Crabby said: Heaven, how is it possible for you to smell a flower and have that smell
stored in your mind, then somehow pass that smell on to your child.
Crabby, this is not an answer to my question.
Now to answer your question. Simply put I have a nose, a mouth, a central nervous system, and a brain as does a child.
Molecules released by various items enter through the nose as well as the mouth to the back of the throat, landing on tissue covered in mucus where millions of olfactory receptors or neurons bind with these specific odour molecules. Once this binding occurs, the receptors send their electrical impulses to a certain microregion, also known as the glomerulus (of which there are some 2,000 in the olfactory bulb), which then passes the electrical impulses along to other parts of the brain. The “odourant patterns” that are released from the glomerulus are interpreted in the brain as smell. This discovery is accredited to Richard Axel and Linda Buck, who won the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their work.
Knowledge passed on to a child about a smell is done when a child smells
something and asks the question "What is that smell?" with the
result of someone answering their question. Google or a book may also provide the answer.