It's interesting how the "control" creeps into every aspect of your life. I definately feel like that boiled frog... The cranked up the heat one degree at a time and I was in hot water and didnt even know it.
Darth Fader
i remember a talk that was delivered at an assembly a while back that was repeated many times in my old hall and i remember it had a line in it that had one of those effects on people like they would go into a silent trance.
if you were allowed to "oooh!
" or "awe!
It's interesting how the "control" creeps into every aspect of your life. I definately feel like that boiled frog... The cranked up the heat one degree at a time and I was in hot water and didnt even know it.
Darth Fader
I've been watching ot for the past couple of hours... It's a very "Us verses Them" mentality. "Our proposal will save x% and provide better services.. blah blan blah..."
One thing I see here is that there it a huge amount "blowing smoke." I dont beleive any of these guys statements of "Facts ang figures".. Is there anyone who really knows the "facts" and has hard data to prove it?
Frustrating.. the more things change the more they stay the same.
Darth Fader.
i knew jws that watched cinderella and sleeping beauty ,snow white ,wizard of oz etc so why arnt they allowed to watch the more modern films with "magic" and "wizardery"in them?
it makes no sense , did anyone ever question that ?
on a different note i remember it being announced that the full monty was banned (you dont even see anything )lol.
The WTBS is secretly run by small blue wizards... they are trying to stamp out any competition...
Darth Fader
here in the uk over the last couple of years i hear more about people leaving/being removed due to apostasy?
do you think this is true or is it because my radar is up and listening?.
We have better tools and methods of communitation with the Internet and this forum.. So I think it's two-fold. An increase in ones seeing "the light" and leaving and the ability for them to easily come to places like JWN..
Darth Fader
Regarding Halley's comments, I think the "statue of the bible" has two left arms and a missing eyeball.. Also I think there are a number of books that should be included in bible cannon (Enoch for instance) that are missing entirely -- maybe missing vital organs??
Darth Fader
i get this statement all the time from my jw family.
that this system is in satan's control.
or that "this or that" is put here to test our faith.
I must have read verse 16 a million times -- Its so clear now that "the world" is the desire of the eyes/flesh and the showy display (I read them as excesses of life)... So, the world is not about having a meal with friends, going to a movie, donating blood, voting or even (gasp) higher education.
Darth Fader
how can i be rid of my gravatar it has followed me even though i've had to change my username because of being rumbled & i find it an intrusion.. any advice would be greatly appreciated.. hoab.
I have a similar concern that the exact same gravatars are shared by all systems. I am on this forum semi-anonomyously, but there are other forums that I am on openly (technical forums) which both share the same gravatar. It seems that if I registered at the different forums using the same email address, Im stuck with the same Gravatar image for all of them. I consider it a slight privacy issue.
If anyone has a way around this... "Im all ears"
Darth Fader
hello all my jwn friends.. .
i felt the need to share what i have heard recently.
i have a very close friend who has a brother who is an economist.
I would question if the guy has something to gain by his doom and gloom story...
Some wild optimists or pessimists are that way for a rea$on...
Darth Fader
i've been reading about "mean world syndrome" and was wondering about its impact on the jw mindset.
we take in a large amount of news media that mostly reports "negative" stories (wars, natural disasters, crime, failing economy and bad traffic).
this tends to alter our thinking that these are common occurrences.
Shamus, paranoia indeed! I try to combat that with a good dose of logic and rationality, but those tools seem to be missing from the JW toolbag.
Thanks all!
Darth Fader
i get this statement all the time from my jw family.
that this system is in satan's control.
or that "this or that" is put here to test our faith.
Great points!
Elsewhere, I love the FSM -- "May he touch me with his noodily appendages."
Outlaw, "Metric System"... LOL!
MS, Thanks for the review of those scriptures. Great perspecitve - sometimes it's best to fight fire with fire.
Darth Fader