Dan... My other question is: can you learn anything from your old boss? And are you learning anything in your curent position?
These are questions I would ask myself.
hehe.. i posted a while back about my former boss trying to lure me to work for him and offering me $32,000 a year.
my current salary is $30,000.
he is now offering me $36,000, a $1,500 sign-on bonus in cash, full health and free parking at the inner habror in baltimore.
Dan... My other question is: can you learn anything from your old boss? And are you learning anything in your curent position?
These are questions I would ask myself.
hehe.. i posted a while back about my former boss trying to lure me to work for him and offering me $32,000 a year.
my current salary is $30,000.
he is now offering me $36,000, a $1,500 sign-on bonus in cash, full health and free parking at the inner habror in baltimore.
Ask him exactly what your responsibilities will be and how much control you will have over
designs. Are you ready for it as a designer? Are you currently a Jr. Designer? Is this a
company in house design studio? If not it may mean working weekends to finish projects
and longer hours as the (senior) Head Designer. $36,000 in your area may be good
but where I live, a senior designer, even in these lean times for design, would at least
expect $60,000, at least! it sounds like he may want you to use you like a work horse for
less money and no glory. If you're mostly being used for your computer skills and aren't
actually designing. I don't know how it works in your area but that's what it's like here.
Then ask if you will have the senior designer title.
Are you a digital media or print designer?
Edited by - imbue on 13 June 2002 21:54:53
Edited by - imbue on 13 June 2002 21:56:7
Edited by - imbue on 13 June 2002 21:58:34
comforter is just pulling your leg guys!!!
at least i hope so!!
Everyone is an individual and that includes JWs!
Some are very intelligent and others are challenged.
i need to vent because i feel like i'm going to explode.
please bear with me while i 'try' to describe what is going on.
in less than two weeks my baby graduates high school.
I'm sure your daughter will understand you have been there for her all these years to the best of your ability and that's what children remember. Presents are meaningless unless you have a real relationship with your children. Believe me, I know because I have no relationship with my Father. Even though he always gave generous gifts on all the appropriate occasions. Your sharing all that you have will mean more to her someday than any gifts she receives form anyone, including her father.
BTW have you looked into phlebotomy courses yet? It may give you a trade while you continue your education.
Hey WT...yummy.. at your PIC...and the kids are cute too..
i'm getting ready to vent, so please bear with me.
i am hoping y'all can give me some solid advice or if nothing else, tell me you love me and wish me the best.
i hate to do this during such a tough economic slow down, but beginning today, i'm looking for a new job.
Andi...How about an Education degree with a minor in photography. You maybe surprised that many universities have Education curriculum on weekends, evenings and many courses online. YOU have to fulfill your dreams because nobody else can do it for you!
Edited by - imbue on 12 June 2002 10:20:36
Larc all licensed nurses in NYS are posted on the NYS Board of Nursing's website. If you know a nurses name and location you can verify if they have an active license.
An interesting thing about nursing is once a nurse always a nurse even if you aren't practicing. Many let their licenses go and don't renew it if they aren't practicing. If that is the case the nurse will not be listed under the states list of licensed nurses. However it doesn't mean she isn't a nurses because the training stays with you for life. Nurses are taught a method of processing information that always stays with the nurse.
I believe Wendy when she says she is a nurse. She knows too much for someone that has not had training. There are two kinds of Nurses in NY one is a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN); they have vocational training to administer medication and do procedures. Then a Registered Professional Nurse which requires a college degree and supervises the LPN. Many LPN's have a great deal of clinical experience although their training is different from a Registered Nurse they make a valuable contribution to the medical field. Sometimes LPN's know more than RN's depending on their experience. You can stop all this and just go to the website. Go to online license verifications and be quiet about it then.
(ammended) This is just FYI...not a defense of anyone persons past or present actions.
Edited by - imbue on 11 June 2002 0:0:17
i would like to know some personal experiences with dabbling with hallucigenic drugs as far as seeing a deeper level of conciosness than the one given to you by the jws.
when i left the jws i was about 17 and my father was one of the main elders.
so i had to watch my p's and q's so i wouldnt make my father look bad.
Hey Space,
I've had much personal and professional experience with LSD. I've tripped so many times that I couldn't begin to count how much LSD I've taken. Once a friend of mine squirted an eye dropper full of LSD into my mouth. I tripped for a couple days on that dose.
I thought I was having a great time while using LSD among other substances. Since I've been clean many years I sometimes wonder what would my life had been like if I never used drugs...It doesn't really matter because we can't change the past.
Then, I wouldn't change much about my past because I like who I am now and I've enjoyed meeting most of the people I've known in my life. However, I would never recommend anyone using LSD. It can cause obsessive thought disorders and depression with some individuals. Of course, some people are naturally on a trip and having seen you in chat. Well, let me say it this way, I just wouldn't recommend your experimenting with LSD.
PS...I'm an artist too and my work is so much more gratifying without the influence of chemicals because my level of concentration is at it's height when I'm creating images. My being a productive creative individual is my goal and using chemicals only gets in the way for me.
yep,one year ago tonight i first posted here.i had lurked for a few weeks,never intending to post,but a particular thread hit so close to home for me,that i felt like i had to voice my opinion.of course,i was promptly slammed as being a troll,but i was stubborn enough to hang around.here i am still hanging,a whole year later.
i've maybe learned more in this past year than in the ten before it all put together.i've learned a whole lot about myself-about who i am,and why.i've learned about the organization that shaped my life and my family.originally i was shocked by alot of what i read here,and wasn't sure whether or not to believe it all.but looking back,knowing what i do now explains an awful lot of things.
i've learned lot's about people,too.like many who were raised jw,i led a very sheltered childhood(even more so living in the country,going to a small school).i'm still not sure if this is a real cross section of life,but i think it's pretty close.i'm happy to say that i've made lot's of friends here,some very good ones.though i've had my share of disagreements,i don't consider anyone here an enemy.
Happy Anniversary Cowboy!
Edited by - imbue on 10 June 2002 0:51:43
i just wanted to know how you two are feeling?
are you following dr's orders?.
i worry about you both and just want you to make sure you are doing everything possible to be as healthy as you can be.
Lilacs: I just hope he stops driving himself too much. He needs to take it easy and follow his physicians instructions. I think he was over doing it when he first arrived home...
Amazing, please take care of yourself...
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)