Do you ignore certain posters?

by LDH 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    OK before we get off on the wrong foot this is not a flame war.

    I read a comment by Belbab on Hillary's post this morning...he remarked that he had asked a question after the 09/11 attack, that no one answered.

    Well, I didn't even remember reading it, so I did a simple search. I then resurrected the thread, hoping to get more input on it.

    It yielded about 30 or so topics that Belbab had started.....most had only two or three replies.

    And yet they were GREAT topics.

    So my question to you....are you guilty of commenting only on certain poster's threads? Myself, I try to spread the love around but was ashamed to see that I had missed posting on MOST OF BELBAB'S THREADS.

    I am resolved to do a better job of commenting on threads, even of posters I don't know very well.

    It's not fair to let a post die in oblivion while that ASS MUNCH "YOU KNOW" gets page after page of responses to the vomit he spews.


    Soapbox Class

  • joeshmoe

    Don't know anyone here well enough to avoid their posts...and I really don't think in those terms. I look more at the subject of the post (of course it depends on whether I'm in a shallow or deep mood ... I'll give three guesses which is my dominant mood, and the first two don't count).

    I will say this: I've already developed a liking for a couple of posters that I will look for in the future. Maybe it just takes longer to foster grudges.

  • joannadandy

    I post on anything that sounds interesting and doesn't seem like it is too long, or uses big words. DAMN THOSE BIG WORDS...

    Then again I am new, maybe I will learn to avoid some people, but I doubt it, I am all about both sides of every story.

  • noidea

    OMG..just like the clicks at the hall !!!.. Am I guilty..naahhhh..I usually stick to the fluff!! pssstt hey're one of my favorites that's why I posted...shhhsh

  • DakotaRed

    Personally, a poster is not what I use to determine if I wish to participate in a thread. If I bypass one, it would be cause the title held little or no interest to me. Often, though, I will go back later and open the thread to discover that I should have replied earlier as it the content interested me.

    So, I plead guilty and throw myself on the mercy of the board and promise to try to do better myself.


  • Pathofthorns

    I will generally check out a post if the subject line interests me and that is usually irregardless of who has posted the thread.

    I tend to avoid fundamental Christian posters, anyone who "hears voices" (lol) or is trying to "witness" to us. I don't care to read anything by the Yardiff, You KNow, NYT (as Mike Musto he is cool) and I'm tired of Bible discussions/chronology so I tend to skip these now.

    I usually check out posts by LDH.. lol


  • gsx1138

    I try not to answer that glory hound LDH. In fact I generally skip right over her posts. Seriously though, there are some topics I just choose not to answer because they are not written for me. Someone here who is a christian posts a christians topic I don't feel it is my place to jump in as a Pagan and tell them what to believe. And sometimes I just can't help myself. I enjoy atheist postings because I don't know what their beliefs are exactly. There are some people who strike me as arrogant and I try not to come across as that way myself.

    I read almost all of the posts but don't seem to post that many responses. There are a number of factors; I don't feel like it, the topic doesn't interest me, I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall, or someone is just looking for flame bait.

    As for YouKnow


  • scootergirl

    It all depends on my mood and frame of mind. I can honestly say that I don't avoid any one single poster...

  • SYN

    OK, I'm posting here...does that tell you something, Lisa?

    SYN, of the Posting In All Lisa's Threads Class!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I mostly look at the titles and actually rarely look at who started it. If the topic interests me I will take a look and sometimes have something to say and soemtimes not. More depends on my mood and I do tend to go towards the more serious topics

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