Ahhhh now I understand! Because if it were only talking about those pre-1914, then they'd be mighty old by now...and if some were to still be alive for Armageddon, then it would mean it's really, really soon. Right, I get it now...thanks for that!!
JoinedPosts by wantstoleave
1914 - what is the gist?
by wantstoleave inso, i'm totally confused about the whole 1914 thing.
maybe i missed out on hearing the new line of thinking regarding it, i don't know.
so what is the latest thinking regarding it?
Question on Divorce when NOT scrip free.
by wantstoleave inhope some light can be shed for me here :).
to cut a long story short, ex left me well over a year ago and filed divorce proceedings on me from another country.
was thrown out of court as the jurisdiction wasn't correct.
Thankyou for that :)
Garrido was a "very absorbed" Jehovah's Witness
by skeeter1 inthe most disturbed people flock to the most demanding religions..... this article gives me yet another perspective as to why the jehovah's witnesses attract and retain child abusers and molestors.. http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2009/09/12/us/ap-us-garrido-and-god.html.
garrido's twisted path led often to god.
by the associated press .
I didn't realise his wife was once a witness? I thought only his mother was. Does the WTS ever formally distance themselves by media coverage from someone not connected? I didn't know that. Gees, where have I been?!?! Lol.
1914 - what is the gist?
by wantstoleave inso, i'm totally confused about the whole 1914 thing.
maybe i missed out on hearing the new line of thinking regarding it, i don't know.
so what is the latest thinking regarding it?
Thanks Chris. I read it all the way through..but need someone to explain it in lamens terms....Or is it just the fact that some of the remnant will still be alive when the tribulation starts? Is that all that the 'new light' on the generation meant? Thanks :)
Question on Divorce when NOT scrip free.
by wantstoleave inhope some light can be shed for me here :).
to cut a long story short, ex left me well over a year ago and filed divorce proceedings on me from another country.
was thrown out of court as the jurisdiction wasn't correct.
Hope some light can be shed for me here :)
To cut a long story short, ex left me well over a year ago and filed divorce proceedings on me from another country. Was thrown out of court as the jurisdiction wasn't correct. Fast forward to today and I have now filed divorce and it will go through next month. I have not informed the elders. He attends meetings overseas. I attend meetings here (though infrequently). We have children together. He has not contacted us at all since leaving.
So, I am divorcing the *%$!!!* to put it nicely :)
My question is this: Can I be Disfellowshipped for divorcing him, given neither of us has committed adultery? (well, so he says, I don't believe him).
Your opinion please
by sspo injust wondering what all of you experts would do if you were in my shoes and of course i realize we are all different and there is no right answer.. i was a jw for over 3 decades and very active, served mostly as elder for those many years.... won't give you all the details but wife divorced me for being an "apostate" "spiritual endangerment" even though there was.
no ground for scriptural divorce.
i was never df or da.. she's waiting for me to commit adultery and write a letter for her to be given to the elders.
Jamie, how come the elders Df you? From what you wrote, they didn't have grounds...so why did they Df you? I ask because I am divorcing my ex, neither of us are scripturally free. We both still attend meetings (he in another country, me inactively). I have not told the elders my plans. Should I expect them knocking on my door? Thanks for your help in advance...
JW diseases
by highdose inon the subject of health matters i was mentaly listing all the comman illnesses that the dubs lay claim to, most of the time this is self diagnosed and with no imput from a dr. in fact the comman story is that "the drs won't belive me!".
a large number of jw's i knew went and got tested for allergies, this was the big thing for years.
every single one of them turned out to be allgeric to the same stuff ( wheat, dairy, sugar) ... i should point out that they all went to the one "dr" for this, the "dr" in question had never had any medical training and had done only a basic course.
Yes, Fibromyalgia and CFS are prevalent in the KH's. As are allergies to perfumes and the like. I think in today's society, so fast paced and then with the added pressures of meeting attendance and field service, noone gets a chance to relax. People who work full time, then have their weekend full of meetings and service never get a break. They don't have a chance to wind down and take things leisurely. There's always somewhere to be. I think this is in part why the meeting hours were changed and bookstudy dropped. Maybe they realised people can't 'do it all'.
Along with all these illnesses comes people who don't understand, don't care and think it's all in the mind. Shepherding calls, 'encouragment' from elders wives follow, yet all you are is utterly exhausted and worn out. The last thing you need is to be told how much more you should be doing.
has anyone ever had a bronchoscopy?
by tsar_robles ini just did a week ago and slowly recovering.
i had biopsies done along with a lavage... i've visited the er twice in the past 4 days for chest pain and suffocation... yet all ct scans and vitals are ok. .
i am fine as long as i am resting but as soon as i do light activities i quickly get fatigued and when i've continued then chest pressure develops and i end up in the er.... my pulmonologist doesnt know why... any experiences welcome.
I had one done when I was 8. Apparently it just came back saying I had asthma. I was then given 2 inhalers, which I lost when I moved house. I never had asthma bad though, very mild. Only 2 asthma attacks in my life. I haven't used an inhaler for years now. I hope your results turn out ok!
has your life been "blessed" since leaving?
by tigeress inwhile in the org we are constantly told that if we just tow the line and behave that will we be blessed and everything we want will come to us.
personaly i havn't found that to be the case in the 30 years i spent trying to tow the line.. but now i've left wonderfull things are starting to happen in my life and i'm so very happy!.
so i wondered, have you encountered more "blessings" or less since leaving?.
Good topic! This is one of the things hampering me right now. I was always told the same thing. And, I must say, to some extent, I had alot of good things happen to me (especially when ex left)....that everyone always attributed to Jehovah. So much so that the past few days I've been on this board, I've been going back and forth in my mind with the 'what ifs'....such as blessings. If I were to leave, how would I cope? I would lose Jehovah's blessings. Then I have to ask myself, were they ever really there? Or, like with other human beings who have good things happen to them - was it just luck, or my own hard work or things just 'falling into place'. I know for certain that if I left, my parents would say 'but Jehovah has blessed you so much, don't abandon him'.
Garrido was a "very absorbed" Jehovah's Witness
by skeeter1 inthe most disturbed people flock to the most demanding religions..... this article gives me yet another perspective as to why the jehovah's witnesses attract and retain child abusers and molestors.. http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2009/09/12/us/ap-us-garrido-and-god.html.
garrido's twisted path led often to god.
by the associated press .
Thanks for the clarification Black Sheep :) I knew it was some time ago, wasn't sure when exactly. I wonder though if the elders ever visited her, shepherding calls? Surely they did? Or they would have at least had others visit her? I find it strange that if she were still a witness, and brothers visited her, that they never picked up on anything. Then again, some of the man's neighbours didn't even know what was going on in the backyard.