You might try
i ordered this book and read it a few years ago, and it resonated greatly with me.
i don't agree with all of it, but i haven't found many books that i agree with 100%, particularly those dealing with the bible.. i have recommended this book before on this forum for those questioning the logistics of the bible (genesis in particular) and i have just discovered that nate has offered the book now as a free pdf.
(incidentally, nate used to post here at jwd/jwn a few years ago, but that was before my time.).
You might try
i am in urgent need of a medical professional (in coaatal carolina are - between charleston and savannah) for my jw wife -blood count dangerously low.. released from hospital with blood count at 5.5 and "there is nothing else we can do for you here that you cannot do at home (iron supplements, high iron/protein diet)..
I thank you all for your replies. blondie, is an outstanding source of information and I would suggest it to anyone - JWs particularly.
My wife's blood count is now at a near normal 9.7
I was amazed to find that on an issue that WTS seems to place so much emphasis on, they do not have a viable support system directed and coordinated at national/international level. The idea that local leaders are capable of identifying health care professionals (JWs or otherwise) who practice the organizations noblood protocols is ludicrous. I am sure that there are health care professionals who are WTS members - at the very least the organization should have a directory for its members.
i am in urgent need of a medical professional (in coaatal carolina are - between charleston and savannah) for my jw wife -blood count dangerously low.. released from hospital with blood count at 5.5 and "there is nothing else we can do for you here that you cannot do at home (iron supplements, high iron/protein diet)..
Dear Stonewall, PSacramento and Wobble,
My wife is a baptized JW and other than during the time of her recent hospitalization has never missed any kind of gathering.
She has been in contact with brothers, elders and committees - they met with attending physicians and I thought they were very confrontational.
I finally got it across to them that it was up to them to give the doctors alternatives to blood transfusion and they ultimately did . The physicians applied all JW initiatives including EPO.
I am suprised that an international organization like WTS does not have a list of professionals to address an issue they deem so important. The local honchos did not have and and have no knowledge of such a list.
Saddly at this point I have to agree with Wobble "If the issue is a low blood count then there really isn't much any medical professional can do outside what would be the correct thing to do"
Thansk for your comments
i am in urgent need of a medical professional (in coaatal carolina are - between charleston and savannah) for my jw wife -blood count dangerously low.. released from hospital with blood count at 5.5 and "there is nothing else we can do for you here that you cannot do at home (iron supplements, high iron/protein diet)..
I am in urgent need of a medical professional (in coaatal Carolina are - between Charleston and Savannah) for my JW wife -blood count dangerously low.
Released from hospital with blood count at 5.5 and "there is nothing else we can do for you here that you cannot do at home (iron supplements, high iron/protein diet).
i am new to the group.
i joined to get some feel, at least, for how i might improve my lifelong relationship with my jw wife.
i am lifelong roman catholic.
To ALL OF YOU your thoughtful comments have been informative and helpful. It pretty much boils down to keep doing what you are doing.
Cameo-d “alter” normally means to change; I don’t understand the psycho-babble meaning so I can’t answer your question?
Kitten Whiskers the difference between your father and I is I don’t go anywhere near the KH unless it is to drop my wife off when she has car troubles but your Mom’s reaction to others preaching to your Dad validate my perception of why she acts the way she does (she has never explained it). Thanks
Chalom I pray daily to our Lord that my wife and I have a true and understanding love for Him; that we have faith and trust in Him; that He give us the grace to live with each other in peace and harmony; that we always bear with each other’s weaknesses and grow from each others strengths. I ask Him to forgive our failings and grant us patience, kindness, cheerfulness and the ability to place one another ahead of self; I pray that the love that brought us together will grow and mature with each passing year.
i am new to the group.
i joined to get some feel, at least, for how i might improve my lifelong relationship with my jw wife.
i am lifelong roman catholic.
In response to all your comments:
Hope4Others - my wife as been a JW approximately 40 years. “mindset and fear that haunts most jw’s” I have observed. They seem to be in constant fear of anything that doesn’t originate from the society (brothers, overseers, etc).
Fatfreek : My wife and I have known each other all of our lives. She was a JW at the time we married. Her hesitance in saying yes was because she knew that I would not marry without a priest to witness (ir was possible for a JW “minister” to participate but she said that was impossible). The compromise she found acceptable was to be married in a non-denominational chapel without a religious ceremony (nuptial Mass). I am not sure what “marrying outside the truth” means. If it means a marriage ceremony such as ours - none of her JW brothers and sisters know that.
Farkel : Me a “prospect”. I don’t think I am viewed as such. Every now and then I am approached in public by a member of my wife’s congregation and I politely reject the materials offered and indicate that I have access to at home to any that I may want. Which leads to explain that my wife is a member of their congregation. Itell them her name and they all know her and in turn introduce themselves. When I return home and tell my wife that I met “whoever”. She gets upset and says she is going to talk to them - like if I am a prospect, I am hers to develop.
Outlaw : I am aware of the official JW position on Roman Catholics and it is not much different from that of other spiritual/religious groups. “Once you becomes a Jehovah’s Witness, your going to have to give up Jesus>” means I would never even consider becoming a JW because I could never consider giving up Jesus. I know you are not kidding.
Black Sheep : The children? 3 now adults. In childhood I did not object to them from going to KH with their mother and very often they insisted on attending Mass with me. For the most part their questions were directed to me. What has been the result - we have one agnostic, one Catholic and one JW.
Mouthy : I know more than a few Catholics who have moved to other denominations, including JW.
In my discussions with them I have found that the reasons they give for leaving were not valid - they cite “teachings” of the Catholic Church that do not exist. They do not have a strong catechetical foundation and that is the fault of the Church they have left.
Satanus: Geting her out would of course be the ideal solution. But it is something that has to be done without alienating her. I have found that in changing a person you may be creating your own monster. The new person is not the person you knew before, not the person you loved. Moreover, “for better or worse” is our commitment.
i am new to the group.
i joined to get some feel, at least, for how i might improve my lifelong relationship with my jw wife.
i am lifelong roman catholic.
I am new to the group. I joined to get some feel, at least, for how I might improve my lifelong relationship with my JW wife. I am lifelong Roman Catholic. Reading dozens of postings on the subject of relationships (marital or otherwise) between JWs and non-JWs it would seem to be a relationship doomed from the start.
I am beginning to think that our relationship is all that it can ever be. All the posts I have read indicate that I will never be socially accepted, yet my experience has been the opposite. Whenever my wife and/or her JW sisters and brothers plan a social event I have been invited and the few times I have attended, I have been treated cordially. I don’t attend very often because the conversation is always JW centered. I have always been invited to the memorial but have always declined because I have no desire to experience a symbol of what I believe to be a reality.
I did once agree to attend a convention with my wife (attend beyond driving her there and then otherwise occupying myself while the convention took place). When I entered the auditorium I was made aware of the theme “What Did Jesus Hate?” I knew I was in the wrong place. I am not sure that He ever said he hated anything. I guess one could say what He didn’t love, He hated, but His emphasis was always on love. I left before it got underway. I have not been to another convention - it seems there are new rules restrict reservations at “contracted” hotels to JWs. That would not stop me if I wanted to go - I can always make my own reservation. But the restrictions tells me I am not wanted there.
As for her attending my social events. She often does once she is able to overcome her JW mindset and can hide in the Ladies room until opening prayer and/or pledge of allegiance is completed. Our conversations are never faith-centered but about the secular aspects family, friends, community, travel, etc. She is wholly accepted by my circle of friends and associates (yes they know she is JW).
Your comments about a JW-nonJW relationship have me thinking that I have it better than most. I look forward to your comments.