In the original state the earth had a fixed "sun" in the heaven made up of Saturn, Venus, and Mars. This is the original "trinity", father, mother, son. From the earth it gave the impression of the eye. Saturn was the bright outer disk, venus the colorful iris, and mars the dark pupil. This is where we get the idea of the "eye in the sky". Just below the earth raised up like a mountain, and then a beam of light connected heaven and earth, like a "ladder".
Eventually the heavens broke up in a spectacular (and terrifying) manner. The structure of pyramids is a callback to this. Neb's tower of babel was not to "touch the heavens" per say, but rather the top was "the heavens". It is an attempt to build a religious symbol of what was lost.
There are also echos of this in the Bible as well, especially in Revelation. Where "New Jerusalem" functions as a fixed sun above the holy mountain with a "stream" running down from it.
Many of our symbols today also refer back to this. The winged sun disk, the steeple and cross, the Christmas tree, the caduceus, the washington monument, and on and on...