I sincerely hope that reasoning upon this matters from Jehovah's standpoint will help some of you.
How do you mean, You Know?
armaggedon - jehovahs witness speculations
o.k, so we all know that j.w's all have their own ideas on what exactly armaggedon is going to be like.
here are a few of the ideas i have heard from loyal dubs: .
I sincerely hope that reasoning upon this matters from Jehovah's standpoint will help some of you.
How do you mean, You Know?
consistent with the factions working behind the scenes, the.
organization is being pulled in two directions:.
first, to survive, they must get dumber and crazier.
How could they drop the blood policy? After so many people have died they are going to say "surprise! New light!' ?????? I would think that members would leave in droves. But then again, if they were whacked out enough to buy all the other WT crap then maybe they would still stick around and listen to the NEW LIGHT logic.
No, there is no way that I can see that the WT will drop the blood policy. This would be the biggest blunder thet would ever make (I mean blunder by their logic, not ours). Anyone with a shred of dignity would not support this "new LIght" - this would cause a HUGE decrease in members.
when you all were dating jws, did you have to have a chaperone everytime you went out?
did you always adhere to this rule?
how did you get around it without getting caught?.
I thought to myself, "I only asked you out, I didn't propose!"
Witnesses encourage that you cannot date someone without a view to marriage. I only had one JW boyfriend (well, he was kind of inactive) and I never had to have a chaperone, but after we broke up we remained friends, and THEN my parents insisted that we take a chaperone along - What's with that? They thought it was weird that we were still friends.
My brother on the other hand, always had to have a chaperone, even if he was just going 10 minutes up the road in the car with her. And I ALWAYS had to be the chaperone uuurgh!
Alot of my JW friends did'nt like dating for these reasons, so just resorted to constant drunken snogging at wild JW parties (yes, we had them).
everybody has their own timetable when it comes to leaving the organization.
some due to family and friends continue indefinetly.
others, when they see all the lies of the "truth", leave right away.
I was brought up a JW for around 20 years before I started fading away. I always had doubts, and detested the man made rules in the org. I decide when I was ready for it, before I got beptised I would really "Make the truth my own", and research this religion outside of WT approved publications.
Well, I started fading away gradually. As soon as I moved out of home, I did'nt have the influence of my parents and stopped attending meetings and witnessing. Months later, I was studying again and I decided to make a decision on this org once and for all. I started researching and stumbled onto this site - found out about the UN issue, this is when I officially left.
I define "officially left" in the sense of when someone asks me "What cong are you in" I say "None, I don't go"
They then say: "oh well, I guess it's hard with your job and everything"
and I say "No, it's not hard, because I don't want to go"
It took me along time to have the courage to say this - about 3 years.
this little gem is from the watchtower, january 15, 2000...."in el salvador,one man tied his vicious dog in front of the door whenever he saw jehovah's witnesses nearby.
the man would wait for the witnesses to move on, and then he would bring the dog back into the house.
the brothers were never able to speak to the man.
Does it not worry Jehovahs Witnesses that these ridiculous stories of complete hearsay are their examples of how the "Holy Spirit" works in the christian congregation?
I mean, other religions are speaking in tongues and healing the terminally ill.
What happens in the Jehovahs Witness Congregation?
Some guy chats with a dog and the next thing you know, his owners converted. I have Born Again Christian members who have studied with me and been to Jehovahs Witness meetings and asked my study: "So that is the extent of how god acts in this congregation"?
"how come all your stories are only about how people become J.W's, what about how god has helped them?"
"Well, that is how god has helped them"
"By encouraging them to become a cult member who can only become close to god through a man made organisation? Where in the bible is this?"
armaggedon - jehovahs witness speculations
o.k, so we all know that j.w's all have their own ideas on what exactly armaggedon is going to be like.
here are a few of the ideas i have heard from loyal dubs: .
While all those who choose to leave early would be destroyed at the big A." (I changed it to big A, but she said Armageddon.)
