Amazing No PIC... I love your writings but I was hoping to put a face to the words. Any hope?
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
hello all: okay, its time to start coming out of the closet.
my homepage is now up.
you can click on the little blue globe with the red arrow, in the upper left corner, in my profile.
Amazing No PIC... I love your writings but I was hoping to put a face to the words. Any hope?
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
ha, never thought you'd see a post with that as a title...... anyway, i thought credit should be given where credit is due, for his removal of my personal pic when someone who calls themself "bigdaddy" posted it in a thread on kent's site.
i don't know who this "bigdaddy" person is, or how they got my pic.
how strange they weren't "big" enough to use their real name.
I wasn't directing my comment at any one person. It was meant for ALL of US. No one here or in other places are innocent of nasty comments.
If you would like to know how I feel about it read my comment to Simon here. No, I don't think it is ethical to post someone's PIC or out them in anyway. I have said so time and again!
If someone does this to me. Well, let's just say they would have cut off my foot in ancient times!
Kismet says:
I getthe feeling I know you froma previous incarnation of yourself..AND:
I noted that the objection to the picture being posted was not about the low life scum that would do such a thing but rather that it just wasn't welcome there. It was almost encouraged to post it elsewhere. Very telling comment IMO about the moral ethics or lack thereof of some people.
I feel the same way about you Kismet Because I'm not here to judge anyone. It seems that you are...feels like the KH! Does Kent have control of what someone posts anywhere else? I don't understand your comment about that.
I never defended Kent or anyone else about their moral character here. I'm not here to judge anyone! As I've said to Prisca if I thought someone was wrongly attacked I would say something regardless of who they are or whether they liked it or not! I would advocate for her even though she has clearly decide to make nasty snide remarks to me. I would advocate for anyone I felt was wronged.
I have advocated for some here and made comments privately. Sometimes walking quietly with a stick is more effective.
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
i am looking for more scriptures that can prove to a jehovah witness that god is jesus, and jesus is god.i found only one verse so far in 1jo:5:20: and we know that the son of god is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his son jesus christ.
this is the true god, and eternal life.. if you know more scriptures that say directly that god is jesus please tell me the verses the jhw will see plainly that jesus is no way an angel, and he is jehovah god almighty.. my friend said if i can prove by the bible only that jesus is god he will leave the jhw society, and he will know that they are teaching lies and they would be to him a dogma religious sect.
my friend gave me a booklet called should you believe in the trinity?, and is jesus christ the almighty god.
LT equal is subjective. No substance is truly equal. Numbers are abstract but substances are not. Take gold for instance, the same weight of gold is only considered equal by those that are considering it equal. They assess the quality and then THEY CONSIDER it equal. However it is not equal because it cannot TRULY be the same exact quality and amount. The consideration is subjective therefore not absolute truth.
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
i am looking for more scriptures that can prove to a jehovah witness that god is jesus, and jesus is god.i found only one verse so far in 1jo:5:20: and we know that the son of god is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his son jesus christ.
this is the true god, and eternal life.. if you know more scriptures that say directly that god is jesus please tell me the verses the jhw will see plainly that jesus is no way an angel, and he is jehovah god almighty.. my friend said if i can prove by the bible only that jesus is god he will leave the jhw society, and he will know that they are teaching lies and they would be to him a dogma religious sect.
my friend gave me a booklet called should you believe in the trinity?, and is jesus christ the almighty god.
Little Toe you were canceling out numbers...LOL
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
a while back, i got an email a parable about how caterpillars turn, through struggle, into butterflies.
supposedly, the point of parable is that the struggles humans commonly suffer and endure are good for us -- in the end, we benefit.
if youve never read it, here it is:one day a small opening appeared on a cocoon, a man sat .
There is no such thing as equal in our human experience. We are all born into established circumstances which are not equal. However some do not make the best of there circumstances whatever they may be. If an individual is creative and productive then they are functional. And making the best of their circumstances. If they sit around and on the pity pot then they are not functional or making the best of their circumstances.
No, we are not butterfly's we are communal creatures and we need an appropriate amount of nurturing. However, too much nurturing can swell our wings and keep us from becoming creative and productive.
They are called "Mama's boys"
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
ha, never thought you'd see a post with that as a title...... anyway, i thought credit should be given where credit is due, for his removal of my personal pic when someone who calls themself "bigdaddy" posted it in a thread on kent's site.
i don't know who this "bigdaddy" person is, or how they got my pic.
how strange they weren't "big" enough to use their real name.
...shouldn't throw stones in glass houses...
(amended to clarify for Kismet)
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
i am looking for more scriptures that can prove to a jehovah witness that god is jesus, and jesus is god.i found only one verse so far in 1jo:5:20: and we know that the son of god is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his son jesus christ.
this is the true god, and eternal life.. if you know more scriptures that say directly that god is jesus please tell me the verses the jhw will see plainly that jesus is no way an angel, and he is jehovah god almighty.. my friend said if i can prove by the bible only that jesus is god he will leave the jhw society, and he will know that they are teaching lies and they would be to him a dogma religious sect.
my friend gave me a booklet called should you believe in the trinity?, and is jesus christ the almighty god.
Little Toe using algebra for that calculation?
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
if you could have one wish come true, what would it be?
just one wish, that you would have to live w/ for the rest of your life, whether if be winning the lottery, finding true love, world peace, etc...what would you choose?.
i know what my wish would be...i wish i never met him.
I wish for the TRUE fulfillment of Isaiah Chapter 2:1-4
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
when i finished my exit series, i stated that i would post my real name, the names of the various players, like the elders in the various series, and the names of the molesters.
- my real name, yes, but i will limit the names of others identified, except where there is public documentation regarding a couple of pedophiles out of the 5 i personally knew.
one of those is my son-in-law's dad ... the other grandfather of my grandchildren.. i am creating my own personal web site: i still own a domain, and have access to some free web space ... so i will get my picture and name and bio up.
Keep it coming Amazing!
btw really love your posts and your new PIC is you!
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc
after reaching jedi, i just wanted to extend a warm hug to everyone here on this board who's been here for me - here's to great friends!
for humour value, here's my first post:.
i hope my user name doesn't offend anyone - it actually stands for the [syn] command your computer uses to connect to other computers on the web, not what you were thinking!.
I've really enjoyed your posts! Especially since you stopped bolding every other Your a very funny person male, female or otherwise!
"Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc