"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
eman if you are reading this, i thought you might enjoy knowing my sister is dating an englishman in his own right.
never has been jw, and she da'd 7 years ago.. this weekend they were hiking in the woods and as he was zipping his pants, he remarked summat like, "i've gotten me bits caught in me zipper!".
she had a good laugh at his expense, as did i when she told me the story.. so what do you think?
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
if your not on the floor laughing your ass off you have been going to meetings for too long!
enjoy brothers and sisters!.
Hate to tell you beans but thats a good deal for Brooklyn just over the bridge...What's so funny about it? You'll have a draw a picture for me...
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
i give up... well amost.... simply lost my perky sparkle.
4. got a new job (oh this was the only good thing last year).
20. mom has more surgery.
You have every stress factor a person could have.You may consider some crisis counseling. All this may be too much to bear right now all alone.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
i have finally gotten around to giving a cursory synopsis of my story, life before and after being one of jehovahs witnesses.. it contains the "f" word.
i have thus placed it into the adult and disagreements forum.
i have also placed it there since there are people who do not like my philosophies or what i write.
YOU are dismissed Hyghlandyr!!! And you know I won't post chat script but others here know you contradict your self on a regular bases...What ever!!! Let these suckers or as you called them" whiny weak a** F***ers" have you these are the same people that believed the Danny story too...
If you don't like my comments then don't read them. It wasn't meant to be negative. If you want some insight into it I would tell YOU privately! But not Skally because she is not ready to hear it! However my observation may serve you.
Do I think your a liar..YES...Is all your story true? I don't know...Like I said, I only believe half of what I hear! I wait to verify...
No, I have no sympathy for predators which you have become!!!!!!!!!!
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
i have finally gotten around to giving a cursory synopsis of my story, life before and after being one of jehovahs witnesses.. it contains the "f" word.
i have thus placed it into the adult and disagreements forum.
i have also placed it there since there are people who do not like my philosophies or what i write.
No, Skally, you wish it wasn't so. I can't say here what my observation is because it's only meant for certain ears...
And...Skally, No you and Hygh have only just begun your games. I see ones like you all the time only they're usually medicated. I suggest you go to your county mental health dept and seek assistance.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
i have finally gotten around to giving a cursory synopsis of my story, life before and after being one of jehovahs witnesses.. it contains the "f" word.
i have thus placed it into the adult and disagreements forum.
i have also placed it there since there are people who do not like my philosophies or what i write.
Skally: No, I wouldn't because you and some others may not be ready to hear this information. It's classified top secret stuff!!!!!!
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
i have finally gotten around to giving a cursory synopsis of my story, life before and after being one of jehovahs witnesses.. it contains the "f" word.
i have thus placed it into the adult and disagreements forum.
i have also placed it there since there are people who do not like my philosophies or what i write.
Your naive and that's a kind word for your thinking! It doesn't affect me because I only believe half of what I hear..hun! Do you believe everything you hear. If you want to name call better back off. I've have seen Hygh lie in chat many times...
And no I'm not callus because I have helped many people with more horrific stories than Hygh and these stories were absolutely documented truth!
Well, if your a sucker than your a sucker because that's why he wrote this fairy tale story for sympathy and nothing else. He just wants acceptance here.
Actually I saw him tell Skally that he doesn't read the board because "YOU are all whiny weak a** F***ers" Still feel soft for him now hun..............????????????????
And when he first came to chat at JWD (I have the chat script) he said, he was never a JW but his wife is a JW...So why should I believe anything he says. He also can't answer simple questions about JW protocol. What would that tell you?
He has another agenda here SUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
i have finally gotten around to giving a cursory synopsis of my story, life before and after being one of jehovahs witnesses.. it contains the "f" word.
i have thus placed it into the adult and disagreements forum.
i have also placed it there since there are people who do not like my philosophies or what i write.
Yes, I did read it and no it doesn't give me a different perspective of Hygh. It only confirmed my assessment of his behavior. His story merely confirmed what I thought about his origins.
Believe me Ven... his story is a fairy tale compared to some I've heard before. Ask me where I work sometime.
My comment above isn't negative. It's just an observation that I would share details about privately.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
i have finally gotten around to giving a cursory synopsis of my story, life before and after being one of jehovahs witnesses.. it contains the "f" word.
i have thus placed it into the adult and disagreements forum.
i have also placed it there since there are people who do not like my philosophies or what i write.
Now I know why your friends with Skally...figures...
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)
my heart is pounding so fast right now...... (takes deep breath).
ok.......... the house across the street stayed empty a long time.
finally it was bought and soon rented out to what appeared at first, a group of college kids.
Heaven maybe they are not JW...maybe they are Jw and want to leave but they are afraid of losing their families...why are being so judgmental?
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)