It should be the other way round as gravity teaches us that the major weight of bullshit always falls to the bottom
Posts by wozza
If Australia Ruled the World
by Satanus inwould they turn the world upside down, so that australia was on top?
just wondering how stralians and so africans feel about this.. s.
I told my wife I will start pioneering next month ...
by Albert Einstein in... if she will prove me from the bible accuracy of 1914. and i stressed i really mean it.. we had one of the usual evening discussions and this was the result.. she said she is not ready for this and must do some preparation and aditional study (which is funny for somebody raised up in a hard-core jw family, baptized over 25 years, who spent over a decade in regular pioneering, reads wt for hours every week and have brought several people into jw cult...).
but ok, she pulled out several publications and is doing her preparation now and tonight we will have the discussion.. to motivate her i told her:.
1) if you will be succesfull i will go to preach to everybody in our street about 1914/607 during my pioneering.
Don't do it ! It's a JW trap .......thats the new way to motivate pioneering
World's Energy Crisis Postponed?
by leavingwt intelegraph uk: energy crisis is postponed as new gas rescues the world engineers have performed their magic once again.
the world is not going to run short of energy as soon as feared.
tony hayward, bp's chief executive, said proven natural gas reserves around the world have risen to 1.2 trillion barrels of oil equivalent, enough for 60 years' supply and rising fast.. "there has been a revolution in the gas fields of north america.
Natural gas has been used extensively on the Metro buses in South Australia for years , Australia sells lots of natural gas oversees , but as long as LPG is available and there are few Natural gas compressing plants big business will continue to sell it overseas to countries like China with little infra structure and the cosy entailed. So much for governments caring about pollution etc.
I hope this news is true!
by wozadummy ini've mentioned before here that in my old congo that there is a pedophile who has been there for some years.
just to re-cap - he was an elder in a congo more south from my old congo for some years and stopped being an elder there for unknown reasons to us when he and his wife moved to our congo when we attended.. in time it came out ,from an elderly pioneer who was close to my wife, that he had been df'd before for adultery or some such.. now in our congregation he got df'd again and because the pioneer sister used to get a lift to meetings from them ,she was told by the pedo's wife that he had been accused of molesting his girls when they were kids.
of course the stupid woman was actually defending her husband to the pioneer - this is her daughters this animal molested!!.
OK here is the court transcript of this scums sentencing ,he was taken to jail after sentencing http://www.courts
He was sentenced for 4 years prison ,non parole of 15 months - too short of course but at least he's away and can't do his "community work" of witnessing at peoples doors of how he's from a pure god supported organisation "that would love to come onto your home and teach the kiddies about the bible"
So attention Adelaide Jehovahs Witnesses this one did not get away GORDON WILLIAM INSTON from the SEAFORD congregation has been jailed as a pedophile and your still accepting him as innocent
I hope this news is true!
by wozadummy ini've mentioned before here that in my old congo that there is a pedophile who has been there for some years.
just to re-cap - he was an elder in a congo more south from my old congo for some years and stopped being an elder there for unknown reasons to us when he and his wife moved to our congo when we attended.. in time it came out ,from an elderly pioneer who was close to my wife, that he had been df'd before for adultery or some such.. now in our congregation he got df'd again and because the pioneer sister used to get a lift to meetings from them ,she was told by the pedo's wife that he had been accused of molesting his girls when they were kids.
of course the stupid woman was actually defending her husband to the pioneer - this is her daughters this animal molested!!.
An update to this is this......I'm isolated on an island now away from the people I know from the past , so it's hard to find things out now but I got a text message on my mobile phone telling me that this guy first mentioned has just been put in jail for 15 years for molesting his grand children.
I will try to find a news article if I can and post it, I wonder how the brothers and sisters feel in the Seaford congregation ,south of Adelaide South Australia feel now .....I did try to warn them for a long time. I wonder whether they know yet ,as the Elders tried to hide this scums history so well?
I wonder how the daughters feel now that their father has also molested their children ? I only hope that they now see the evil WTS for what it is and the children can now find some peace.
