you expressed what I was trying to with perfect eloquence
i ve just read the blog asking what sort of man a woman wants!
i am fed up in this world that men don't stand up and start letting the sisters in the world know what we really need.
lets take the game to them!!.
you expressed what I was trying to with perfect eloquence
i ve just read the blog asking what sort of man a woman wants!
i am fed up in this world that men don't stand up and start letting the sisters in the world know what we really need.
lets take the game to them!!.
Im up for work in three hours.
have a class of eleven year olds to inspire.
i ve just read the blog asking what sort of man a woman wants!
i am fed up in this world that men don't stand up and start letting the sisters in the world know what we really need.
lets take the game to them!!.
Married to.
me either.
just opposing views.
if you came round my house Id bake you a cake, and then show you my recent graphic artwork. - you might even find it interesting, x
i ve just read the blog asking what sort of man a woman wants!
i am fed up in this world that men don't stand up and start letting the sisters in the world know what we really need.
lets take the game to them!!.
married to JW. Im not sure what your problem is. do you have a lazy wife? or did you have one and now you dont because she got so fed up of you telling her her role she decided the TV was more important?
I think if you stop defining things so black and white and just go with the flow it will work better.
relationships are all about dynamic. as soon as one person stops giving and just takes, it will stop working anyway.
"So basically, you're taking your husbands lack of responsibility to the family as an excuse to say that women shouldn't have a responsibilty to the family either"
basically I said what I meant. - in my words. and it wasnt that.
have you thought about what a woman might do when she finds herself alone with no way to earn money for her kids? - each one should carry his own load and be able to keep themselves and their family if necessary.
I have lots of time with my kids and being a teacher and being academic and creative has definitely inspired them. they are clever, musical and they have a well rounded view of life. Im glad I have more to talk about to them than what I saw on the cooking channel.
i ve just read the blog asking what sort of man a woman wants!
i am fed up in this world that men don't stand up and start letting the sisters in the world know what we really need.
lets take the game to them!!.
thats me.
i ve just read the blog asking what sort of man a woman wants!
i am fed up in this world that men don't stand up and start letting the sisters in the world know what we really need.
lets take the game to them!!.
i see you have to put up with crap and its not fair. Im not condoning a lazy woman. quite the opposite. -and coming home to a none working wife that doesnt even clean up is unfair in a relationship but Im all for sharing the load.
I have men ask me can I cook, and I can, very well thank you. - but if he can't then Im not interested. I dont want a man who thinks its feet up and him time when he gets in the door and climbs into bed and expects me to be ready for sex. what a turn off.
i ve just read the blog asking what sort of man a woman wants!
i am fed up in this world that men don't stand up and start letting the sisters in the world know what we really need.
lets take the game to them!!.
you are missing the point arent you? if you love a woman so much you want to work all day for her, then do you love her enough to see that maybe she wouldnt be happy as a housewife.. thats all Im saying. some women are happy in that role and some arent, if you find one that is, well great.
i ve just read the blog asking what sort of man a woman wants!
i am fed up in this world that men don't stand up and start letting the sisters in the world know what we really need.
lets take the game to them!!.
oh and Im not saying its wrong, Im just saying if its not what a woman wants then its not going to work. I sure wouldnt want to be at home all day making pies and darning. my kids havent suffered, they are happy, top of their class, - and before it gets mentioned by anyone, no it wasnt a factorin my divorce, I always kept us as my ex had a string of crappy jobs and no desire to better his prospects, I worked cleaned cooked and studied a degree and spent time with my kids, Im saying women at home all day waste time doing nothing then they get bored and become desperate housewives.
i ve just read the blog asking what sort of man a woman wants!
i am fed up in this world that men don't stand up and start letting the sisters in the world know what we really need.
lets take the game to them!!.
what does she do with the day then?
kids go to school. while Ive been at home, my house is spotless by ten. then what do I do? :)
i ve just read the blog asking what sort of man a woman wants!
i am fed up in this world that men don't stand up and start letting the sisters in the world know what we really need.
lets take the game to them!!.
ah well - have that as my opinion on both.
this man is going wrong because he thinks just because he works 16 hours a day, his wife should have dinner ready. - maybe she doesnt want to, maybe she wants them both to wok 6 hours each, take turns cooking and spend the evening together,,
you will stay in
you will be happy you selfish bitch!!!