The WT says it is fornication if the woman is not married to the sperm donor!
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
just a hypothetical question.
what do the witnesses believe about being a sperm donor?
The WT says it is fornication if the woman is not married to the sperm donor!
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
let me explain:.
in times past, the society's policy was that a witness mate could divorce their mate who demanded or had them perform oral sex and persisted with their views.. later the policy was revised to mean a witness mate could divorce their mate who had oral sex with someone.....outside of the marriage.. are there any here who had this experience with the old arrangement, or do you know of any cases in which this happened?.
my reason for asking is, i wonder how many lives were ruined by another wt blunder.
Because we learned to keep the marital bed where it belongs between a husband and wife!
Maybe noone has been DF’d for it here but, I’m sure there are some that were affected by that policy. I don't think anyone goes around talking about it to much...especially if they want to have oral sex again...hehehe
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
well, i found out yesterday that the circuit that my mother attends will cease to exist as of this summer.
the circuit has existed pretty much since the beginning of time.
due to low attendance, and gradual drying up of all jw's in rural saskatchewan, they are closing one or two congregations every year.
Even near Bethel the congs are drying up. the assemblies only have half the dubs as a few years ago.
Surgery, tell her your mom your having dental surgery that weedend
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
this is mostly directed to others that were born/raised in the cult.
more specifically those raised in the cult who also suffered from severe depression and/or social anxiety disorder or any other mental illness (other than the normal probs that come with being in the borg).
sometimes i wonder if its just me that doesnt feel like a person now.
Some of the symptoms you have mentioned are the same symptoms that children of alcoholics experience. Some people go to the Adult Children of Alcoholic program because they have similar family issues. It's called ACOA. Religiosity can be an addiction and have the same effects on children as alcoholism. They have meetings that are free and you may make some good friends locally.
I would recommend a book by John Bradshaw "Family: the Revolutionary Way to Self Discovery” I have no doubt that you will see yourself in there as I saw myself. He does discuss addiction to religon in this book.
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
in the past i have sometimes felt like i have to be the 'bad guy', so to speak, because i need to lock or delete topics, deactivate people, try and stop fights and such like - basically, telling people off and not being 'nice'.. well, apart from the odd heated debate and harsh word (and disruptive 'visit') i have not really had a great deal to do for the past month or two and it has been very nice - a pleasure to serve.. so ... i thought i should say a 'thank you' instead of a "stop it!
" for once
No, We need to thank you Simon and Angharad!
"Not part of the inner circle class" -Larc
ok, here's how it is.. i just finished reading the "dead" thread.
now, listen.
i do not believe in life after death.
You ask yourself why she would do that to you? Who's feelings are more important? Yours? Her "friends"? What self respecting dude would tolerate that crap? Where is her respect for you, or is that all dependent on whether or not you are in the borg?
He did say that she just asked him to leave for one evening. Do I think she is wrong to expect this? Yes! But it's part of communicating ones needs to their mate. She says she needs this and he can compromise or not. It seems that Cyngus loves his wife and wants to work things out to remain peaceful. I guess...
I imagine she might have to leave when his friends come. Note my comment above..LOL
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
ok, here's how it is.. i just finished reading the "dead" thread.
now, listen.
i do not believe in life after death.
Lisa, You forget who he is friends with..I don't think exposing her to Hyghlandyr will help him...LMAO Well maybe you didn't know that they are very close...
You need to expose her to worldly people that are your friends. Let her see they are not all demonized perverts like the WBTS says they are.
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
did you guys see that one of the more popular jw sites closed down? ceased to exist.
who's left?.
Syn, you do a male voice so well! heheheh
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
did you guys see that one of the more popular jw sites closed down? ceased to exist.
who's left?.
How did great Crowd let you in? They booted me after my first post!And I was active at the time...LOL
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
ok, here's how it is.. i just finished reading the "dead" thread.
now, listen.
i do not believe in life after death.
Yeah OK, sure Lilacs..hmm..I belive you *cough* OK
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.