metatron and dino, Any hope of having my questions above answered?
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
amnesty int'l, along with other human rights groups, are frequently.
called upon to defend jehovah's witnesses.
for example, a witness.
metatron and dino, Any hope of having my questions above answered?
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
he is here to remind us of how easily we could be led into putting off our lives and waiting and waiting and waiting for the end, instead of living a good happy satisfying life now.. each of us could make a list of the regrets we have because of putting things off until after the end.. so, thankfully we have you know here to remind us that we are living the real life now.. joel
Well, what do "You Know" he's been a Witness after all...hehehe
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
i recently started dating my neighbor.
a couple of nights into the late night talks, he told me the reason he hasn't dated in awhile is beacuse he is a witness.
i was surprised, but okay with it.
Not another one! Butal maybe you could start an online support group just for this...
Sorry, itsalingthing you have my condolences!You have a difficult time ahead of you. As they said just run as fast as you can!!!
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
below is my letter to the editor for my local paper.. also, i copied and sent to this paper the "press release" by silentlambs.. the scandal within the catholic church that has been brought to light recently is abhorant.
the sexual abuse of children and it's coverup is inexcusable.
can you imagine the outcry if the catholic church began to excommunicate both those who bring this tragedy to light and the victims for going public?.
Yerusalyim, Don't fall off your chair or anything, but I agree with you on this one, hun! Very nice letter, how many newspapers in your region?
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
.....have already died.. they have given over any semblance of a normal life to a kult korporation that just continues to feed on their fears.
they might as well be dead.. many of the millions who were alive when that statement was made *did* die, waiting in vain to get the don lapre shortcut to financial prosperity and happiness.
they mistakenly thought if they just put in a little more time here, host another co there, they would get the house of their dreams in the real soon now paradise that is perpetually "just around the corner.".
Lisa say
.....have already died.
Lisa you crack me up!!! Of course people dying and sadly sacrificing their lives isn't funny but how you introduced this topic is funny. And it's oh so TRUE!!!!
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
anyone have any opinions on what effect the new massachusetts law will have on dubba's?
(priests have 30 days to report any sexual abuse-or they will face criminal charges).
if you ask me, i foresee the borg's defense as:'we don't have priests, therefore the law does not apply to us'(by altering their terminology they can create loopholes).
Of course, they are only clergy if it benefits them. When taxes are due some utilize the ministers tax form to take credits for expenses in service. This is a way to nail a few when evading responsibility.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
i am looking for more scriptures that can prove to a jehovah witness that god is jesus, and jesus is god.i found only one verse so far in 1jo:5:20: and we know that the son of god is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his son jesus christ.
this is the true god, and eternal life.. if you know more scriptures that say directly that god is jesus please tell me the verses the jhw will see plainly that jesus is no way an angel, and he is jehovah god almighty.. my friend said if i can prove by the bible only that jesus is god he will leave the jhw society, and he will know that they are teaching lies and they would be to him a dogma religious sect.
my friend gave me a booklet called should you believe in the trinity?, and is jesus christ the almighty god.
Little Toe you know I'm just ....teasing you
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
what a blast!.
it was sooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooood to be there.
anyone who was there that wouldn't mind having pix posted, let me know so i can post some more.
Mony,are these all the naked PICS? Bare need more flesh next time... Of course nudity is just for arts know!
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
sorry for the bum steer qwerty, i am the one who emailed you before.
i have figured out what my problem was - so i can now post - yipeee!.
i asked a sister with conections to find out about brother algar, i will let you know when she gets back to me.
could you put a title on your post? It's a little
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
what a blast!.
it was sooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooood to be there.
anyone who was there that wouldn't mind having pix posted, let me know so i can post some more.
Were's the naked PICS? Mony, are you keeping them to yourself? What kind of apostates are you? Where's the immorality? *sigh* You Toranto apostates need more training in the debauchery dept...
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc