I never understood how one perfect life, Jesus, is equal to two perfect lives, Adam & Eve .
Also, I never understood why, if the ransom was paid, there had to be another 2000 years of suffering and death.
why would a so-called 'loving' god put mankind through millenia of time, untold suffering, death to billions of mankind, all over the sin of a naked lady eating an apple without permission?.
how could his need to 'fulfill justice' or whatever theological argument is presented to justify such time to pass before correction - ever equal the pain it has forced mankind to endure?.
why did he not just kill one man, one woman, and one snake-imitating fallen angel - wipe the slate - and start fresh?
I never understood how one perfect life, Jesus, is equal to two perfect lives, Adam & Eve .
Also, I never understood why, if the ransom was paid, there had to be another 2000 years of suffering and death.
i have read somewhere that jephthah's daughter did not really go into temple service but was a victim of ritual sacrifice.
the bible says that after weeping over her virginity that the maidens would visit her annually.
how could they visit her if she was killed?.
There wasn't any temple for her to serve at then was there?
I think the months weeping for her virginity was just a stay of execution, but regardless of if she was killed or sent away, it's one more life ruined by religion.
often mentioned but some of us don't know what it refers too (except the fact they charged for parking when they didn't have too - could be argued it offsets the cost of stadium hire).
is there a specifc example with how much money is raised?.
The last time we were allowed to park at Twickenham conv. I was charged £13 for 3 days parking. There were probably about 20 cars in my cong, so that would be £260 from my hall for parking. I don't know how many congs were assigned to Twickers tho'.
a cult is a religion that is said to be unorthodox or that emphasizes devotion according to prescribed ritual.many cults follow a living human leader,not jesus or god.and they live a part from the rest of human society.their meetings are in hiding, not just anyone can attend.you have to be a member.
Hi redjeep, hmm. I'd say the Witnesses are more of an authoritarian high control group. If I was being harsh, I'd say they are a 'committee cult'. Just think of all the committee type activities and groupings:
Body of Elders
Service Committee
Judicial Committee
Branch Committee
Governing Body...
There must be loads more.
i hope this doesn't sound too strange.
the first wtbts book that i read was the studies in the scriptures.
my grandfather gave my favorite cousin the entire set when we were both around 12. we read these books cover to cover like they were comic books.
A lot of the stuff is recycled as well, so the condescending company house style cascades down through the decades.
Are we not thrilled...
apparently jack barr, member of the gb, has given a new interpretation of the generation in one of his speaches i.e.
that the generation can apply to those who knew someone who lived in 1914..... will it never end????
it's embarassing!
It would be so much better for them if they were to say 'sorry, no idea what 'generation' means, noo light will clear it up, watch this space' , just like they've done with the King of the North.
But I'm sure if they run with the 'generation who shook the hand of the generation of 1914' idea they could find some spurious 'reasoning', like the Elijah and Elisha mantle-handing-over stuff, or the John (class) decreasing while the followers of Jesus increase precedent.
Sapphy of the let's give them ideas class
if you were to give a brief description of what you know already of this organization, how would you define it yourself ?.
my definition would be a an exploitive and manipulating free wheeling religious publishing company.. i might add none of this would have been at all possible without the freedom of religion policy of the united states.. it very well started out that way and continues to this very day.. intellectually dishonest but very commercial in its intension.. .
A 21st century corporate expression of a 19th century haberdasher's religious fantasy.
A living nightmare.
remember some of the garbage served at the district conventions?.
i was at the dollar store today and noticed they started carrying "shasta" cola.. i started laughing because they used to serve that skunk water at the district conventions when i was a kid.. they always brought in the cheapest, nastiest soda they could buy.. one year we had something called vess cola - that was actually worse than the shasta!
then, they ran out on sunday and had to buy pepsi from the local distributor - we were all rejoicing!!.
I remember 'Rola cola' at Twickenham, also green lasagne, I think it was called 'pasta verdi'. Thank goodness for the fresh doughnuts! Assembly food was dire
dear all,.
i posted my first thread a few days ago and some of you asked me questions i'm more than willing to answer.
but there is so much i want to say to you there's no way i can convey all the information at one sitting, so i've decided to tackle one subject at a time, both for the sake of not boring you and because i'd love to know how you feel about each individual topic.
Hi dissed and Heaven, thanks for the welcome!
I was thinking about it, and I remember 'my first doubt' which I didn't get a satisfactory answer to was when I was 8 or 9 and I saw that picture in the Live Forever book of Adam and Jesus on the scales of justice. My question was, if Jesus as a perfect man pays for Adam's sin, who paid for Eve's sin? Or was a perfect woman not worth a corresponding ransom?
dear all,.
i posted my first thread a few days ago and some of you asked me questions i'm more than willing to answer.
but there is so much i want to say to you there's no way i can convey all the information at one sitting, so i've decided to tackle one subject at a time, both for the sake of not boring you and because i'd love to know how you feel about each individual topic.
If I may join in and have a thought ramble. - Goldensky I've lurked here for years and enjoyed the comments of many (yes, I'm still a witness, can you tell) , esp. blondie and leoleia but your post has promted me to come out of my shell, since your doubts are similar to mine.
Especially regarding Job, if he proved that humans do not serve God simply for what they can get out of it, then the point is proved! Surely we don't need a further 3 or 4000 years of human suffering to continue proving a proven point.
Also, the same with Jesus. If he paid the ransom, and his sacrifice wiped out the power of sin, why do we need another 2000 years of people still dying?
I've forgotten who said it on here, but it resolves down to 'do you really believe all the suffering in the world is justified because a naked lady got tricked into eating a piece of fruit by a talking snake?'