I think i've actually heard this before from the platform, but it was more like "What if this were to happen brothers".....
Scared the hell out of all those early leavers for a while.
armaggedon - jehovahs witness speculations
o.k, so we all know that j.w's all have their own ideas on what exactly armaggedon is going to be like.
here are a few of the ideas i have heard from loyal dubs: .
Just an elder thought that? Every JW I know thinks that this is going to happen, alot thought it was happening when sept 11 took place.
Sorry, but we have been instructed not to speculate on Armaggedon anymore by the Faithful Slave.I know, but all the JW's I know say "I know i'm not supposed to speculate on armaggedon, but this is what I think will happen"...... LOL
this little gem is from the watchtower, january 15, 2000...."in el salvador,one man tied his vicious dog in front of the door whenever he saw jehovah's witnesses nearby.
the man would wait for the witnesses to move on, and then he would bring the dog back into the house.
the brothers were never able to speak to the man.
I heard this story as a district convention, all the JW's loved it!!!
Have you ever noticed that a hell of alot of JW stories have to do with dogs?
Much to their surprise, the man came out of his house and apologized for never having given the Witnesses the opportunity to speak to him. He accepted the magazines, and a Bible study was started. This man is now our brother--one of the "desirable things"
Yep, o.k. Thats the natural thing to do when you see two JW's you already hate preaching to your dog. When I first heard this story, I was expecting the guy to say: "Now the dog is a faithful pioneer in one of our congregations".
It would pretty much have the same practices:
Irritates neighbourhood by delivering crap onto their doorstep. LOL
armaggedon - jehovahs witness speculations
o.k, so we all know that j.w's all have their own ideas on what exactly armaggedon is going to be like.
here are a few of the ideas i have heard from loyal dubs: .
Armaggedon - Jehovahs Witness Speculations
O.k, so we all know that J.W's all have their own ideas on what exactly Armaggedon is going to be like.
Here are a few of the ideas I have heard from loyal dubs:
Jehovah is going to instruct all the JW's to go to their Kingdom Halls and prepare for Armaggedon - The end of this system of things will then take place, destruction all around. The Kingdom Halls with the dubs in it will be safe, while the world tumbles down around them. (this is a favourate speculation from ALOT of the JW's I know)
Armaggedon will take place, destroying everything except the homes of loyal dubs.
Armaggedon will commence after a SPECIAL ASSEMBELY where dubs are instructed on exactly what day Armaggedon is to commence and what to do when it comes.
Does anyone have any similar stories on speculations on the process of the end of this system of things, or perhaps your own ideas on what doomsday was going to be like when you were a JW?
I would also like to ask how many thought when they were a JW that JW's were going to be the only survivors? And how many people know JW's now who think the same?
I ask this because some dubs I know now say that only JW's will survive, and others say some worldly people too.
I am interested in your response.
i wrote to the united nations friday so that i could get the information about the watchtower's association with them from the proverbial horse's mouth.
i want to show my parents that what i'm saying about the watchtower is not just something we evil "apostates" made up.
what i received was the exact same letter that i've found on the web, but since these are addressed to me (addressed to my email addy) from officers in the un maybe they'll actually take a look.
While we appreciate your concern, we do not think we can add much to what we stated in our previous letter. We believe our reply was both frank and complete and adequately deals with the issues you raise. May we kindly suggest that you prayerfully re read our original reply.
In other words: "Shut your trap and leave us alone"
This is disgusting, and it has inspired me to write another letter to the WT. Did you ask for copies of the documentation that they supposedly signed at the time that does not contradict with their christian beleifs, as they say? I am really interested to know whether anyone did this.
So my friend, - screw Paul Hoeffel's group - write directly to his bosses and phone them too!!!!
Thank you so much for this info, Hawkaw, I will certainly do this, I am thinking of waiting until I get the letter from the UN back, asn sending THAT to Bethel. Again, I ask has anyone done this also yet?