jws, now, I think I see your problem here. You are being Intellectually Honest. This is a trait that believers must abandon in order to remain 'faithful'. There is no room for logic, reason, truth, or facts in a faith based system.
Growing up as a JW, I had issues with many things not only within the JW religion, but other religions too and the Bible itself. Theodicy was a big one and the misogyny. I was born with a logical mind. So much didn't add up for me including a lot of things having to do with math (eg: JWs claimed to be preaching to all the inhabited Earth. This is false. The math just doesn't add up).
Many Christians I have spoken to, haven't even read the Bible. When you point out some of the nasty scriptures to them, they are shocked (like Judges 19 as baker referenced). They have been maneuvered through the Bible by their religious authorities, who are using the Bible to prop up a religious agenda.
Christians like their blanket of comfort. But when you start asking them questions, they give 'fall back' answers including "you're taking that out of context" and the final one "I'll pray for you". One Christian I was talking to couldn't answer my questions about the order of Creation in Genesis and told me I was taking it out of context. When I asked them to explain how I was doing that, they could not.
Our knowledge has far surpassed the need for Bronze and Iron Age Middle
Eastern desert dwellers' superstitions to define our world. What I like about Science is, if you choose not to believe what they are saying, they don't, upon your death, threaten to judge you, and if found unworthy, torture you for all eternity in a burning lake of fire.