Ed, good point. But nowdays, isn't the spelling adjusted for differing countries? Or have I just not looked at a WT in a long time? Lol...I think I'll go check..
JoinedPosts by wantstoleave
Brits, Scots, and SA's Don't Know How to Spell
by snowbird inon the handy ladies thread, i noticed that loubelle mentioned changing tyres..
it's t-i-r-e.. also, a car has a hood - not bonnet.. and, it's organization - not organisation.. sheesh!.
Tsunami and Earthquake
by stillajwexelder injust want to let you all know, jws at kh last night prayed for all at the brothers in american samoa affected by the tsunami - but not anybody else - just the jws were prayed for.
PS - I figured that question would come :) I've had it on my mind since the other day. I'm off to check out those links and take a deep breath...
What was going on this past week with the JW's?
by Melody Blankenship inthey were not "open for business" on thursday or sunday.
was there a convention going on somewhere?
In my area a whole week of meetings has been cancelled due to a single assembly day too. Sometimes the elders like to 'double up' on meetings, so that they can have the extra day off. It's happened more than once. Even when it was bookstudy night, the conductor would sometimes ask if we'd like to study 2 sections, and miss the next week (if he was going away etc). It's happened many times in the main meetings too.
You are Still Special After Exiting the Witnesses-You Have a Purpose in Life
by flipper ini wanted to post this as we have so many new ones on the board here - i thought they might benefit from some uplifting words from steve hassan's book " releasing the bonds " .
many newly exiting the jw 's feel lost , like they don't know what to do , or where to turn, what causes that ?
notice these quotes from steve hassan .. on pg.
Thanks Flipper!!! Well timed for all us newbies :)
Did being JW help you cope with death?
by KDubbz ini was thinking about this today.
i remember when i attended meetings and conventions with my parents when i was growing up, i would run into some jws who said they were able to cope with death of their loved ones better due to the fact that they will be resurrected in the "new world" which gave them hope.
i find this partially true because they were given a false hope of being in the "new world" and seeing their loved ones again.
KDubbz, yes I think it does help them cope with death. Simply because it is a hope they have. Kind of like other christians who believe in heaven. Same kind of prospect of seeing that loved one again. I know it has helped me when I've had friends/family die. Of course it's still heartbreaking, but you hold onto the hope of the resurrection. Do I believe it now? I don't know. I'm still searching for answers. It's a nice prospect, as is heaven. Having said that, if one of my parents or siblings or children died tomorrow, I don't know what I'd do. Stay a witness or live with the thought I may never see them again. Tough one.
Lol....Billabong is a major surfie here. Probably THE most popular one in fact. Very pricey, but very cool :) And not only surfers wear it. Everyone does. Did you like Waltzing Matilda? Beautiful little song.
I think sometimes elders like to nitpick. I have to be honest, haven't come across it much in my current KH. But in the past I did. I remember once going on the field with my family. Got to the territory, and the elder comes over to the car as we were all getting out. He says to me (I was 13 at the time, unbaptised)....'You need to go home and change your skirt'. I asked him why. Meantime my dad is walking over, because he's annoyed the elder didn't go to him, justifiably. He says that because the skirt sits on my knees, its too short. I burst into tears. I tell him its the only skirt I had, that I was out here to witness, not be judged on my clothes. My dad is by my side by this time and tells the elder that I've grown recently (I'd shot up fast) and that they didn't have the money to buy me anything. The elders response? 'Go to an op shop'. I told him I wasn't going home, that Jehovah wouldn't mind my skirt sitting on my knees and that besides, 'you see more in a pair of bathers than what I've got on'. He had no reply :)
From then on, I made sure that my skirts were that length, even a bit shorter :) My mum was annoyed at me, but I told her I wasn't there to be criticised for my skirt, that Jehovah was the one that mattered. I got the 'skirt' talk many times more over the years. Elders even got their wives to approach me. But they eventually gave up, because I was very forceful with my 'I can't afford it' or 'this skirt is fine'. One time though, a sister and her daughter came into my workplace, in front of ALL my customers and told me in no uncertain times that I needed to buy a new skirt, that I showed too much knee, and I was setting a bad example. She said everyone was talking about it. I asked her who. She wouldnt tell me. I told her she had an obligation to tell me. She refused and started YELLING at me! I was mortified! Showing too much knee? !!
That night my dad hauled the elders in, and got the matter sorted. The sister came to our house, with the elders. She denied everything!!!! I told her I could get all my workmates as witnesses. The elders answer? 'They are worldly and will lie for you'. What a joke!!! My mum by this stage errupted with 'get out of my house! Dont you ever call my daughter a liar!'. They all promptly left :) Next meeting, I had to act like nothing had happened. I kept my skirts. Noone ever bothered me again :)
I Don't Have to Be "RIGHT" Anymore.
by OnTheWayOut infor the record, i don't believe in the god of the bible, and i find it hard to believe in the god of any religion on earth.
i am closest to atheist in my beliefs if you want a traditional title, but i prefer "rationalist.
" i will do god's will for me when he directly tells me what it is.
Great thread!
I love anything philosophical, the deeper thinking but of course, growing up a JW, was told NOT to indulge in that kind of thinking. The more I am on this site, the more I realise how brainwashed members of the organisation are. How they all just follow a leader like lost sheep, without ever questioning or doing any research of their own. They take what is said as gospel and don't for a second think outside the square. I have always been disgusted with how they think they are the only 'right' ones, and everyone else is going to die. That anyone besides a JW is wicked and unworthy of calling a friend. That to me has never been a loving attitude, so I never adopted it. Perhaps my first 'undoing'.
I regret not taking Philosophy as a topic during my University studies, but was being a 'good girl'. I regret arguing the 'Peace/dove' association when I was a mere 5yrs old at school to the teacher. She treated me like crap from then on, but I was being a good little witness. How I longed to sing the national anthem, and feel a sense of pride and connection to my country.
But never have I thought other religions were wrong. Perhaps while a good JW, I may have seen them as misguided, but ultimately I knew God would be the judge, not me. So I've always treated people with respect. Maybe I can open my eyes even further now, and take in all the beauty around me, the good out there, and stop thinking this is the end and I'm going to die.
Question on Divorce when NOT scrip free.
by wantstoleave inhope some light can be shed for me here :).
to cut a long story short, ex left me well over a year ago and filed divorce proceedings on me from another country.
was thrown out of court as the jurisdiction wasn't correct.
Thanks for the research Blondie :) You're a wealth of information. Are you still 'in', or fading or out?
Brits, Scots, and SA's Don't Know How to Spell
by snowbird inon the handy ladies thread, i noticed that loubelle mentioned changing tyres..
it's t-i-r-e.. also, a car has a hood - not bonnet.. and, it's organization - not organisation.. sheesh!.
Oh, oh and we call a trunk a 'boot'. I liked that comment about how not all Scots would like being called a Brit..lol. My family is all English/Scottish and that's how we differentiate it. 'You' are English and 'they' are Scottish...lol. The Scots have alot of pride in their origins :) (which are mainly Irish...lol).
If you pray, do you say 'Jehovah'...?
by wantstoleave injust wondering of those that pray and who have left the organisation, do you still address god as jehovah?.
i think i'm currently in that awkward stage where i'm neither in or out, yet don't feel i should even address, or have the right, to talk to god (jehovah) until i decide where i sit.
so i'm wondering if it's hypocritical to pray and use his name.
Thanks everyone :) And Yknot, thanks for me being on a prayer list, thats comforting :)