Love the Norton
Here's my daily
so i saw vander posted a pic of himself on his bike and recently pm’d with another member who rides (i will let him speak for himself if he wishes) and it seems like a thing for some of us, so... whatcha got?
post a pic of your ride.....
Love the Norton
Here's my daily
so i saw vander posted a pic of himself on his bike and recently pm’d with another member who rides (i will let him speak for himself if he wishes) and it seems like a thing for some of us, so... whatcha got?
post a pic of your ride.....
oops photos did'nt upload mmmmm how to do
so i saw vander posted a pic of himself on his bike and recently pm’d with another member who rides (i will let him speak for himself if he wishes) and it seems like a thing for some of us, so... whatcha got?
post a pic of your ride.....
One of my first bikes Yamaha MX250 1973 - yellow helmet is me
/home/stephen/Motorcycle/BIKES/1973 Racing.jpg
In 1971 I had this
1974 this beauty
/home/stephen/Motorcycle/BIKES/1974 XS1.jpg
many others over the decades ..........
Then this restoration 1998 Yamaha xjr1300 hotted up till about a year ago
And now a couple of my rides again restored abit
i don't usually like the confrontational approach to those on the carts, however this video is a great example of how jws do not really care about child abuse issues!.
the arrogance of this brother is disturbing..... bear with the video.
it gets really interesting around the 6 min mark, where the brother loses his cool..
Well that was entertaining ,the ex jw needs to remember ,in my opinion ,the service school lessons from of old when dealing with one of these old farts.
Lets review ..........THE TALK
short introduction raising points
the body make succinct points explaining with facts and EVIDENCE
conclusion tie up all points in summary making reference to the introdution
He said he had been there the day before so be prepared with paper evidence to back what is said.
Definitely points for courage and remember there is nothing frightens the crap out of a witness more than EVIDENCE on's all apostate writing from the devil ya know.
As for the old fart , he was useless like a lot of blokes like him who are in JW's ,when confronted with irrefutable evidence they cough and splutter and then get angry because they have lost control of themself and their argument.
I reckon try again with evidence and it will all be over in a short time and you can enjoy your day knowing failures in life like the old fart live as legends in their own mind and you tried but they failed.
(the following article is translated using google translate).
the building selected in "jehovah's witnesses" in st. petersburg will be given to scientistsdecember 26, 2017 publication time: 09:42. in a building selected from a banned organization in russia, "jehovah's witnesses", will soon be able to read scientific lectures.
Jehovah must have been at privvy .....the real big one....when this all went down double Yay!
yesterday, they showed the story “from enemies to friends” at the kingdom hall.
my mother in law told me about it as she was touched by the story.
so then, later in the evening, i searched for the video and found it in the january 1st 2017 broadcast.
I'm sure they distort ,misrepresent etc their stories as I experienced it a few times here in Australia at assemblies.
Many times I saw people give experiences ,and having pioneered with some of the people who gave them, I knew the particular stories they told were either crap or hugely embellished because I was there with them !
Sadly I succumbed to this way of encouraging the "brothers" once when asked to feature myself and my family . I was approached by a congregation elder firstly ,then passed on to the circuit overseer for a briefing and outline. We were happy to bend a little of the story at first to please the CO who requested this ,thinking it would increase the drama for the audience (though we felt uncomfortable.)
The assembly day came around at the Ridgehaven assembly hall in Adelaide South Australia ,and during the morning we were requested by the district overseer ,Franz Hoobler , to meet him quickly to discuss our "experience" . Well he proceeded to go over the original outline and change it slightly, but then he asked how we were going to express ourselves on certain points .Then from him came the way it was really going to be related . My wife and children looked to me with confused faces as to what is this all about ,I'll never forget that . And because of the short time we had now to "re-learn " the story I relented ,felt bad about this as if I'd cheated my children of my honesty to meet the needs of Hoobler.
So yes it goes on and I hope he is pushing up daisies now for that would be the best honest thing he could ever do.
what is the funniest or strangest thing to happen to you or your partner when knocking on doors?.
mine was seeing a greenhouse with mannequins inside.
Oh just one more can't help myself
Working with a young sister knocked on a door and a man dressed in overalls and a huge wood and brass cross proceeds to run from next door ,pulls out the big cross and shakes it at us screaming to get of his nieghbours property ,they don't want to hear the words of demons apparently...............still cracks me up that one.
what is the funniest or strangest thing to happen to you or your partner when knocking on doors?.
mine was seeing a greenhouse with mannequins inside.
Oh I love this topic ,I can't just pick one as I have a few that I can't choose the best
Working alone in semi rural coastal area I knocked on the door of an old run down house and an old man opened the door and said "My wife just died then" -stuck for words .
First door I ever did with my study conductor - man opens door and we begin our introduction as I tremble ,next minute his wife/girlfriend comes down the passage angrily pushes him out of the way and tells us to get lost ,swings around and we got a full view of everything under her sheer nightee. freaked me out.
Opened a gate and a bull terrier siezed my hand and would'nt let go till the owner called it off.
Again working alone in rurals walked up a long private road to a house and was stalked by a German Shepherd dog which bit me repeatedly and the owners did nothing as it bit me out of the gate.
Working with the ex wife again walking up a long drive in the rurals a woman set her two Dobermans on us and we had to run 200 metres to the street.
Knocked on a door the other brothers didn't want to do - a bleeding chicken leg nailed to the front door and the householder was home ,fun witch.
oh ok I'll stop
we wanted sex too.
so why did he get married?
so they punishment you for leaving bethel and getting married?
Thanks NEW BOY for these stories ,when I was first preached to in the early seventies there was the stories of NY Bethel told to me of some peaceful relaxed place with people in charge of our eternal welfare . At the time there was their voices telling me this stuff and then there was my internal voice saying this can't really be ,wish I'd listened to my voice of skeptisism.
Over the years as I moved up the ranks I saw a lot of stuff that did'nt fit the original idealistic picture that had been painted for me by people who had never been to NY bethel or even the Australian one. In time I started to see the pettiness ,the egos , the dishonesty and how HUMAN it all was .
thursday, august 31. jehovah knows those who belong to him.—2 tim.
2:19.. in recent years, we have seen an increase in the number of those partaking at the memorial of christ’s death.
that trend contrasts with the decrease in the number of partakers that we saw for many decades.
If the number of annointed is not so important to the Society ........
It was always given as an indicator of how close the end of the system was ,now it seems it is an indicator of how many deluded people are in their midst.