Lol. Is that an issue there? We have it almost every thursday due to power rationing here in the dark continent. So we're better prepared for the blackouts that the meeting parts. ;D
Make's it hard to read irrelevant material though!
it was so funny!.
the small rented hall our congregation uses had a blackout.
we think there was some construction work next door that caused it.. at least the glow of everyone's tablets and cell phones kept the place illuminated!.
Lol. Is that an issue there? We have it almost every thursday due to power rationing here in the dark continent. So we're better prepared for the blackouts that the meeting parts. ;D
Make's it hard to read irrelevant material though!
it was so funny!.
the small rented hall our congregation uses had a blackout.
we think there was some construction work next door that caused it.. at least the glow of everyone's tablets and cell phones kept the place illuminated!.
Lol. Is that an issue there? We have it almost every thursday due to power rationing here in the dark continent. So we're better prepared for the blackouts that the meeting parts. ;D
Make's it hard to read irrelevant material though!
when i was in school, you never heard about critical thinking skills...not till you started taking college level courses.. i work closely with the public education community.
now, the big rage in public education is instilling critical thinking skills from kindergarten on up.. and i'm in texas!
imagine what it's like in more liberal areas.. i would not be surprised if the watchtower started denigrating and discouraging public education (k-12).. it would likely start like this: .
Jws But think they'd actually do it? I don't think it's their business model.
They just might. That was the hoola baloo they tried with jw youths going to boarding schools. That our kids would not be supervised in Jehovah's ways to remove the brain washing pressure from schools and educators.
This too would prove a threat to their ice cream money since their drive now seems a lot focused on the little ones. They just might intervene.
back in the early 70s, right before 1975 we had about 7 or 8 thousand professed anointed.
cant remember the exact number.
but at every convention we were told that the end is close ---because---the number of anointed is getting smaller and smaller.
Hey.!! See how quickly we've moved from going to holy heaven to unholy sex?
"Mixing food from Jehovah's table and demons." Seems we were well trained at our kingdom halls.
in the beginning of internet the society was worried about the information published exposing its falsehood.
so, i wonder how many people lost the society on account of forums and web sites like this.
Without the internet I would never ever have had a copy to read of Franz's Crisis and In Search. Other sites/ forums such as this one exposing the Borg would be imposibble. Never would have the news of the child abuse and other crimes within and cover ups to support the idea that we have a "spiritual paradise" . That info wouldn't exist. And we would feel alone with our doubts and later when fading.
Somewhere said now "In the age of information Ignorance is a choice."
the monsters inc. hierarchy taught its workforce to use scare tactics to achieve its goals.. it took sully & mikey to reveal that love & laughter was far more effective - and beneficial for everyone concerned!.
interesting concept, but it'll never catch on!
when one person finally spoke out that she was raped by cosby, no one believed it.
then another person came out and the line started getting drawn in the sand.
you now had two groups of people.
so a friend in a nearby hall told me their co came through, and in a hellish week of long meetings and inquisition overhauled the boe.
only one remains as elder, three were re-appointed as ms, and one, the cobe was deleted entirely.. two new elders were brought in as new secretary and cobe / watchtower conductor, respectively, and introduced to the congregation from the platform on sunday immediately following his second talk.
he reminded everybody of the authority he has and then named the new appointees.
Drastic! naoscillator. Keep in touch with the freind. With tongues wagging it wont be long before more is revealed. Maybe those elders grew some backbone and gave that c.o a hard time. Wt Still preaching that they are not masters. Hopefully they'll get offended, wake up, group up and leave.
But yes it seems more and more c.o's are getting nasty in their comments and actions. But whatever J allows "it's for a good reasons."
Thanks for your post, came at the right time for me.
so, i left about 5 years ago and at that time, the official ruling on number of members was a little over 6 million.
i google jw out of boredom the other day and find they are now claiming 8 million members.
sooooo.... hold on 2 million increase in 5 years?
and money wasn't an issue, what would it be?
Lol. We love fantasies. I woukd wait for their big conventions and hack their sound system every now and then to quote a scripture or thought against something they had just uttered. Perhaps even their videos.
Or send everyone in attentance txts. Can money buy that?