Even Lego star wars? We watched star wars in Bethel and shared it around to other elders...
Barney should be informed about that to keeo him busy..
i made a quick run to lowes to buy some paint and ran into a brother.
he is one of those elders that is very, very, petty.
if he drops by your house unexpected and notices that your kids are watching one of the star wars movies, he will counsel you for allowing your kids to watch any movie that has to do with war he will then make sure you are not recommended for any privilege.
Even Lego star wars? We watched star wars in Bethel and shared it around to other elders...
Barney should be informed about that to keeo him busy..
having just come back from the uk and spoke with some witnesses to find out how my old congregation is doing, i realized i am now the age that my elders were when i was a kid.
and i wonder what the elders who are now in their 60s and 70s are thinking when they look in the mirror and an old face looks back at them.
many of the elders in my old hall are now retired.
Downright depressing this topic! Some of us feel we got out too late. And as has been said the clock is ticking. Wasted life and opportunities serving "wholesouled."
With lessons from bible drama's like " beware of loosing faith by drawing away from Jehovah. " what comes to my mind is the part where they said Moses was taking a long time to come down the mountain... Make for us a God." or in the wilderness "3 days already! how much further do you think we have to go" answer "only Moses knows." "many died due to their lack of faith. " And now many have died living on this misguided hope!
I am imagine that is also in the minds of the older ones with so much talk during their life time to " have faith, don't loose hope... Others have fallen by the way side."
How does one seek to wake up to that nonsense and make a new life at such old age with no real foundation to go back to! :(
Very Great cost indeed. The one who studied with me in my twenties died in his eighties, I remember him telling me how close the end was... And so did the one who studied with him... and so on.
D4g said it- I believe a lot of it has to do with missed opportunities, (or what is known as the "sunk cost" fallacy), where someone that spent their lives chasing a belief at great cost to themselves,
regarding alternative service.
ray franz received letters from branch committee members that displayed thoughtfulness and breadth of viewpoint that were in sharp contrast to the rigidity and narrowness of several members of the governing body:.
what was the effect of all this?
The next member recognized by the chairman might take up a totally different point, leaving the previous member's question hanging in midair.
Just described the body of elders I was part of.
From what I know the brothers in africa did not have to buy the political cards as time went on, they were being handed out to whoever desired one. They didnt even have to be signed. Simply having the card would suffice. Besides there was no other opposing political party so the cards could have been viewed just as an identity card.
if you were to pin point out the workings of the wts., of what attracts people to the.
organization and what is the catalyst that controls them once.
they are inside of it, the conclusion would most likely be drawn that fear is the paramount.
I remember the audio cassette dramas, I used to listen to over and over again, such as "beware of loosing faith by drawing away from Jehovah. " Some scary stuff used in there to instill obedience. And now they have short video clips for our young ones still getting them to feel the fear that Jehovah will not be pleased with them for breaking some recently made up GB rules.
Pictures in the publications and words depicted to the mind are not subtle either as even old timers can vividly recal gruesome dipictions of prophecies applied to those not within the fold, from old publications like "From Paradise lost" one brother close to 60 years old commented that it gave him the shudders.
Fear + guilt = religion
in the rc yesterday mr jackson said that if wrong direction was given by the gb, the rank and file would notice it.
i see plenty of things that the gb say that is not in scriptures but if i say the gb are wrong i'm df....
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.
Or Proverbs 17:28 " Even a fool who keeps silent will be considered wise, And the one who seals his lips, discerning."
There's another quote I can't recall who said it but it goes something like "Those who try to fool others do so because they view others as stupid."
Seriously GB needs to know how stupid they look and sound. Unprepared by the "holy spirit" so as to give sound answers to those asking.
They are molded to make utterances that are unchecked and unchallenged by the millions of those under them so they are totally unprepared to face the simplest of questions they are being subjected to.
Perhaps JAMES 3:1 Has escaped their knowlrdge.. “ Not many of you should become teachers,.. Knowing that we will receive heavier judgement. "
What utter nonsense!
so i just caught a glimpse of this new wt magazine(study edition) of course.. from dec 28th titled.
"what do your prayers say about you".
so now they are focosing on every aspect of our lifes even our actions during prayer.
we haven't been to a meeting or jw event in several years.
we have been following the rc closely.
it is fascinating!
last week we had the cos visit and i wanted to share my experiences with you.
some background info on me, i knowttatt and am fully awake, my wife also knows my doubts and read a few things on the internet but she is still 100% commited to the truth, saying everything on the apostate sites are lies.
so right now i am in just to keep the status quo.
Let me guess, "I don't understand your question..."
Lets come up with some jw answers... It's not that hard.
why would you proceed to invite me to their meetings?
how much clearer can i make my stance????
dubstepped. pass over that club, will you? Took them close to seven months to announce my resignation as an elder, couldn't fathom why I would choose to. "look over imperfections, wait on Jehovah." even after I complaind on the lack of love and hypocrisy amongs the elders. Spineless medlers!
When the brothers now ask "didnt see you on thursday? " I said yeah cause I wasn't there, can't see what's not there! " surprised looks and I laugh. Some others said they didnt see me on sunday and I said I was on my way but heard happy singing in a close by church so I was torn. "huh! Oh you're so funny!"
And so they have begun to keep their distance.
Cognac, they just don't get it.