@doublelife -- I love new readers. Thanks for the like.
@nuthouse escapee - Leslie, thanks for reading. Things are building. Good things are coming over the next few weeks.
@finally awake -- Thanks for your continued support!
hello to the vast apostate army!
i have exciting news to share.
my new romance novel debuts today on curiosity quills press as a serial novel.
@doublelife -- I love new readers. Thanks for the like.
@nuthouse escapee - Leslie, thanks for reading. Things are building. Good things are coming over the next few weeks.
@finally awake -- Thanks for your continued support!
hello to the vast apostate army!
i have exciting news to share.
my new romance novel debuts today on curiosity quills press as a serial novel.
“You never forget your first time.” Rose’s day starts out with an embarrassing bang that leaves her red and sticky. Things get better when Wyatt whips Rose off for a special tour of the Bethel Bible factory. What will happen when they visit a secret closet off the main tour route? Read the illuminating Chapter 18 of Happiness: How to Find It.
I'm thankful for everyone who has taken time to read and offer feedback on this little love story!
more haphazard thougths on the recently concluded elder school..... a big chunk of time was spent on a video which traced a judicial case, all the way from the confession to the elders through the decision to disfellowship the guy.. here is a very brief synopsis of the video:.
tearful late-teen or early-20's publisher confesses to 2 elders that he committed fornication with a "worldly girl" who is now preganant and wants to marry him.
the elders give him some "homework" to do prior to his judcial committee - read psalm 51 and an old wt article.
These videos need to be leaked.
hello friends!
i had a bit of brightness on an otherwise dreary monday.
shane crash, author of forest life, has reviewed by upcoming novel paradise earth: day zero.
Hello friends! I had a bit of brightness on an otherwise dreary Monday. Shane Crash, author of Forest Life, has reviewed by upcoming novel Paradise Earth: Day Zero. Because I wrote it for Jehovah's Witnesses, I've been eager to see how someone who doesn't have a JW background will approach this novel. Today I got my first sample, and it is positive. You can check out the review here --> http://www.shanecrash.com/review-of-paradise-earth-day-zero-by-anthony-mathenia/ or for convenience I've posted the text below. The novel will be released on Dec 21, 2012, just in time for Mayan doomsday. :-)
---Review of Paradise Earth: Day Zero by Shane Crash
I was fortunate to receive an advance copy of Anthony Mathenia’s new novel, Paradise Earth: Day Zero. The novel is a deconstruction of the Jehovah Witness faith, set at the onset of an apocalypse event. Day Zero is the first volume of a forthcoming trilogy. Although the disastrous events are global, the story is pleasantly small in scope. The Jehovah congregants hole up in the kingdom hall for shelter, lending to the evocative humanization of the group.
The catastrophe is viewed through the eyes of one central character. The man remains nameless throughout the story, but the narrative flows in such a way that backstory reveals itself as the event progresses. Wielded correctly, this form of exposition can work brilliantly, and Anthony pulls it off without missing a beat.
Even more fascinating than the blizzard fireballs of doom raining down from the heavens is the progression of the character’s rationalization of humanity’s impending destruction. The continual onslaught of horror and death take a toll, leading the character from blind faith to a horrified skepticism. We’re able to see through the man’s recollection that these events are not the first time his faith has forced him to credit the divine for an unimaginable atrocity. The man’s memory reveals just how dangerous an imagined ‘pious duty’ can be for human beings.
As an ex-evangelical I know all too well of the sensationalized pseudo-theology of doomsday and Armageddon. I remember fondly asking a pastor, “how the hell anyone could believe such bollocks?” To which he replied, “youth is a dangerous time in any life. Often times our brains are filled with lies, and most people are afraid to empty their heads when they get older.”
Many faiths throughout the world have their own prophesied version of the end of all things. As an ex-Jehovah’s witness, Anthony’s firsthand experience of the faith lends itself well to the difficult task of conveying sympathetic characters in what would otherwise seem inhumane, barbaric, and irrational to an outsider. However monstrous, the central group’s lack of compassion for the dead and dying is understandable, albeit disheartening. Anthony uses his insider knowledge to craft an interesting array of characters within the sheltered group.
