Maybe our brains just aren't cut out for this. We only use 2%, so there's a whole other 98% waiting to be used. IF we were to one day be perfect, then perhaps we would gain full function of our brain and be able to understand all the things we don't currently. Right now we just can't comprehend and fathom much of the logistics of 'what is to come', regarding resurrection, bringing back the person as he/she was etc. But if we were using a higher percentage of our brain, then maybe we could.
I don't know. Just throwing some thoughts out there. I have struggled for many years on thoughts like these, things the human brain cannot presently understand. It all becomes ' what if' and alot of guesswork. But if Jehovah did create this earth, then he certainly has the power to do anything he so wishes. Whether that be bring those he chooses back to life, or to cause heavenly events or bring on the tribulation/armageddon.