Naeblis says:
True, but you can't really compare Jesus to justamom can you? Jesus had a mandate and a mission. Does Justamom? Besides poking her finger into the Jw's eye?
If you do not consider the witnesses the true religion, why would you go to their ceremonies and partake of something they consider sacred? Why not do it at home?? If not for the reason that you simply wish to cause trouble, and do not care who you bother. You are as bad as they are.
This is so reasonable Im[:O}
I don't believe this is the whole story . They probably made a scene at one time or another.
In one cong I was in someone took the emblems and the brothers felt the speaker didn't do his job with the talk. He was welcomed back next year and they held their breath waiting to see if he partook.
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.