What are the leaf's lol I'm completely ignorant about sports...lol
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
i have been holding back through the first two rounds as i get to excited to shout and scream.
today for the first time i drove around with my flag on the truck.
i can`t get my hopes up to soon as i usually do but i can`t hold back any longer "i am weak"!.
What are the leaf's lol I'm completely ignorant about sports...lol
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
let's see how long the wbts can continue to waffle on this issue.... telling their members that the elders are "appointed by god" and yet when they make a mistake, claiming that they are merely "untrained volunteers.".
i have never known exactly how "elders" are chosen and what the process is when a recommendation goes to brooklyn.
all i've ever heard is "the gb prays over the issue.
They never mention all the a** kissing one must do to even become an elder...lol
Yes, they are not perfect but they expect publishers to be...I've seen elders and their wives slander people right in the KH and no one was counseled they are just imperfect. If a reg publisher did that they would be reproved.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
the scripture below the image is written in dutch.
read the scripture in your native language and tell me what you think.
Well..give a man who has low self esteem a some power over others..and yes he can be dangerous to others. It depends on the individual.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
dear friends:.
please be very careful about information you post here, and in private e-mail, particularly if you send e-mail to the individual who posts under the moniker "anewperson".. "anewperson" has time and time again completely ignored the court order restricting public release of information that could reveal shunned father's identity to people who are aware of his court case, leaving him liable for fines by the court, when he is already deeply in debt for legal expenses.
"anewperson" has divulged shunned dad's name, place of employment and work e-mail address on multiple occasions.
Blue...You sent email to anewperson?
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
dear friends:.
please be very careful about information you post here, and in private e-mail, particularly if you send e-mail to the individual who posts under the moniker "anewperson".. "anewperson" has time and time again completely ignored the court order restricting public release of information that could reveal shunned father's identity to people who are aware of his court case, leaving him liable for fines by the court, when he is already deeply in debt for legal expenses.
"anewperson" has divulged shunned dad's name, place of employment and work e-mail address on multiple occasions.
There are many without conscience not just Sociopaths. Certainly anewperson is deluded...no doubt. I'm hesitant to Dx someone without more information.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
may is national masturbation month........with all the sex that hits this forum, i cant believe i havent seen this thread yet.
(maybe i missed it).....anyhow, have fun.. .
Every month is masturbation month...lol
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
i guess lb isn't gonna like this at all...sorry dude.... http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2002220605,00.html.
"if men were like their personal ads, they wouldn't need personal ads.
thanks for the info..I was really worried about that..stayed awake at night over it...
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
dear friends:.
please be very careful about information you post here, and in private e-mail, particularly if you send e-mail to the individual who posts under the moniker "anewperson".. "anewperson" has time and time again completely ignored the court order restricting public release of information that could reveal shunned father's identity to people who are aware of his court case, leaving him liable for fines by the court, when he is already deeply in debt for legal expenses.
"anewperson" has divulged shunned dad's name, place of employment and work e-mail address on multiple occasions.
Yes Naebs is right.. anewperson has done this before.
This person hides behind their own anonymity but reveals the identities of others...coward and crazy
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
i have finally gotten around to giving a cursory synopsis of my story, life before and after being one of jehovahs witnesses.. it contains the "f" word.
i have thus placed it into the adult and disagreements forum.
i have also placed it there since there are people who do not like my philosophies or what i write.
flower *sign*
I have nothing nice to say about you either... you have the life you deserve...Maybe I should pull up some the threads with you and Ana. All the disagreements you have had flower...There have been many!!!!You hate so many of us here, we can't count them...so many posters that won't come into chat because of YOU Flower and now Hygh is there. We go else where because of the two of you!!! You are both TROLLS in chat!!!
How could Ana stand you.. I don't know! I guess that's why she left along with so many others, YOU chased away with YOUR Trolling Flower!!! I'm using your definition ..HUN!!!
I've never chased anyone away like you flower with all your arguing in chat...
Yes, Flower there are many kinds of trolls and Hygh is one of them, he is a predator...you deserve what ever you get Flower...
Then there are the ones that are always victims..poor me I'm a victim...Frankly many of us are sick of that too!
Hygh calls you Flower, behind your back, a "whiny weak a** F***er"... Have a nice day...
Flower, I'm not suppose to reply to your nasty insult???????
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
i have finally gotten around to giving a cursory synopsis of my story, life before and after being one of jehovahs witnesses.. it contains the "f" word.
i have thus placed it into the adult and disagreements forum.
i have also placed it there since there are people who do not like my philosophies or what i write.
Sirona...who said I can't take it...lol You were the one that called me a psychopath ...did you think I would just let you say that to me without a response?????...Whatever!!!!!!
You obviously don't know much about psychopaths. They’re usually very charming and lying is the main tool they use to get into your good graces. They would lie about anything including telling tales about their pathetic childhood. Notice I'm not trying to charm you ...Truly I'm not !!! LOL
Good Sirona think your a better person for it...haha in my field we call it being "worked" by someone...LOL He is working all of you in my opinion!..LOL
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)