Posts by wozza
Watchtower purchases CoC copyright for undisclosed amount!
by the girl next door innow what is your stance?
After all ,they did warn the brothers of seeing things that may not make sense to them! -
Watchtower purchases CoC copyright for undisclosed amount!
by the girl next door innow what is your stance?
Those 7 clowns would probably be stupid enough to buy the copyright.
My RC hearing brought forward. Will be in two weeks
by umbertoecho inthrough this forum of wonderful freaks, i have met someone who is coming with me to my hearing.
initially i was slated for next year, but will be attending in two weeks time.
all is in place from travel vouchers, support, where to go ............very efficient and well done.
as regards what XXXdean said , here in australia we do indeed have to get approved by the government to work with the vulnerable and children , I,ve just been thru this process to do some voluntary work at a school for children teaching them building techniques.
All in religious organisations in responsibility should go thru this procedure including JW's ,so even if a brother is taking a field service group out he should be approved by the government ,for he should "know the appearance of the flock" so as not to assign a molestor with children. At present only a small number of even the elder body know who is a risk of molesting and what they have done in the past.
This was brought home to me a few years ago when I'd left the org and some sisters and their children in service called at my door and I noticed going in next door working with a child ,was a molestor known to me from my old congregation, I warned the sisters to keep their children away from him as they did not know what kind of person he is........................some time later he was sent to prison for at least some of his crimes.
So I think The JW's should seek approval from the government as they are an organisation
Where are you from?
by BeautifulMind ini know we are all anonymous for our own personal reasons, so i understand if you would rather not say.
but if you don't mind sharing that would be cool.
i currently live in georgia, usa.
Aldinga South Australia -
MOTO-GP the Rossi vs Marquez controversy
by wozza inif you've watched the race what do you think about the stoush on the track.. i've always been a rossi fan but after what happened in the race i'm really disappointed.
Just been watching the clip slowly and it is clear that Marquez hits Rossi's leg first with his helmet ,and it looks like quick reaction on Rossi's part to push Marquez's helmet off his leg. Either way not good racing ,not like the phillip Island race that's for sure ! -
MOTO-GP the Rossi vs Marquez controversy
by wozza inif you've watched the race what do you think about the stoush on the track.. i've always been a rossi fan but after what happened in the race i'm really disappointed.
If you've watched the race what do you think about the stoush on the track.
I've always been a Rossi fan but after what happened in the race I'm really disappointed
No carts in Australia?
by Festus ina friend of mine visited australia and to his surprise there were no jw carts on streets.. wonder if it was just a coincidence or is it due to media attention that arc has created?.
I can confirm they are used in Australia ,I saw one that regularly haunts the Willunga markets in South Australia a couple of weeks ago with it's coffee drinking phone texting operators nearby.
The first one I saw here in Australia was about 5 years ago when I was visiting my daughter at Caloundra in the state of Queensland. There was a regular market in the main street and some JW's had a trolley next to a park bench and attended by 3 people ,I approached and asked about it and the elder spoke to me for about 25 minutes even after I pointed out who I was, and told him of the errors in his literature and organisation.
So they have been here for a while.
If there is anything to bible prophecy, keep an eye out on Israel
by EndofMysteries inwhat will be the end game whether in a few years, our lifetime, or hundreds + years from now.
bible prophecy did say israel / jews would be scattered then eventually brought back.
russell was declaring that and it was believed before being changed shortly before it happened.
The end game - all the jews will move to hollywood and make movies - oh they are already there? -
Who would you like to hear of leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses ?
by wozza ini'll start off with this one:.
some years ago when i was formulating my exit, i employed for some time an ms brother from another congregation.. i'd had a couple of young "worldly" lads work for me but they proved unreliable as they used drugs or alchohol and consequently would'nt arrive at work and such like.. so when i was was contacted by this brother and spoke to him and heard he'd worked at the australian bethel for some time on construction and wanted an opportunity to learn the trade of bricklaying ,i thought ,"great someone to finally trust and be reliable".
he was in his 40's at the time and he worked like a trojan ,was honest ,really likeable and interesting ,could play the classical guitar beautifully ,had a beautiful family.
Yes it must be really frustrating to have loved family members still in when you know what they are trapped in.
I have little family but when I raised my children I brought them up that their parents religion is something that they would need to decide on when they were older ,and thankfully they rejected it.
And Pete that would be great , Sophia and Caleb leaving ,make a great youtube video as a send up.
Who would you like to hear of leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses ?
by wozza ini'll start off with this one:.
some years ago when i was formulating my exit, i employed for some time an ms brother from another congregation.. i'd had a couple of young "worldly" lads work for me but they proved unreliable as they used drugs or alchohol and consequently would'nt arrive at work and such like.. so when i was was contacted by this brother and spoke to him and heard he'd worked at the australian bethel for some time on construction and wanted an opportunity to learn the trade of bricklaying ,i thought ,"great someone to finally trust and be reliable".
he was in his 40's at the time and he worked like a trojan ,was honest ,really likeable and interesting ,could play the classical guitar beautifully ,had a beautiful family.
I'll start off with this one:
Some years ago when I was formulating my exit, I employed for some time an MS brother from another congregation.
I'd had a couple of young "worldly" lads work for me but they proved unreliable as they used drugs or alchohol and consequently would'nt arrive at work and such like.
So when I was was contacted by this brother and spoke to him and heard he'd worked at the Australian Bethel for some time on construction and wanted an opportunity to learn the trade of bricklaying ,I thought ,"great someone to finally trust and be reliable". He was in his 40's at the time and he worked like a trojan ,was honest ,really likeable and interesting ,could play the classical guitar beautifully ,had a beautiful family. The only thing was he just did'nt grasp fully the skills he needed to become a good bricklayer ,but that did'nt matter too much as he still did excellent alternate work with a few changes made.
We used to have fantastic conversations at work during breaks, and I even was able to talk frankly about my doubts of the WTS and it's governing body. He listened respectfully and even expressed his own doubts and noted some of the things he saw at Bethel ,but he said he could never leave because of his wonderful wife and his two teenage girls ,he did'nt want them to be hurt.
Years later I still think of them and wish they could have found peace outside the Org , so if you are ever browsing this site "Pharoah" (nickname my son gave him because he was Egyptian) I'd wish the best for you and your family!