Posts by wozza
What would happen if life was found elsewhere?
by HowTheBibleWasCreated insee jws have said time and again jesus died once for all time... a quote from hebrews.
okay rule out humn-like aliens what about animals plants and microbes... i once had a hot fight with an elder when i still believed that here was no reason to doubt alien animals etc.
yet not based on any wt article witnesses reject this often.. lets suppose say in a month microbes are found on ceres (i doubt it will happen but let's roll with it) they are living as much as our cells are and reporduce... okay what would mother say in the magazines when millions of jehovah's witnesses demand to know why jehovah created microbes on a dwarf planet?.
If life or evidence of past life were found the WTS would just buy out a bit more time with a statement like this "The important thing is that the issue of Universal Sovereignty was settled once for all time here........" all the time hoping that nothing that contradicts the statement is found. -
My wife is frightened about the end/ What to say without sounding Apostate?
by suavojr inmy wife called me at work saying she is scared after reading today's daily text.
i don't read it anymore, therefore i went online and found this.. tuesday, march 3 .
those days will be cut short.matt.
Perhaps her fearfullness is actually based on her personal faith being weaker than she presumes is adequate for survival ,or firstly , what the GB regards as adequate.
Maybe she has trouble coming to grips with all the changes in teaching over the years and does'nt feel confident in her faith , so gently, over time, pointing to the watchtower failings (after some good research) will free her of the fears ,by doing research together with her using their literature and "accidentily" stumbling upon their false and permanently changing reasonings she may have her eyes opened.
They are still lying, even though they revised the FAQ.
by DATA-DOG indo jehovahs witnesses feel that they are the only people who will be saved?.
many millions who lived in centuries past and who werent jehovahs witnesses will have an opportunity for salvation.
the bible explains that in gods promised new world, there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.
Good post DD it's always been that way in JW land ,when faced with this question when I was witnessing I found it hard to give the official answer to the question that I was trained to say , I always felt like I was speaking "with a forked tongue " so to speak ......eventually my conscience won out and I left. -
would it have been different if we knew why?
by sowhatnow ini always took issue with the idea of no one knowing why a person got df.. i know im not alone.. i complained to my mother about this when i was younger, explaining that how do we know what it is that gets a person df if no one knows what they did?
my moms answer was , .
'if people knew a persons personal faults and what they did , others would not be so forgiving when they were reinstated, because we'd always view them with that view, so in other words, if when so n so, committed fornication, and the whole cong would know it, if they announced from the platform then his/her reputation would be permanently stained' .
If my memory serves me right ,in Israel did'nt they expose the sins publicly as well as the punishment
As far as molesters go a committee today is set up and if say , 10 elders are on the body only the commitee knows the crimes of the molester and they don't neccessarily tell the rest of the body what that person has done ..........dumb bullshit religion
Does anyone remember a district overseer Joe Slaiman?
by stuckinarut2 injoe slaiman and his wife jean were in the travelling work in australia throughout the 90's... ( i may have spelt the name incorrectly).
anyone remember them?
they were very well liked by many of the brothers and sisters.. i wonder what happened to him?
I remember Joe and his wife ,she seemed a lovely and popular lady at the time with lots of publishers wanting to work with her .
At one assembly Joe was giving a talk in his usual way with his hands at times on the podium stand leaning forward with one leg characterlistically bent casually to the side ,later that day another speaker mentioned the to best speak at the podium was upright and not being to casual , mmmm I thought at the he having a go at Joe's style mmm. In any case he seemed one of the more approachable reps of the WTS and was popular.
Worked with him on the field a few times and had a funny time at a householders door in Maslins Beach once when it was my turn to do a home a scantily dressed beautiful woman came bursting out from the side of the house ,well I was totally dumbstruck and lost for words , he just looked at me inquiringly and I nearly burst out laughing at myself and the situation but recovered to be told by her to P$$s off which we did .
Another thing that happened was a couple of weeks before his visit to our hall was that I'd noticed a book of mormon in the bookcase of a friend who was a MS at the time and asked whether, in my zeal ,whether it was correct for him to have this book in his home citing that when I'd become a witless all the things of satans world had to go from my life ( I'd grown up as a mormon) ,well the friend took offence saying it was ok for him.
Well when Joe came for his visit I was summoned to his caravan which was parked at the friends house as they had Joe and his wife for the visit. Joe then proceeded to discipline me saying that it was a conscience matter and I proceeded to challenge that and say what he thought then iff I had a book on spiritism just for referencing like my friend ,well he chastised me for that and said that was different.
Well that was one of many times that I saw the inconsistency of those taking the lead as I found when I talked to other elders who pointed to the bible and watchtower etc ,thanks Joe for contributing to my questioning the WTS and it's ways, which i eventually left and I'd always thought you were'nt really going to last in that org ,I was'nt surprised to hear that he left ,and I heard alot of those crazy rumours about him and put it down to the same box that the Smurf stories came from.
I am out of here
by Aussie Oz inthis place has become far to jw ish for my liking.. free expression and rights to make reply are shut down by those who hold the key.. this forum is turning into an uber christian outreach program with those who take umbridge to them getting locked and deleted threads.
it would perhaps not be so bad if the moderators actually communicated to people such as myself rather than cold cutting.
they complain when we make a public outcry and tell us it belongs in a private message, yet cannot see 'the straw in their own eye' and do not use the private messages to communicate why they have done what they do.
Just re-read my post ,sorry about the spelling etc I've got band aids on my fingers and hitting the wrong keys
I am out of here
by Aussie Oz inthis place has become far to jw ish for my liking.. free expression and rights to make reply are shut down by those who hold the key.. this forum is turning into an uber christian outreach program with those who take umbridge to them getting locked and deleted threads.
it would perhaps not be so bad if the moderators actually communicated to people such as myself rather than cold cutting.
they complain when we make a public outcry and tell us it belongs in a private message, yet cannot see 'the straw in their own eye' and do not use the private messages to communicate why they have done what they do.
Hi Ozzie Oz
Be a shame to leave it serves only to titillate the ego of the mod gone wrong.
This happened to me with a mod from our own country ,he is just a fruit loop to me ,cut out my posts etc and yet when I queried by PM why I then got the picture he was mis understanding my public comments completely ,and when I tried to explain my true meaning he balked at it all.
He is egocentric to me and probably a little mentally challenged so let him be I eventually thought ....but it does get up your nose does'nt it?
I've read text here with bad swearing and thought that this seems acceptable at times and yet my meagre comments were not lewd and yet they were judged and in turn by my topic being taken off. it seemed to me that I was being treated like a little boy .
Why one guy in America ,well known , got banned for hosing down some pesky JW's who came to his door ,should have seen the mods perform then....but hey most of are still here even though the mods are being the GB all over again.
PM me when you can nice to talk to another ex aldinga-rite
The secret of how Christianity spread across the world
by Terry inwhat i am going to say may sound nasty and mean-spirited.
i assure you it is not intended in that tone.. men are power seekers and control freaks.
without using women as drones to do the grunt work of religion.
Phew this is a hot one too handle ,maybe because my nurturing mother inculcated my response into me
Child Abuse Policy question re: credible evidence
by Open mind ini'm familiar with the two witness rule and just read that it still stands in the new elder's book.. .
if a child accuses someone of sexual abuse:.
1. call the branch.
I've had an elder ,when put on the spot, admit that DNA evidence was admissable as a witness but he had to go away and check this out . But when challenged on where he got this information he was pressed to tell me where , but it is not in any of the societies literature as far as I know , so it stands that they twist and turn and have their own opinions when the need calls for it and the society leaves elders with no hard direction except to decieve.
The two witness rule is shot down with one scripture in the old testament ,I think in Leviticus somewhere where it talks about a woman in the field who is raped ,goes to the city and tells of her ordeal and the perpetrator is put to death on her evidence only (if other workers were in the field with her surely they would have come to here aid or reported the incident but the bible says nothing of tis and takes the victims word for it) don't have a bible here but someone here will find the account. I've put this to the society and their answer was to disfellowship me!
To see what the societies way of handling things is ,consider my ex wifes case where the elders said they carefully looked for evidence and witnesses but found none ,but when I asked them whether they handled things like the police do by questioning possible witnesses, they had to stay silent as to whether they had questioned my ex's siblings!!!!!! They had not even done this and took the word of her molestor father ,pathetic religion and human beings that are running it!!
Hope someone can find that scripture ,I posted about it before but not being a student of the bible any more I just can't remember it,sorry.
What would you ask Satan?
by frigginconfused inif you could send in questions to the news media for an interview with the devil what would you ask him?
no sarcasm please.
this is meant to be a serious topic..
Why did you let the Catholic Church set which books got put into the Bible ..............oh sorry that was God was'nt it?