the fact that other churches preach politics from the pulpit is why THEY should be taxed to the max.
and umm yeah, accept christianity or die starving? real humanitarian.
there's just as much reason to tax "christendom" as there is to tax the dubs
we all know that the watchtower bible and tract societies corporations pay no property tax or income taxes on donations from the kingdom halls.. yet they condemn other corporations for being tax evaders .
look at this rubbish from their own web site.
payers, avoiders, and evadersmost people will at least begrudgingly acknowledge the benefits that taxes bring to their community.
the fact that other churches preach politics from the pulpit is why THEY should be taxed to the max.
and umm yeah, accept christianity or die starving? real humanitarian.
there's just as much reason to tax "christendom" as there is to tax the dubs
we are happy to inform you of some rule changes on this forum.
we do not want to give the impression they are rules, so we will use the term guidelines.
at present, some are using this forum to express their own opinion.
sad but true
i'm sitting at home watching cricket on the box( i know that's sad) and look out of the window and who do i see but two sets of people walking down the street calling on peoples houses.
yes jehovah's witnesses.. the weird thing is that they are walking even slower than people in a funeral march.
they look just as unhappy as if someone has just died.. also why do they go house to house in twos.
haha purpleplus thats one of the most accurate possiblities ive seen here yet.
when i attended a support-group meeting in february [2009], someone in the group brought a wtbts magazine with a very odd "questions from readers" on the back.
[may have been the jw version of feb. 2009 watchtower??].
the "questions from readers" was something to the effect of "are jehovah's witnesses allowed to eat fats?
we all know that the watchtower bible and tract societies corporations pay no property tax or income taxes on donations from the kingdom halls.. yet they condemn other corporations for being tax evaders .
look at this rubbish from their own web site.
payers, avoiders, and evadersmost people will at least begrudgingly acknowledge the benefits that taxes bring to their community.
what?!?! JWs are a recognized religion. They are tax exempt in most places by law?
they SHOULDNT be, but for the MOST part, they are legally not paying taxes.
All religion should be taxed however.
i have a jw in my employ and he is overall a good person, but i am frequently reminded how controlled a jw mind is when it comes to reason.
i was in my office with my jw associate when another co-worker (cw) came in and they got into a discussion of bible versions.
it went like this.. cw - well i use the king james version most of the time.
Jehovah = yahweh
Jesus = yeshua
this much is true
whoa, i was just responding in kind to asilentone's old gestapo like accusations of trolls showing up ;)
i dont really think this new person is a troll. it seems the irony has been lost on you people.
strange how no one accused asilentone of having an "agenda" when i showed up and he immediately accused me of being a troll :)
we are happy to inform you of some rule changes on this forum.
we do not want to give the impression they are rules, so we will use the term guidelines.
at present, some are using this forum to express their own opinion.
how fitting
i dont need to block out names, its totally public on facebook.
do the elders try to advise members against using facebook for some reason??
nah, im pretty sure they are geniunely happy. some here would like to believe they ARENT - but i know they are, i know I was.
however happy they are - the reasons WHY they are happy, and the things they believe in are the problem.