It would appear that Jehovah's Chariot has slammed into reverse.
Posts by Heaven
Counting time
by Emma ini may not have put this in the correct spot, but i do think it's scandalous the way time gets counted now.
i've seen a cart at the edge of our farmer's market, never anyone close enough to talk.
yesterday was a drizzly day and there were two carts set up, covered in plastic, "witnessing" on their own.
Elder's remark about contributions not being made
by Simon Templar ini am still in and was assigned to collect the contribution after the meeting.
i checked the boxes with another brother and there was nothing inside.
no contributions were made that day.
There are some good images to print off and put in the contribution box at the link below. A couple are:
my story (part one)
by Jason Melita inhi, my name is jason.
i was born in 1987 in nsw, australia into a jehovahs witness household (my parents were baptised mere months before i was born) with 2 older siblings (brother and sister) and in time a younger brother.
i had a pretty happy childhood, we moved to north brisbane by the time i was 5 years old.
Hi Jason, welcome to the board.
Children can smell BS a mile off. They haven't been co-erced yet by the authorities. Logic, reason, and reality don't match religious fantasies/scriptural interpretation being passed off as truth.
I was 10 when I started questioning the overall claim that God is loving but does nothing to help people in need (aka Theodicy). The Ethiopian famine of the 1970s was raging, killing 100s of thousands of people. The reason my Mom gave me when I questioned her about why God did not intervene was that Jehovah had turned his back on mankind because we could not stop sinning. I didn't say anything to her but it was then that I deduced God was a douchebag and it didn't really matter whether he actually existed or not. I was going to live my life without this prick.
I look forward to more of your story. And keep on with the critical thinking. It will save you from a lot of charlatons.
What were Jesus's 'Miracles' supposed to prove?
by nicolaou inthe healings, feeding the five thousand, walking on water, resurrecting the dead.
none of it happened of course but let's take the bible literally and say that it did.. so?.
didn't magic practicing priests perform 'miracles' in a contest with aaron?
The Jesus myths, particularly the one that states he is the Son of God sent to redeem us all, were used to prop up the importance of the new cult called Christianity. It's a 'my God is better than your God' stance. They needed to be able to validate and convince others of their new found monotheistic beliefs, as they were trying to gain membership. There were also many sects/offshoots doing their own thing at the time. The early Christians wanted to get this all under control and standardized.
The Cult Guide To Raising Children
by pale.emperor insomething you're not likely to see in the "secret to family happiness" book.
the borg's guide to raising children:.
put the borgs needs, desires and agenda before the children every time, all the time.
So on the Harry Potter movie thing... my father was questioning me, his adult daughter, for planning on going to see the Harry Potter movies back when they came out.
I just looked at him and said "Dad. These are just movies. They aren't real."
He kind of smiled and relaxed after I said that.
You should have seen the suspicious looks my Hobby Farm Home magazine received from him a few years back too. Yes, can't you just feel the demunz oozing out of this :
Inappropriate Behavior
by rebelfighter innow i know i am getting older or of the older generation.
i have had a very strange day with a lot of strange dealings with people with strange behavior today but this one incident was just over the top.
so i came out of a store in a busy shopping center.
You ain't seen anything until your father walks out naked in front of you... and then starts peeing all over the floor.
"Why Did JWs Ignore Princes Drug Additctions?" by Barbara Anderson
by AndersonsInfo inover a month ago, the associated press in minneapolis reported that counterfeit pills were found at prince’s home.
some contained powerful opioid fentanyl, a synthetic drug 50 times stronger than heroin found in dozens of pills.
these and other mislabeled drugs were found in luggage belonging to the late music star.
Irish Dame said: My cousin, an ordinary young man, with a good paying job, but without the influence of an elder daddy or best friend, was suffering with an addiction problem and was disfellowshipped. Three months later, he committed suicide.
Of course didn't acknowledge his life or death because he was already viewed as dead after being judged by 3 men. When he most needed help, he was cast out.
Irish Dame, I am very sorry for your loss. You are 100% correct though. Botchtower shoots their wounded.
What is the purpose of life?
by slimboyfat inwhile reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
The Rebel said: This thread " What is the purpose of life? Is way too deep for me, so good morning and goodnight. I am going to ring my mum and dad, ( haven't done that in a while) buy my boy an ice-cream when he comes back from school, and prepare a nice meal for the wife, which I hope will be a nice and delightful surprise.
p.s if a conclusion is reached, please will some kind poster P.M me the answer.
The Rebel, I think you've just posted the answer.
Do you remember 1975? I remember 1984.
by The Rebel inif i mention "1984" you will probably think of george orwell and his book " 1984".however i think of "1984" as a year in my life when watford football club reached the f.a cup final.
( the f.a cup is the biggest footballing occasion in english sport, and my club " little watford" were in it) but instead of going to watch the game, i was forced by my dad to miss attending the match and prioritize on theocratic w.t study.. so for me the year 1984 was the year i should have woken up to " the truth about the truth" sadly it took another 30 years of generation and doctrinal change before this boy became " awake" and understood his defining moment and realized he was fooled by the w.t.. anyway 1984 was a long time ago, but today in 2016, i realized 1984 had a " modern day 2016 application" that happened last saturday, when i took my boy to watch my " little " watford play "mighty "manchester united" and we won 3.1. now it's wednesday and my boy and i are still on cloud 9, even orlandos school teacher started monday lessons by saying " well done watford ".
yes little watford outplayed and beat the mighty united.
The Rebel said: I believe the trick to helping people out a cult is not 1975, or 1914 generation changes but finding in a cult member their individual reason to move on
Steven Hassan agrees with you. It is a good tactic as all this religious stuff is really an emotional and personal thing.
I remember 1975. I was 12 years old... and my maternal grandmother was dying of bone cancer. Oh yeah, Armageddon did not arrive either.
I also remember 1984. This was the year I got hired full time by the company I still work for today for a career I wasn't going to need. I just celebrated 32 years with this company. I was also not supposed to grow old but that is what is happening.
I knew that Botchtower wasn't the religion for me when I was a teenager for a number of reasons including my inability to subjugate myself. But it wasn't until a few years ago that I realize the entirety of the falseness of belief. Religion is lies served up as truth, hatred and oppression presented in the guise of love. It is legalized fraud and when something is based on baseless things, it is disingenuous and fails.
I now prefer to live in an evidence based world.
JF Rutherford Records
by pale.emperor ini've uploaded the first of many of jf rutherfords door to door records onto youtube.
i'll be uploading more over the next few days.. i thought it appropriate to make the first one "religion is a snare and a racket".. you can listen to it here:
ironically, jw's today freely refer to their beliefs as "religion".
Back in the day, they called themselves a 'sect', and NOT a religion. My Mom was crystal clear with me on this point.
Of course, that all changed when they were going to be taxed. Suddenly, * POOF * they're a religion and * VOILA * no taxing them. Uh huh...