SYN : Your second very important question is: were you leading Reborn on??? Hmm... SYN needs to be counseled for leading poor Reborn on and breaking his heart!
We really need to know this because we desperately need a laugh!, it's not an important question but i was wondering if "syn" the poster is male or female?
hmm...i also suspect he/she isn't 20 years old as he/she has claimed.
so, what's the story syn?
SYN : Your second very important question is: were you leading Reborn on??? Hmm... SYN needs to be counseled for leading poor Reborn on and breaking his heart!
We really need to know this because we desperately need a laugh!
well here i am its about 3:30 in the morning and ive been sitting here and drinking beer and im feeling it i guess this is ultimatly why i was kicked out of the org.
but im in denial that i have a problem with alchoacal maybe because i dont drink all the time maybe cuz i can drink without getting drunk but what is sad is that when im alone i just drink to get drunk cuz i hate being alone what the hell am i doing?
im typing this out loud no wonder i was caught
not interested: Please take a look at this site. I have to go out but I will be back later to make a comment. Your NOT alone...
A Newcomer Asks
This is A.A. General Service Conference-approved literature Copyright 1973, 1998 by A.A. World Services, Inc. All Right Reserved |
Am I an alcoholic?
If you repeatedly drink more than you intend or want to, if you get into trouble, or if you have memory lapses when you drink, you may be an alcoholic.
Only you can decide. No one in A.A. will tell you whether you are or not.
What can I do if I am worried about my drinking?Seek help. Alcoholics Anonymous can help.
What is Alcoholics Anonymous?We are a Fellowship of men and women who have lost the ability to control our drinking and have found ourselves in various kinds of trouble as a result of drinking. We attemptmost of us successfullyto create a satisfying way of life without alcohol. For this we find we need the help and support of other alcoholics in A.A.
If I go to an A.A. meeting, does that commit me to anything?No. A.A. does not keep membership files, or attendance records. You do not have to reveal anything about yourself. No one will bother you if you dont want to come back.
What happens if I meet people I know?They will be there for the same reason you are there. They will not disclose your identity to outsiders. At A.A. you retain as much anonymity as you wish. That is one of the reasons we call ourselves Alcoholics Anonymous.
What happens at an A.A. meeting?An A.A. meeting may take one of several forms, but at any meeting you will find alcoholics talking about what drinking did to their lives and personalities, what actions they took to help themselves, and how they are living their lives today.
How can this help me with my drinking problem?
We in A.A. know what it is like to be addicted to alcohol, and to be unable to keep promises made to others and ourselves that we will stop drinking. We are not professional therapists. Our only qualification for helping others to recover from alcoholism is that we have stopped drinking ourselves, but problem drinkers coming to us know that recovery is possible because they see people who have done it.
Why do A.A.s keep on going to meetings after they are cured?We in A.A. believe there is no such thing as a cure for alcoholism. We can never return to normal drinking, and our ability to stay away from alcohol depends on maintaining our physical, mental, and spiritual health. This we can achieve by going to meetings regularly and putting into practice what we learn there. In addition, we find it helps us to stay sober if we help other alcoholics.How do I join A.A.?You are an A.A. member if and when you say so. The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking, and many of us were not very wholehearted about that when we first approached A.A.
How much does A.A. membership cost?There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership. An A.A. group will usually have a collection during the meeting to cover expenses, such as rent, coffee, etc., and to this all members are free to contribute as much or as little as they wish.
Is A.A. a religious organization?No. Nor is it allied with any religious organization.
Theres a lot of talk about God, though, isnt there?The majority of A.A. members believe that we have found the solution to our drinking problem not through individual willpower, but through a power greater than ourselves. However, everyone defines this power as he or she wishes. Many people call it God, others think it is the A.A. group, still others dont believe in it at all. There is room in A.A. for people of all shades of belief and nonbelief.
Can I bring my family to an A.A. meeting?Family members or close friends are welcome at Open A.A. meetings. Discuss this with your local contact.
What advice do you give new members?In our experience, the people who recover in A.A. are those who:
(a) stay away from the first drink;
(b) attend A.A. meetings regularly;
(c) seek out the people in A.A. who have successfully stayed sober for some time;
(d) try to put into practice the A.A. program of recovery.
How can I contact A.A.?Look for Alcoholics Anonymous in your local telephone directory. These telephones are answered by A.A. volunteers who will be happy to answer your questions, or put you in touch with those who can. If there is no A.A. telephone service close to you, write or phone the A.A. General Service Office.
Here is a list of A.A. pamphlets which may be particularly helpful to you:Is There an Alcoholic in Your Life?
A.A. 44 Questions
Is A.A. for You?
Do You Think Youre Different?
A.A. for the Woman
Young People and A.A.
Too Young?
Remember that alcoholism is a progressive disease. Take it seriously, even if you feel you are only in the early stages of the illness. Alcoholism kills people. If you are an alcoholic, and if you continue to drink, in time you will get worse.
A LCOHOLICS A NONYMOUS is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions.
A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes.
Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.Copyright by The A.A. Grapevine, Inc.;
reprinted with permission, it's not an important question but i was wondering if "syn" the poster is male or female?
hmm...i also suspect he/she isn't 20 years old as he/she has claimed.
so, what's the story syn?
Moe ...Syn said you can mail his PIC to me.., it's not an important question but i was wondering if "syn" the poster is male or female?
hmm...i also suspect he/she isn't 20 years old as he/she has claimed.
so, what's the story syn?
LMAO ...So Reborn have you been courting SYN?, it's not an important question but i was wondering if "syn" the poster is male or female?
hmm...i also suspect he/she isn't 20 years old as he/she has claimed.
so, what's the story syn?
Wow! Thanks Syn..Gender doesn't really matter but it's confusing because then again gender does matter. I still love your posts ... I really thought you were a little older because you have a depth to your perception that is quite unusual for 20 years old.
So, Amanda can send me a copy of your PIC? I know she's a very generous girl she will share..right Amanda???, it's not an important question but i was wondering if "syn" the poster is male or female?
hmm...i also suspect he/she isn't 20 years old as he/she has claimed.
so, what's the story syn?
LOL....No, it's not an important question but I was wondering if "SYN" the poster is male or female? Hmm...I also suspect he/she isn't 20 years old as he/she has claimed. So, what's the story SYN? I'm confused over this very important issue. SYN is very funny, intelligent and informative. I really enjoy SYN's posts. However, it may clarify some posts to know SYN's gender. Besides I want a PIC if he's ahem...
Reborn said SYN was female on this thread.
Edited by - imbue on 22 June 2002 21:33:28
i am so grateful that we got out of the borg for so many reasons.
one of the main reasons are my kids.
today they are having a bunch of friends over to have wrestling tournaments on our trampoline.
Lyin eyes: That's so sweet! It's a pleasure to have confirmed that families don't fall apart after their exit from the org. Once again the WT is proved wrong since, they instruct that XJW's don't have a chance without the org.
i've just been looking back over some of the old posts and remembering some of the people we have had on the forum, been friends with and now miss.. one of the down-sides of running a place like this is that it becomes harder and harder to really 'get to know' many of the new ones like it was at first and i'm often working on the system and seeing so many names that they sometimes almost become a blur.
sometimes i see a post by a name i don't recognise and they've already made 100+ or so posts !.
many people are bound to move on eventually (although we're lucky to have a good bunch of 'regulars') and it's unfortunate that some are put off posting by personality clashes (possibly mine!
The links provide information about some posters that are being reminisced. If Simon wants to edit it he has the right and the power to so if he wills.
I don't care to advertise Kent's site. Do I have a site link over to WOF?
I happen to like some posters over there as well as here at JWD. I'm willing to learn form many people and I believe it's a good thing to interact with all sorts of people. I'm really sick of all the bickering over WOF VS JWD. Why do people think there is a competition?
Larc, you have NO objectivity when it comes to Kent. So I have no reason to listen to your statements in regard to that subject.
I see certain people here provide links to other sites and some even to Kent's. Especially when it help's them to attack someone. So why do you think I'm advertising to post certain threads that inform you about the persons mentioned? Which in my opinion is *nice* to share information.
Sorry Simon, I won't say anything more about it and ruin your thread. This all I will say about other places since it is forbidden here now!
Edited by - imbue on 22 June 2002 20:20:3
Edited by - imbue on 22 June 2002 20:32:46
i've just been looking back over some of the old posts and remembering some of the people we have had on the forum, been friends with and now miss.. one of the down-sides of running a place like this is that it becomes harder and harder to really 'get to know' many of the new ones like it was at first and i'm often working on the system and seeing so many names that they sometimes almost become a blur.
sometimes i see a post by a name i don't recognise and they've already made 100+ or so posts !.
many people are bound to move on eventually (although we're lucky to have a good bunch of 'regulars') and it's unfortunate that some are put off posting by personality clashes (possibly mine!
Larc..LMAO home group? I post and spend more time at JWD. I also read at several other sites besides WOF. If you read these links you will see how Ana and MomieDark's posts reveal something about their lives. Deb rarely posts anything personal but she does post information that is usually humorous. I miss Deb and Ana in chat here.
Simon: I didn't realize that it wasn't *nice* to provide information for your reminiscing.
LMAO.. I guess mentioning WOF is forbidden here as JWD is forbidden at WOF! LOL...Ok.. i didn't realize it had become as unmentionable here as it is in other I can play along what ever you
i've just been looking back over some of the old posts and remembering some of the people we have had on the forum, been friends with and now miss.. one of the down-sides of running a place like this is that it becomes harder and harder to really 'get to know' many of the new ones like it was at first and i'm often working on the system and seeing so many names that they sometimes almost become a blur.
sometimes i see a post by a name i don't recognise and they've already made 100+ or so posts !.
many people are bound to move on eventually (although we're lucky to have a good bunch of 'regulars') and it's unfortunate that some are put off posting by personality clashes (possibly mine!
Oh Simon it sounded like you didn't know where they were now...I didn't mean to offend you. I thought that these particular posts answered your question in regard to how they're getting on with their lives.