When, oh WHEN, will America - or for that matter, Canada - wake up???
during the past week, 17 different articles on various practices of jws and comments to those, have been published on the web page of the norwegian equivalent of the bbc, nrk:
in addition to this a special news programme with a discussion on sexual abuse and jw was broadcast on nrk2, and p1 contained an interview with an ex-jw on its weekly news summary programme.. it seems the expose is continuing..
When, oh WHEN, will America - or for that matter, Canada - wake up???
It would appear that a legislative solution might be the way to go...
Bet you my bottom dollar; if or better yet, WHEN the American government tightens up the definition of "religious organization", the Watchtower lawyers will be at the head of the line, screaming "Persecution!!"
going for a word by word bible reading/study with a jw, no literature involved and maybe using more than one versions.
is that a wise move and is there any advantage?.
"Going for a word by word Bible reading/study with a JW, no literature involved and maybe using more than one versions. ..."OP
Sounds interesting - keep us posted on the results, will you? Thanks!!
And be sure to ask questions EVERY time you don't agree with what they say - and don't move on until they ANSWER your question[s].
Low-Key, if that's true...
Maybe the way to pull the Westboro Baptist Church's fangs would be to sic the IRS on them???
The OP link is not working - at least, it didn't work for me...
Here's another link with both the "Anonymous" video and the Westborough church's video...
get on the anti gun bandwagon,.
it is not the middle ages, the rrvolutinary or civil war time- it's now - 2012 and soon to be 2013. america needs to become like canada, now now now.
you can argue all you want, but if you can't open your eyes, you have some deep dark issues that require a shrink.. i will not answer you or taunt you.
The recent shootings are terribly tragic, but...
It's ironic that it is the GUN NUTS who are going to ensure that new gun-control laws are generated!!!
Way to go, guys! KEEP on shooting yourselves in the head - er, foot...
hubby and i (faders) were in the supermarket today.
we had just avoided and completely ignored an elder and his wife when we saw a newly married couple who were both recently disfellowshipped, of course being the rebels we are we made a bee line for them.
the df man was until recently a workmate of my hubby so they quickly got into an animated discussion and i met the new wife who seemed nice but let me know they were getting reinstated asap.
"...The DF man was until recently a workmate of my Hubby so they quickly got into an animated discussion and I met the new wife who seemed nice but let me know they were getting reinstated ASAP. I was really dying to know if their DF had 'stumbled' them but unfortunately not.
I let them know that it was my DF years ago that set me on the path to realising that it wasnt the true religion.
The guys first wife had divorced him years ago but not 'scripturally' so if either of them wanted to marry again they would have to 'commit adultery' so it was up to him to free himself so he could marry this new lady.
I cant believe that after all the cult has put them through they still feel like its Gods chosen religion. Its so frustrating that they just cant see it. ..." OP
Hmm. As others have stated,they might be putting on the "show" so they can be reinstated, so they won't be cut off from family. In front of you two - apparently "active" Jehovah's Witnesses - they may have felt compelled to "talk the talk".
I wouldn't write them off so quickly, but on the other hand, I'd be VERY CAREFUL what I said around them, in future. Give them a chance, but ASK QUESTIONS and LISTEN - don't tell them anything about YOUR 'fade'.
so, i have it on very good authority that a co has recently been disfellowshipped in the uk.
he has just finished serving the north west london area.
i don't know any details but perhaps there is someone who does know what happened.
"Maybe he was disfellowshipped because of what ziddina suggested he would do and already did: started drinking heavily, turned to drugs and committed acts of sexual immorality. Really, I hate to specualte on that. It makes me feel just like the witlesses who just repeat gossip about some disfellowhipped person. I was a victim of that type of gossip even though I had not been disfellowshipped. Come to think of it, I probably agreed with and abeted some opinions about someone who was disfellowshipped without having all the information. Stupid me." Etude, page - uh, 3??
I suggested that as ironic humor!!! It's typical of ALL disfellowhippings - well, of the Rank&File, at least - that the special "talk" given after the disfellowshipment OR disassociation tends to "SUGGEST" something lascivious...
ESPECIALLY if the person leaves due to finding out the TRUTH about "The Truth ™ ".
so, i have it on very good authority that a co has recently been disfellowshipped in the uk.
he has just finished serving the north west london area.
i don't know any details but perhaps there is someone who does know what happened.
Hmmm.... Wonder if he'll start drinking heavily, turn to drugs, commit acts of sexual immorality, now that he's disfellowshipped...
Or maybe all that was happening BEFORE he was disfellowshipped???
i thought this quote on msn regarding all the interest in end of the world stuff because of today's date 12/12/12 and the 21st as the end of the mayan calendar.. "figuring out when it all comes crashing down isn't easy, though.
the jehovah's witnesses, for example, have predicted the end of the world at least four times, only to be forced to backtrack.
"..."Figuring out when it all comes crashing down isn't easy, though. The Jehovah's Witnesses, for example, have predicted the end of the world at least four times, only to be forced to backtrack." ..." OP
What, ONLY "four" times??? That can't be right - I think it's more like six times, at least...