JoinedPosts by mraimondi
AM I ASKING YOU TO LEAVE?????????......LURKERS.............
by Warlock ini am not asking you to leave the org.. i am asking you to consider what i am going to present.. revelation says that there will be an 8th king, right?.
and that king will put everyone on the earth under compulsion, right?.
with a mark, right?.
AM I ASKING YOU TO LEAVE?????????......LURKERS.............
by Warlock ini am not asking you to leave the org.. i am asking you to consider what i am going to present.. revelation says that there will be an 8th king, right?.
and that king will put everyone on the earth under compulsion, right?.
with a mark, right?.
if you believe
witnesses believe that angels are indeed active and can help them in the ministry and in other aspects of their lives.
just probably not in the same way as more "new agey" type of "christians"
you know, bullshit.
Ramapo denies Jehovah's Witnesses tax exemption
by lrkr inhttp://www.lohud.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?aid=/20090503/news03/905030339&s=d&page=#pluckcomments.
this morning's paper- front page..
JWs arent the only religion who believe in destruction of society...
AM I ASKING YOU TO LEAVE?????????......LURKERS.............
by Warlock ini am not asking you to leave the org.. i am asking you to consider what i am going to present.. revelation says that there will be an 8th king, right?.
and that king will put everyone on the earth under compulsion, right?.
with a mark, right?.
not having children doesn't just have to do with the org...
as a matter of fact, i see more people end up having children as witnesses, but then i look at myself and others who have left and we are childless... usually by choice ;)
Ramapo denies Jehovah's Witnesses tax exemption
by lrkr inhttp://www.lohud.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?aid=/20090503/news03/905030339&s=d&page=#pluckcomments.
this morning's paper- front page..
social work?
they preach politics from the pulpit...
thats legal reason enough to get them taxed.
Catholics = jws
they are actually on the SAME legal ground, i stand corrected.
I'm not Anti-anything here - but still....please watch
by AK - Jeff ini don't know if the premises here are provable or not.
but if this video is right - the world our grandkids will inherit will be like a different planet.
please watch.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-3x5hifxyu.
this completely smacks of "omgz the world is going to be filled with yellow and brown people, what are we going to do!?!?! white power!!!"
so what? we are a dying breed? so what?
the only thing im concerned about is islam taking over the world as a religious system. that would be a step backwards.
otherwise, i dont care what color they are.
Ramapo denies Jehovah's Witnesses tax exemption
by lrkr inhttp://www.lohud.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?aid=/20090503/news03/905030339&s=d&page=#pluckcomments.
this morning's paper- front page..
they really should start taxing ALL religion.
just taxing the dubs isnt fair
legally, they have even more reason to tax catholicism and other sects...
Only JWs Will be saved?I
by Shepherd Book ini received this quote via email:.
"but jehovah's servants already belong to the only organization that will survive the end of this wicked system of things".
it's my understanding that this is from the dec. 15, 2007 wt.
i have always wondered what the belief is on this.
I have met a FEW witnesses that strongly believe: if you are not working towards baptism or baptised, you WILL die @ harmofgelatin... so what is the deal? Everyone i ever spoke to on this was kinda like "umm, we dont really know, we have to wait on Jah" etc... I just said straight out, no way - he isnt going to just kill like that. And i would get really passionate about it. and some strange looks ;) I still believe if there IS a god and there IS an end, he will judge by the heart... but even that is shady ground..
Only JWs Will be saved?I
by Shepherd Book ini received this quote via email:.
"but jehovah's servants already belong to the only organization that will survive the end of this wicked system of things".
it's my understanding that this is from the dec. 15, 2007 wt.
the only "organization" ...
not nessecarily the PEOPLE involved.
How the jw's evolved (Gross content)
by Tired of the Hypocrisy ini can barely type this.
i was answering questions at yahoo!
answers when i noticed that a former elder i met from socal had made a very funny but gross little story outlining how the jw's got their start.
yeah because everyone who is a jw is a child molestor