so much?
two that i've picked up - i occasionally will call a friend "mate" (they look at me kind of funny) .
"It's the dog's bollocks." = It's rather good isn't it.
Other words:
Banging: A pounding beat. Usually found in House, Trance, Techno music.
e.g. "wow, this tune is really banging."
Ignored One.
anyone else remember those talks about being materialistic?
i can remember when the brother would go on about owning the latest gadgets, new cars, boats and bigger houses.
it seems they always precluded their remarks with, "these things aren't wrong in themselves...." and then would go on to make a big deal about how unspiritual it would be to own these things.
many millions actually.
Well, you can hardly expect them to be modest. I don't think they know the meaning of the word.
Ignored One.
anyone else remember those talks about being materialistic?
i can remember when the brother would go on about owning the latest gadgets, new cars, boats and bigger houses.
it seems they always precluded their remarks with, "these things aren't wrong in themselves...." and then would go on to make a big deal about how unspiritual it would be to own these things.
They give us crap over working a few more hours to earn enough to live on. Yet of course it's alright for them to spends hundreds of thousands on places like Patterson.
Ignored One.
and it kicked massive ass!
make sure you stay through the credits, there is a preview for the matrix revolutions at the end..
Did it have the Freddy Vs Jason trailer on it?
Ignored One.
downside, it says i am too uptight!
what's your emotional age?.
Hmm, didn't do to well in the emotion side of things.
There are countless reasons why people may act or feel a certain age at any given point in their lives. Feeling a certain age is not a static thing, nor is it something that always follows a pre-determined pattern. Some people act older when they are children then have a second childhood in their retirement years. Others act like children until they become parents and then seem to click into a different mode. It can be helpful and insightful to learn which stage you're at right now, and why. Nobody fits neatly into a given category. There are several components in your emotional age: behavior, feelings, and responsibility. In the area of behavior, you seem to fall into the "adult" category. Adults tend to be efficient and responsible. You are probably a "doer" whom others consider reliable, stable, and consistent. People feel they can depend on you. Of course, if others rely too much on you, it can be a burden. You seem, however, to be someone who strikes a healthy balance between fulfilling others' needs and taking care of your own. Just be aware that if you feel overwhelmed by the pressures put on you, you should take some time out for yourself.
In the realm of emotions, you seem to fall into the "kid" category. This means that you probably express your emotions instinctively. In many ways that's great, because you are in touch with your feelings. You're probably considered open and honest by those around you. But it can also mean that you practice little control over your public expression. Being an emotional "kid" can also indicate insensitivity to the needs of others. Children are naturally emotionally self-absorbed and tend to not be aware of the effect their actions have on others. It's a two-sided coin. Allowing your emotions to surface is a wonderful healing process, but it's important to control when and where these "expressions" occur.
When it comes to the level of responsibility you assume, you fall into the "adolescent" category. This means that you might not be someone who is considered dependable, except perhaps in a crisis. Adolescents typically have little concern for the consequences of their own actions and avoid most commitments. This tendency is not conducive to developing trusting and enduring relationships. |
Ignored One.
do you smoke?.
would you live with a smoker, if you are non smoker?
i wouldn't be able to smell cigarette smoke at home nor in my car.
Non-smoker here.
Hate the smell on my clothes and when the smell comes through from someone elses appartment. That pisses me off.
Ignored One.
hey, .
stumbled upon this site: .
some of the reviews made me laugh.
I noticed that in the review for Zoolander they even commented on the fact that a statue was naked. Like wtf?
Yes little children will be stumbled by naked statues.
Give me a break.
Ignored One.
hey, .
stumbled upon this site: .
some of the reviews made me laugh.
Stumbled upon this site:
Some of the reviews made me laugh.
Just slightly OTT.
Ignored One.
simon, i think he's back.
did you let him back?
please get rid of him again.
I dunno about Oroborus but scholar seems familar.
I mean, 130 odd posts in over 2 yrs?
Someone setting up multiple accounts a while back to have fun with at a later date?
Ignored One.
i hate the idea of someone decided what i can and can't read.
I've not read Stuff in a while. It used to be more a boys toys and gadgets mag.
But hey, it they've got lots of lovely ladies showing off their gadgets I'm not complaining.
Ignored One.