JoinedPosts by ignored_one
Are Jw's that important?
by integ insunday's talk on avoiding satan's snares brought out an interesting point that the human government's very soon will be turning all their military and political might on god's people here on earth, because of the fact jehovah's witnesses would be perceived as such a dangerous threat to the governments of the world because of their christian neutrality.
which begs the question.....when the hell were the witnesses ever a dangerous threat to anything besides logic?
they really are so freaking full of themselves.
Dress Code
by Tron in.
i stumbled on to my wife km and started to read it,wow thers alot of crap in there huh,but there was one topic about your dress atire,i cant believe that some people could have a gang of freaks locked away in a building tell them what not to wear such as faddish or trendy fashion ,are jw's so mentally weak.
if there are any jw's here attending meetings wake up and smell the coffee your wasting your life.. tron.
This was one of the things that really got to me while I was in.
I mean, what's the freaking deal. I probably wouldn't have minded the conventions if I could have worn something that was at lease a tiny bit comfortable. But no, we have to look like we're off to the office in suit and tie.
Jehovah's Witnesses - A business masquerading as a religion.
Ignored One. -
Silentlambs ASKS YOU: Was Mark Anthony Simpson Molesting In Ontario Too???
by rainbow2003 inon the silentlambs.org website bill bowen writes this asking for readers' assistance: .
recently the following events took place in bridgewater nova scotia.
the information as seen was in the bridgewater bulliten a local newspaper and also in the halifax chronicle herald what the paper does not mention is that this is a jw.
*waves to Nancee*
Ignored One. -
Who 'REALLY' abstains from blood in the WTS?
by BLISSISIGNORANCE ini was not raised a dub and was 'in' for only 12 years so there are 'many' things i don't know about the borg, that's why i ask alot of questions.
this is just another question that came into my mind some time ago and would appreciate any thoughts or opinions.. in the whole time i associated with jws, i never heard of any member of the gb/anointed/ anything above the r&f..........your 'average' publisher..........dying from refusing blood.. every experience i ever read about in the wts magazines was either about young adult jws/dear old faithful bro.
or sister so-and-so/ children and their obedient parents, making a decision to refuse blood and choose death.................because real life in the paradise earth was worth more than extending life in this system.
There was an elder's daughter in my old congregation that had a blood transfusion forced on her.
Well, that was the official story. Turns out her elder father insisted she had it. It was all hush hush.
Personally I would have a transfusion if I needed it.
Ignored One. -
First gig was probably D*Influence with Raw Stylus.
Most recent was Queens of the Stone Age a few weeks ago.
I didn't go to many gigs whilst I was in. I lived too far away from most of them and most of the bands I wanted to see were on the 'no-no' list so I wouldn't have found anyone wanting to go.
Ah well. I'm making up for it now.
Ignored One
Did something even more drastic!
by Bendrr inrefer to a previous post of mine, "thinking of doing something drastic", regarding cutting my hair.
well i did it and everyone was happy.. yesterday i happened to be in the hair care aisle of kroger buying some shampoo.
and happened to see *something else* on the shelf that sparked an idea.. care to guess what?.
It's Eminem!!!!
I like it.
Ignored One.
does anyone like indies?
by nowisee inwhile the multiplex movie theaters are running "terminator 3" and the like, my husband and i seek out different fare.
three small independent movies which we recently saw are, "winged migration", about the migratory patterns of various birds -- amazing.
some species travel l2,500 miles each way from north to south poles and back again.
I saw City of God a while ago. Very good film.
The last mainstream film I saw was Identity. Can't say I'm a fan of most hollywood stuff. I suppose it depends on how much i've been drinking.
Ignored One.
Is it just me, or does the WT Jezebel look a lot like Lyin' Eyes?
by jgnat incould bethel be trying to tell us something?
could there be a bethelite artist lurking here lusting after our womenfolk?
three guesses what the caption says?.
Rainbow, I am a little confused…
Don't worry about rainbow Jgnat. It's an old poster Nancee popping back again after being booted by Simon a few times for spamming. She's a little paranoid you know.
Ignored One.
anyone for a drink.....??
by ScoobySnax inmines here ....... www.boddingtons.com check out the adverts!!!
oooooh you're dead gorgeous!!
Mine's a Grolsch Scoobs.
Tell you what, you can buy me and Matt a pint one day.
Ignored One.
Williams sisters
by Phil ini was recently having a discussion with a jw on the extent to which the williams family are jws.
his statement was that only the mother is a jw.
I was listening to the radio and the sports guy covering Wimbledon answered some questions that people had emailed in. One was are they JWs. He said yes and that so was most of their family apart from their dad of course.
Does anyone know if they're baptized?
I suppose they must have to go preaching at some point. They don't have to of course, considering how much money they have I doubt they'd ever get shunned for being weak etc.
Ignored One.