I've had an elder ,when put on the spot, admit that DNA evidence was admissable as a witness but he had to go away and check this out . But when challenged on where he got this information he was pressed to tell me where , but it is not in any of the societies literature as far as I know , so it stands that they twist and turn and have their own opinions when the need calls for it and the society leaves elders with no hard direction except to decieve.
The two witness rule is shot down with one scripture in the old testament ,I think in Leviticus somewhere where it talks about a woman in the field who is raped ,goes to the city and tells of her ordeal and the perpetrator is put to death on her evidence only (if other workers were in the field with her surely they would have come to here aid or reported the incident but the bible says nothing of tis and takes the victims word for it) don't have a bible here but someone here will find the account. I've put this to the society and their answer was to disfellowship me!
To see what the societies way of handling things is ,consider my ex wifes case where the elders said they carefully looked for evidence and witnesses but found none ,but when I asked them whether they handled things like the police do by questioning possible witnesses, they had to stay silent as to whether they had questioned my ex's siblings!!!!!! They had not even done this and took the word of her molestor father ,pathetic religion and human beings that are running it!!
Hope someone can find that scripture ,I posted about it before but not being a student of the bible any more I just can't remember it,sorry.