errm, they didnt ask for any details with mine, just if it was only one time, or if it was something i did often.
a reasonable question.
Ive known... 6 people that have gotten disfellowshipped, same thing.
no weird details.
i remember when i like a real stupid ass went to a committee meeting for enjoying committing so called immorality, when in my view i was making love and i enjoyed every dam minute of it.
well any way those stupid elders whom i knew personally for many years wanted to know every juicy (no pun intended) tid bit of what went on between me and this good friend of mine, a long time sister in good standing, i told them what the hell, you guys dont know what sex is!
you stupid asss!
errm, they didnt ask for any details with mine, just if it was only one time, or if it was something i did often.
a reasonable question.
Ive known... 6 people that have gotten disfellowshipped, same thing.
no weird details.
i would like to speak with a jw or anyone here who believes in god, and i would like in fact i dare you to find a reason why humans shouldnt use cannabis.
<--(marijuana) actually i will give you one and it is the only one that i have found.
the only reason i found is because in most places it is illegal and god says to respect there laws but anything besides this i believe is bs so again i dare u to give me a reason besides what i stated..
never had any paranoia here...
he was most likely a pedophile, so most people were disgusted, but hoped he would find Jehovah again, and admit his wrongdoing to the public.
imagine being a teenage superstar....and a jehovah's witness???
poor guy must have suffered a worst mind f#ck then any of us.
teenage girls worshiped him, but i doubt he ever had one.
yes lets blame the witnesses
"apostates can only criticize , tear down and destroy " say the active dubs, "where is their hope of something better?
what is their message to mankind ?
if they have nothing better to offer, how can they attack our faith, which at least offers a hope of a better world?".
this forum, for the most part, proves their point.
my disfellowshipped hub is not interested and neither is my friend its like they want to just shut it all out and any mention just brings back bad memories of being disfellowshipped .
i could understand if they still were scared of apostates and all that rubbish but they dont believe in anything !
which prooves my point about a lot of folk in the "truth" that they are there by chace or because they were born in and dont know anything different or scared of dying at armaggedon , its not really about a deep love for god and a wish to do his will and enjoy spreading "the good news" which is "you are all going to die soon" how could someone who was a pioneer and appeared "spiritual"and was considered elder material go from that to not believing in god at all ?
two of the prerequisites are
1. being bitter
2. having nothing good to say about:
a. witnesses
c. anything they have learned as a witness
i would like to speak with a jw or anyone here who believes in god, and i would like in fact i dare you to find a reason why humans shouldnt use cannabis.
<--(marijuana) actually i will give you one and it is the only one that i have found.
the only reason i found is because in most places it is illegal and god says to respect there laws but anything besides this i believe is bs so again i dare u to give me a reason besides what i stated..
alcohol = marijuana.
if you dont think so, shut the fuck up, warlock.
i would like to speak with a jw or anyone here who believes in god, and i would like in fact i dare you to find a reason why humans shouldnt use cannabis.
<--(marijuana) actually i will give you one and it is the only one that i have found.
the only reason i found is because in most places it is illegal and god says to respect there laws but anything besides this i believe is bs so again i dare u to give me a reason besides what i stated..
honestly, smoking weed is much worse for your lungs tar wise than cigs -
vaporizer, good idea.
eating it would be even better, if it were legal to grow enough.
the witnesses have a problem with it because of the level of intoxication -
i got into an argument with an elder from montana about this once. You simply CANNOT get as messed up on weed as you can alcohol... Its utterly and completely different too, no matter how much they try to analogize it.
and then the witnesses have a problem with it cause its not legal.
and they are correct. If christians are supposed to be law abiding citizens than this is correct. not to mention the hurting your body part. They have it right in this instance, but they use retarded fluff reasoning to pad out the argument, as if it needs padding.
its illegal, and smoking it harms you. end of story, christians shouldnt do it. Even if you vaporize it, its still illegal. Christians shouldnt do it.
thankfully, im not a christian any longer ;)
i would like to speak with a jw or anyone here who believes in god, and i would like in fact i dare you to find a reason why humans shouldnt use cannabis.
<--(marijuana) actually i will give you one and it is the only one that i have found.
the only reason i found is because in most places it is illegal and god says to respect there laws but anything besides this i believe is bs so again i dare u to give me a reason besides what i stated..
smoking it could be considered bad since it is purposely hurting your body...
my top ten or about that : ( not necessarily in order ).
the green mile.
Donnie Darko - i was soooo mad when i finally watched this after being scared of its "R" rating. Awesome movie with a little swearing. big deal.
stupid rules (that i was stupid enough to follow, not trying to blame the WTBTS for not watching it, as many of you might).