The hierarchy and patriarchy of the religion is evidenced as the church elders bully the congregants into submission. The congregation is in constant fear of being cast out and shunned by the church elders. And the reader is forced to watch in disgust as their submission leads to horror and death. The commentary on fear mongering and hierarchy is unraveled via story craft, and it also struck me with its parallels to evangelicalism. The story rolls out a sympathetic treatise on the Jehovah Witness faith, but I would venture to say that it could just as easily apply to the majority of systematic faith groups. My study of religious anthropology has shown me that at the heart of even the smallest faith groups is a system of hierarchy and in most cases, patriarchy.
Furthermore, via story craft, Mathenia manages to brilliantly comment on the vice of blind obedience and unquestioning faith. Mathenia observes: the problem with expectations is that in the end we don’t always get what we hope for. Mathenia says that we may anticipate the effect of a dream realized, but we don’t know that our expectations of a dream realized will mirror reality.
One might expect the group of congregants to be overly pious, and they are to an extent, but what struck me is how similar they are in nature to the nonreligious. They’re selfish, violent, and greedy. They share all the traits that make human beings what we are, and they may have given it a name, (sin), and they may fancy themselves set apart, but their humanity resides within them. These traits: lust, greed, envy, and anger are often the source of great evil, but they also lend themselves to empathy and compassion. They are the source of our humanity, and to try and rid the world of them is folly. The problem with perfection is that it’s unknowable, and yet, it’s all around us.
Day Zero is an incredible start to the Paradise Earth trilogy. Mathenia has crafted a cautionary tale, but more than that he has crafted a human journey from indoctrination and fear – to freedom and compassion. He’s a gem of a writer and I highly recommend purchasing this novel. You can pre-order it via the Paradise Earth Indiegogo Page. If you live in the Illinois area, you can also purchase tickets to the end of the world book release on December 21 at the Jacoby Arts Center in Alton, Illinois.
i like to share my picture with you and that you share yours with me.
but only if that does not represent any problem to you.
here is mine.
hello to the vast apostate army!
i have exciting news to share.
my new romance novel debuts today on curiosity quills press as a serial novel.
Upon their arrival in New Jersey, Rose witnesses an exposed Wyatt and struggles with some very adult feelings. Can she handle the temptation of a honeymoon suite (complete with champagne, a king-sized bed and a hot tub) when Wyatt is only one room away? Chapter 17 of “Happiness: How to Find It” bares all.
hello to the vast apostate army!
i have exciting news to share.
my new romance novel debuts today on curiosity quills press as a serial novel.
Rose experiences two milestones in one day: a thrilling first time away from home, and an arousing musical moment with Wyatt. How can Rose get even closer to the man who encourages her to dream of a future beyond Kent Springs? Read Chapter 16 (and catch up on the previous chapters!) of “Happiness: How to Find It.”
hello to the vast apostate army!
i have exciting news to share.
my new romance novel debuts today on curiosity quills press as a serial novel.
Excitement is building for a bus trip with Wyatt True. However, before Rose can go, she must first seek the permission of tyrannical Jasper Green. After the harsh way he treated the young lady, does she even stand a chance? Find out in Chapter 15 of 'Happiness: How to Find it', a free online serial novel. Thanks for reading!
it's happening!.
disney compra lucasfilm y fija 2015 para el estreno de 'star wars: episode vii'!.
I'm excited for this. Disney has been involved with the Star Wars franchise since the 1980's. Yes they have merchandised it, but also have done quite a bit of fan service. Keep in mind that Disney bought Marvel, and gave us the Avengers, a quality, action flick, that got it right. The same could be said with Pixar's output, excepting Cars 2.
A huge reason that the prequels failed was that Lucas surrounded himself with a bunch of yes men. (Watch the prequel documentaries to see this in action.) Now with Lucas just being "creative consultant", they can take his good ideas and ignore his bad ones. This is the formula that worked well for Empire and Jedi.
hello to the vast apostate army!
i have exciting news to share.
my new romance novel debuts today on curiosity quills press as a serial novel.
Rose continues to feel the consequences of her break-up with Clinton Green. However there is a glimmer of hope; Wyatt True has offered to accompany the young sister on a bus trip to visit the Jehovah's Witness world headquarters in New York . It would be a dream come true! The only thing standing in the way is her congregation's overseer, harsh Jasper Green. Read Chapter 14 of 'Happiness: How to Find It', a free online serial from Curiosity Quills Press.