Were you or someone you know sexually molested by a Jehovah's Witness ?
by flipper indue to the fact there are about 27,000 members of this religion that are known pedophiles, and the information about it is kept in a secret database file, i wonder how many lurking jw's as well as others are aware of the severity of this problem?
remember, it's 27,000 pedophiles that they know about.
what about the thousands that don't get caught?
Lurkers Please Read
by IWillBeDubbedNoMore inthe definition of an apostate is one who has abandoned his religious faith.
i was baptized in 1974. the religion i joined believed that jesus selected the bible students in 1919 to do a separating work.
we had to preach to find the sheep like ones.
"God allowed trinity for 1700 years."
I think Reniaa just needed a good old fashioned molesting from one of her brothers or sisters when she was a kid and she might have seen things straight
Were you or someone you know sexually molested by a Jehovah's Witness ?
by flipper indue to the fact there are about 27,000 members of this religion that are known pedophiles, and the information about it is kept in a secret database file, i wonder how many lurking jw's as well as others are aware of the severity of this problem?
remember, it's 27,000 pedophiles that they know about.
what about the thousands that don't get caught?
Well everybody I think Reniia is only just exhibiting the thinking the WTS has inculcated into most of it's flock ...."If the brothers are looking after things Jehovah will bless them ,so by critisizing one thing like the way they handle molestors that would be devisive and jehovah would be displeased with me!?"
After all, like Reniia, to them it's a tiny problem within the WTS as far as they can see for Jehovah would not allow this to happen in his "clean" organisation, would he?
Some here may remember my experiences with the WTS and how we tried for years to get changes done ,how I warned the elders and publishers with kids of a seperate case from ours in our congo ,that he hugged kids (and molested his daughters as an elder ) in the congo under the elders noses and their families ,but to no avail ,and finally though he was criminally charged. But even then a few months ago two of the body came to get me to DF my self and when I brought this up again ,one of the men did not know of the case and he was supposed to be protecting the flock from this animal.
The average JW is basically blind and ignorant or in denial that these things can occur in their religion
PS if you want to read about my experiences in full follow the threads of WOZADUMMY
Witnesses claim Ressurected folks have no genitals? This will start the 1,000 year rebellion!
by Witness 007 inthat really sucks!
not much of a "paradise" for me, being a eunich for all eternity!
they dont "marry" or do anything.
The way I remember this topic it went something like this:
There will be a class of people that don"t die at Armaggedon ,will continue to have children if they are still of fertile age (at that time) in the 1000 year period,but will stop having children near the end of that time for the earth will then be full from the births and the ressurection.
The ressurected ones will never be able to have chidren and just have to watch the Armaggedon survivors have kids for the remaining time of the 1000 years.
Nowhere has the WTS said genitals won't be there on either group ,that is , both groups seem to lose their desire to have children .
It seems the WTS leaves this one alone passing over to Revelation to explain that "new Scrolls " will be opened and only then will people know the full limits of Gods plan.
It would be silly to presume men's penises would drop off and women's wombs fall to the floor.
But then all this is absurd for think about it in this context : a sister of 25 marries this year ,Armaggedon comes next year , in 900 odd years say she ceases at gods will to stop having babies ,what then ?............she carries a complete set baby producing organs for eternity !!! Is god going to stitch up all the vaginas and leave a pee hole only?? or leave all those vaginas to tempt the men who still have penises so they can fulfill the WTS teaching that anyone who sins after the 1000 year reign will die instantly?
If I was living then I'd have have to ask the women "what are ya gonna do with that thing now ? I'm still using mine to piss on the garden but what's yours for ?"
Perhaps Jehovah creating black holes in space was really a forgleam anti typical of the womb of the future?
Are Watchtower Writers Frauds or Morons?
by metatron ini have asked a salient question.
i will leave the answer to your judgement.. look, the may 1 watchtower on page 27 considers the question "did king hezekiah really build a tunnel into jerusalem?".
in their answer, the society replies, "the carbon - 14 tests we carried out on organic material within the plaster of the siloam tunnel, and uranium-thorium dating of stalactities found in the tunnel, date it conclusively to hezekiah's era.
It's almost childish ,yet there are so many intelligent people in the religion that can quickly discount and not permit the thought that the society is teaching bullshit.