JoinedTopics Started by creativhoney
Obtaining publications
by goddidit inwhat would be the easiest, cheapest way to obtain jw publications, even hardbacks?.
they don't come to my door so often.
what if i visit the nearest kh?.
Manchester First Meet Up Group :UPDATE
by raymond frantz injust to say thank you guys ,this website proves a valuable tool when trying to set up a meet up group .we have already 9 new members .spread the word and don't forget the first meetup is first sunday of january ,if you have not join in yet contact me on : [email protected] or pm me .
I am exhausted emotionally.
by PaintedToeNail ini have been reading ashley judd's 'all things bitter and sweet' autobiography, and it has exhausted me.
she paints a picture of neglect and abuse from early childhood on.
as i sat reading, i realised i was identifying with so much of what she wrote.. why, when having an emotional breakdown as a teenager, major obsessive compulsive disorder, obvious depression symptoms, would you refuse to get medical help for your child?
How "spriritual" (cultish) was your congregation?
by brokethechain inscaling the level of cult control within the jw organization on a scale of 1-10, i would say bethel life is probably a 10.. i ended up in a downtown big city congregation, and it had a high influx of uber zealous young people from other parts of the country.
and, as controlling as the wt publications are, some elders managed to find ways to add more rules.
a very controlling p.o.
Elders Douchbag Awards!
by Unbrainwashed publisher1 inwould like to start a thread awarding douchbag elders in every kingdom hall.
not for the poor souls who are mentally trapped in org and serv.
for the greater good of the flock.. but those elders who you somehow never see in service yet pioneers?
It's the holidays! You aren't a JW, but are you still a killjoy?
by JimmyPage indidn't you spend enough time sucking the fun out of the holidays?
why do a minority of ex-jws still need to point out self-righteously that the origins of these celebrations are sometimes less than desirable?
yes, we all know that the american indian was not treated well by the white man.
How to handle it when a JW gives you "counsel" about some stupid crap
by Terry inthere is a catch-22 that can trip you up at the local kingdom hall.. .
if you receive "counsel" from an elder about any behavior at all and you "resist" or question the counsel you can be accused of having a "spirit of rebellion".. .
so, you have to either shut up and comply (with even the most ludicrous and ill-founded suggestions) or answer back and be chastised and "marked".. .
A Loving father.
by creativhoney inone parallel i always remember is that jehovah god is likened to a loving father.
i have often wondered what kind of loving parent would go out indefinitely, not say where they were and leave their kids a vague and cryptic note of what to do while they were gone?
i have wondered what kind of parent would make it hard for their kids to figure out exactly what was expected of them, or watch them fail miserably from a distance.
Taking alcohol into the veins (WBT$ illo) - can someone deconstruct this for me?
by punkofnice inok. so i've heard that the wbt$ say that having alcohol into the body intraveniously (how do you spell it?
), when the doctor says you shouldn't have alcohol is baaaadddd!
so you wouldn't have a blood transfusion because invisible sky friend jar hoover says it's baaaaaddddddd.. no doubt the illustration is beyond crazy but how is the best way to deconstruct it?.