D8: We will miss you if you don't come around to chat. So, you'll still come into chat ???
Oh, yes I feel so sorry for your circumstance ... you poor thing..hmm...I'll say a prayer for you so you'll be able to make it through these trying times.
oh darn...i hate when life grants those wishes, when you ask for them.
this august 7th i leave the u.s. and fly to rio de janeiro and will be coming back late january or should time provide, mid march.
i dread staying untill march, because of carnival...i know, i know...terrible, absolutely terrible.
D8: We will miss you if you don't come around to chat. So, you'll still come into chat ???
Oh, yes I feel so sorry for your circumstance ... you poor thing..hmm...I'll say a prayer for you so you'll be able to make it through these trying times.
ok before we get off on the wrong foot this is not a flame war.
i read a comment by belbab on hillary's post this morning...he remarked that he had asked a question after the 09/11 attack, that no one answered.
well, i didn't even remember reading it, so i did a simple search.
Yes...I Ignore several here now and I think you know who they are... several of the rabid dog class
does every issue of morality have to be compared with the thinking and teaching of jehovahs witnesses?
simply because you are no longer jehovahs witnesses does that mean that you flaunt all moral authority and engaged in any perverted pleasure that you have a mind to?
because your morality is no longer legislated by a pseudo religious organization does that give you license to engage in all acts of "immorality" and refer to it "as just having fun.
Nae.... Don't listen to all these uptight hypocrits. Anytime you feel like showing naked PICS of yourself just send then to: [email protected]
some observations on the recent naeblis vs. minefield fight:.
it was a pretty good show.
punches were exchanged.
LOL @ Jack...
you my dear are a genius!
thank you so much for the help the other day.
riley finally cut his first tooth yesterday!
Riley is so beautiful !!! What a smile...So sweet...
i guess i've lurked around long enough - it's time to join my new family and tell the condensed (thank goodness) version of my experience.. my parents came into the org.
when i was 10. it was a scary congregation in a small town.
the po was my dad's boss and he had complete control over everyone.
Welcome !!!!
three days ago i was getting off at the beacon exit on route 84 and next to me there was a truck with a banner across the back.
i was so intrigued that i backed up so i could see it better.
it said "is the watchtower, brooklyn guilty of adultery?
Edited by - imbue on 16 June 2002 0:31:23
does every issue of morality have to be compared with the thinking and teaching of jehovahs witnesses?
simply because you are no longer jehovahs witnesses does that mean that you flaunt all moral authority and engaged in any perverted pleasure that you have a mind to?
because your morality is no longer legislated by a pseudo religious organization does that give you license to engage in all acts of "immorality" and refer to it "as just having fun.
I'll just ponit to Dutchie's comment in this freedom of speech discussion:
LOL... Anyone that commented on that thread against the person expressing his opinion on what should or shouldn't be allowed on this forum will be reminded of their words...hmm hmm hmm...
Dutie was one of them..LOL
recently, i made a complete ass of myself as i accused refiner's fire of insulting prisca.
it turned out that he was only joking around and they are, in fact, good friends.
silly old me.
Mindfield..hmmm I know your a young college student. Do you have a summer job because you have way too much time on your hands..LOL
does every issue of morality have to be compared with the thinking and teaching of jehovahs witnesses?
simply because you are no longer jehovahs witnesses does that mean that you flaunt all moral authority and engaged in any perverted pleasure that you have a mind to?
because your morality is no longer legislated by a pseudo religious organization does that give you license to engage in all acts of "immorality" and refer to it "as just having fun.
Anyone that speaks against Nae posting naked PICs of himself is on my list...for revenge. I won't leave it for God.
Naebs if you can't post your naked PICs any more just send then via email.
Edited by - imbue on 15 June 2002 21:19:44