i disagree with the watchtower organization.
i hate a decent amount of their practices, but i dont have enough evidence to hate the people behind the org.
and i certainly dont hate witnesses, at all!
when i read some comments here, it looks like some actually hate the organization.
do you??
i disagree with the watchtower organization.
i hate a decent amount of their practices, but i dont have enough evidence to hate the people behind the org.
and i certainly dont hate witnesses, at all!
while i am new to this network, the evidence seems to be overwhelming that the wbts is in decline.
while many voice their pleasure at this prospect, it is in many ways sad for me:.
it is sad that so many have spent such a great quantity of their early lives supporting a cause that appears to have been a waste of time.
garybuss, you have a ridiculous and judgemental viewpoint on all of this.
You sound far worse than anyone i've met as a witness. Your posts here are hateful and childish. It is sad you never learned from your experience as a witness.
i hope i can explain this clearly.
years ago, we all knew what a child molester was.
but there were a lot of misconceptions, mishandled situations in and out of the congregations, and just a general non-awareness of the seriousness and pervasiveness of pedophiles.. not anymore.
errm, I think some people had an idea when i was df'ed, although my memory may have beeen mostly forgotten by now, except for the elders who have me in their files.
this thread was inspired by my listening to the band mastodon lately.
i just find their drummer brann dailor amazing.
other drummers who have impressed me in the past have been jimmy chamberlin of smashing pumpkins and dave grohl of nirvana.
best sound - dave ghrol
best technique - mike portnoy
funkiest - guy from DMB
revolutionary - bonham
i was tempted to put this into the abortion thread.......apparently the mother, 23, is out there somewhere skipping court-ordered drug rehab.
what kind of life is this child going to have, i wonder?.
turnto23.comrelated to storyvideo: update: father accused of eating child's eyes outmore infoprevious story: father accused of eating child's eyes outwatch video #1watch video #2. father accused of eating child's eyes outpolice say man appeared to be on pcp .
this guy was a longtime witness
we all know that the watchtower bible and tract societies corporations pay no property tax or income taxes on donations from the kingdom halls.. yet they condemn other corporations for being tax evaders .
look at this rubbish from their own web site.
payers, avoiders, and evadersmost people will at least begrudgingly acknowledge the benefits that taxes bring to their community.
i didnt address non-christian churches because im not that familiar with their stance on politics.
i would like to discuss some items in one topic:.
1)most of the people who left jehovah's witnesses also left institutional christianity,i mean they did not join another group (or did they)?.
all religions are cults - someone else is making rules based on their interpretations of a "holy" book. I don't need it.
after being away for 3 years i have agreed to attend some meetings with my wife who is suffering depression.
she has no friends except witnesses.
every meeting i get pats.......pats on the back during the damn meeting, elders and servants patting me on the back, mouthing "hello" giving me the thumbs up.....the last elder who did it, i almost stood up and punched him....i invented love bombing and they dare use it on me...me!
then tell them. really cuts down on this waste of bandwidth you have here ;)
after being away for 3 years i have agreed to attend some meetings with my wife who is suffering depression.
she has no friends except witnesses.
every meeting i get pats.......pats on the back during the damn meeting, elders and servants patting me on the back, mouthing "hello" giving me the thumbs up.....the last elder who did it, i almost stood up and punched him....i invented love bombing and they dare use it on me...me!
they DO mean well, most of them. jesus christ you people...
they are GENIUENLY happy to see you there, because they THINK that associating with their cult will help you.
i would venture a guess that 95 percent of them have no other agenda but to help you.
homosexuality has been going on since the beginning of time.
many animals (that jehovah made) are homosexual or bisexual.
throughout history, homsexuals have been reviled for their actions and their sexual orientation.
Men are disgusting, cant even understand why women go for them/us. So to understand homosexuality is pretty difficult for me.
but, it happens, and it doesnt affect me so i dont really care :)