Ive only read the 1st page so far, but from what Ive read...I dont expect he'll ask you to contribute to conversations much in the future...lol. Not unless he's done a stack of research and feels armed to support his theories. You have nothing to worry about, no damage control. As long as you're not baptised, you have nothing to fear.
JoinedPosts by wantstoleave
Unloaded on the husband of my wife's study sister last night, how much damage did I do to myself??
by insearchoftruth inwell had a really good weekend away from home, but i guess i knew that the respite from the wts would end.
tuesdays are the day my wife has her personal bible study with the sister and she has also had the husband come over on tuesday afternoons so the son can have the pleasure of a bible study (which he loathes, he is a high school junior and has no interest in this stuff).
i get home from work late, after a fairly long day and the guy is still there.
Is this Kingdom Hall Creepy?
by kurtbethel inthis is a hall in oceanside, california.
it is hidden away from the street on a nondescript lane.. .
no windows!.
Where I am every KH has windows and lots of them. I've never seen one with none. When I visited overseas, I was surprised at how the halls either had no windows, or bars on them. I was told it was for safety that there were no windows. That noone could break in, or take a pot shot with a gun through the window.
Even in their prayers they prove that they are a cult.
by Sour Grapes inat the meeting sunday the brother giving one of the prayers said.
"that we than you for your organization because people who are outside.
of the congregation are corrupt and wicked.".
I don't say 'amen' to prayers I don't agree with. In fact, I don't say amen very often. I think amen means something like 'I agree' or 'so be it', so if I don't agree with it, I don't say amen :) And some of their prayers rabbit on for soooooo long. You can see the elderly wobbling, little kids fidgeting and getting annoyed and others just about nodding off!
Did your big toe get baptized? Did they re-dunk you?
by Open mind inbro.
all three of us, ms. hydrophobia, bro.
I know two people who were double dipped. One was already embarrassed enough being wet in front of hundreds of people, let alone having to re-dunked. I remember a brother saying to me after I got baptised 'do you feel any different?'. I was bewildered. 'Different?'....what did he mean? I mumbled something like 'Um yes, I do' because I felt it was the answer he was looking for (even though I felt NO different to pre-dunking). His face lit up and he said I'd received holy spirit and that when he'd been baptised he felt full of spirit too....and everything looked different and better.
I smiled politely, but then felt bad because I'd not felt that. I was a very naive 16yr old, who now thought her baptism wasn't legit and that Jehovah didn't want me because I didn't feel the holy spirit. Bah!
Recent Example of Molestation Policy
by xelder inin the 80's a very righteous elder in our congregation was caught molesting his 2 stepdaughters.
he was df'd.
within 5 years he was 60 miles down the road serving as an elder in another congregation.
I like the idea of the anonymous letter and photo :) Good thinking!
Please give me advice only if you are a whitness
by littlefry11 inso heres the situation.
my whole family is jehovah whitness's.
my grandfather is a po.
If he's been audited, is that the same as an investigation? Wouldn't he have to stop business? I'm not familiar on auditing and what it involves, but if he's found to be doing things illegally, then surely they would have put him out of business? Or at least given him time to clean up his act?
Please give me advice only if you are a whitness
by littlefry11 inso heres the situation.
my whole family is jehovah whitness's.
my grandfather is a po.
Sounds like your grandfather is a bit shifty. He is cheating the system and getting away with it. If you feel strongly enough about it, you could report it anonymously I'm sure. I guess you could weigh it up if it was worth it or not. Also, do the employers mind that he does this? If they don't have a problem with it, I can't see him getting caught out any time soon. Unfortunately he's just one of many sneaky people around. Even JWs sometimes slip up and make mistakes. But an ongoing illegal one like this, well, it's not right. And yes, it gives the JWs a worse name, because if nothing else, they are seen to be exemplary members of society. So for him to be doing this, it's wrong on so many levels.
Side note, they aren't called PO's (presiding overseers) anymore. They have a more general label, to make it so that no one elder is seen as having more authority than the next. Though I can't remember the new title lol.
Oooooucccch!! Anyone got links to the other stories bluecanary talked about?
Has anyone dealt with custody issues after leaving?
by ~Jen~ ini left my husband at the end of june.
we were having a lot of issues in our marriage that i tried to talk about and he refused to see or even acknowledge.
me leaving was the final straw but to him i just up and left for "no reason".
Sounds like the lawyer is playing mind games. Also, go with your gut feeling. If you think your ex is telling lies, then he probably is. Mine did it to me, the worst garbage you could ever think of - and I was still a witness! If you know you've done nothing wrong, then don't sweat it. Hang tight. Make sure you've told your lawyer everything. Keep all documents, they will come in handy. The supporting evidence such as Doctor and employment records will be a lifesaver. A judge cant grant him things on the basis of you not being a witness, that would be ludicrous. So just sit tight, stay calm and if you come into contact with him before it goes to court, be wise with your words - he may just be taping you or having someone watch so they can be a 'witness' to your manner and actions.
You said you talked to him at a meeting. Are you looking to be reinstated?
Wishing you all the best...my turn for similar is next month.
Thanks Dissed :) Not out of line at all. In some ways I have felt like a weight has been lifted these past few days, just by getting to know people just like me, who feel the same way. Im not familiar with Educating Rita....lol