Butal has Larc ever posted on one of your threads before? Just a thought...
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
sorry, i didn't mean to start a new thread, but i started a new post by mistake, so here it is anyway.
this is my comment to cello.
sorry folks.. cello,.
Butal has Larc ever posted on one of your threads before? Just a thought...
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
..tonight to see my wife.
the kids and i stayed downstairs so she could have some quiet.
now i know what that "disbelieving husband" felt like when we would pop in to study with some sister or sister-to-be.
Maybe you can tell your wife that's where you will move her if she converts:D Mormon women have even less power than JW woman.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
..tonight to see my wife.
the kids and i stayed downstairs so she could have some quiet.
now i know what that "disbelieving husband" felt like when we would pop in to study with some sister or sister-to-be.
Hahah... Why Colorado City...Do tell?
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
..tonight to see my wife.
the kids and i stayed downstairs so she could have some quiet.
now i know what that "disbelieving husband" felt like when we would pop in to study with some sister or sister-to-be.
Well, the bright side is maybe she will let you have a concubine of two...
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
id like to form a group of ex jw's to go door to door and tell perspective victims of the society why they shouldnt have a free home bible study.i magine the amount of ppl that wil really be saved.
only one thing i hated going door to door.i only went for the luncheon afterward.this kind of service work i would really enjoy.we could pass out anti- watchtower literature.i love it more and more as i write it as im making it up as i go along.what do yall think.
recoveringexjw, like I said in chat, your name leaves little to the imagination...LOL
You said:
yall kill me i could live here
Oh yeah "live and let live" regarding your orininal post!
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
only the aussies will truly appreciate this post:.
i met bob down!
and like the nitwit i am...made a complete and utter fool of myself...cos you know...i'm such a fan.....
Naebs He looks like Ellen Degeneres on heroin and crack at the same time..
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
valis' day: .
flat tire before leaving work......replacement $44.00 and 1.5 hours wasted.. mother of kids calls just to let me know she's moving away again, for a new job and a free place to live in south texas.
just when you think that paying your child support on time for 3 years, mending one's ways and spending more time w/kids, plus helping them pack up and move to a new place just a month ago, will pay off in the end...... what was i thinking?
Hope you work things out for you. It must be difficult when your trying so hard!
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
scully, i just noticed you are now a jedi!!!!!.
whoooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooo.. congratulations.
now you have to change your signature .
Congratulations Jedi! And you did it all with sincere intelligent posting and that's what counts!!!!!!!!!!!
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
the things you find surfing the web.... ok-i tried posting some images,but no go.. anyway,this site has molecular images of everything from hormones to beer to fragrances...kinda cool to look at.. http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/micro/gallery.html.
nuff said,.
Hey Cowboy, I had no idea this was an interest of yours...lol And stop stalking me... OK hehehe
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
"yawn" i know, i know another one returns after a long retreat.
can't say much has changed except now i'm a pioneer and have 10 bible studies (right!
) butalbee and u others, how ya doin?
Welcome Back Dan, You didn't seek that suggested therapy, did you? hehehe
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis