If you can just dail up and say hello , that would be great. Just spend a few minutes on the call people would like to hear your voice.
JoinedPosts by koolaid-man
JWN night Saturday August 15,2009 on the conference call
by koolaid-man inour second annual jwn night will take place this saturday august 15,2009 7p.m.est.
this will be a great opportunity to hear the voices and connect with the real personalities of the people behind the avatars.
chat with people who are, in their own unique way, have made jwn the most popular ex-jw forum on the net.
JWN night Saturday August 15,2009 on the conference call
by koolaid-man inour second annual jwn night will take place this saturday august 15,2009 7p.m.est.
this will be a great opportunity to hear the voices and connect with the real personalities of the people behind the avatars.
chat with people who are, in their own unique way, have made jwn the most popular ex-jw forum on the net.
Some of our calls last up to 7 hours and some callers stay on to the very end. If you are calling from outside the USA long distance rates may apply.I will post the pal talk info. on this thread friday Aug. 14
At long last - Six Screens of the Watchtower website now Open!
by Incognito inhi everybody.. i've been a long time lurker here (as are sooo many others.
further to following mouthy's thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/11/129936/1.ashx , i noticed that the 'six screens' website is finally shown as being able to be 'checked out'.. i believe minimus first posted about this some months back.
some here have been waiting & asking about it ever since.. http://www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com.
Hello! Starabircza, I'm so glad you strolled in to the six screens website. I'm glad it didn't take a million years. You were able to muster up the courage in only two years. You are running ahead of everyone else.
JWN night Saturday August 15,2009 on the conference call
by koolaid-man inour second annual jwn night will take place this saturday august 15,2009 7p.m.est.
this will be a great opportunity to hear the voices and connect with the real personalities of the people behind the avatars.
chat with people who are, in their own unique way, have made jwn the most popular ex-jw forum on the net.
Our second annual JWN night will take place this Saturday August 15,2009 7p.m.EST.
This will be a great opportunity to hear the voices and connect with the real personalities of the people behind the avatars. Chat with people who are, in their own unique way, have made JWN the most popular ex-JW forum on the net.
Join in on the fun and win prizes as an exciting new aspect of the conference call will take place, JW trivia questions!
Our scheduled guest will be Lady Lee, moderator of JWN.
It's easy to get on the call, just dial (712)432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925.
There is no charge for the call, just your normal calling rates apply.
Our phone lines open at 6:30 p.m.EST, and our program starts at 7 p.m.EST. So come in early and talk with all those who have been "touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower"!
To listen to last year's call, which includes an interview with Simon Green, webmaster of JWN, go to www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com Once you are on the home page scroll down to the telephone click, then click on Aug. 16 2008.
Prince admits he is a JW in a talkshow
by Albert Einstein in.
Check this out..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDLDLvl4KTw&feature=channel_page
Hell unmasked! What is it, where is it, when is it,why is it, who is it for.?
by koolaid-man inthe subject of hell is very controversial.
many churches do not like even bringing the subject up because it raises so many questions.
christians differ in their explanation of what hell is.
To listen to our first "In search of truth " program click this link. http://www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com/isot-conferencecall.html
Jehovah's Witnesses "snapping" under pressure, their flawed doctrine must be sending people "over the edge"!
by the research lady inin the last year the watchtower's public relations department is being inundated with inquiries concerning jehovah's witnesses and their bizarre behaviour.
the recent murder and cannabalism of a three week old baby is the latest in a series of ongoing horrific news articles linking jehovah's witnesses to acts of violent crimes.
http://www.seattlepi.com/national/408515_baby28.html?source=mypi what is causing these problems?
Imbalanced, unstable, nutjobs, lunatics, crazy, these are great terms to describe those who know the problems, evils, dangers of the Watchtower org. and remain hidden and are afraid to come out and overtly speak up. Many here claim the Watchtower has no mental affects on innocent Jehovah's Witnesses or those connected with Jehovah's Witnesses who are "driven over the edge". The very ones crying foul and claiming that the Watchtower's doctrines, policies, and procedures cannot be directly linked to causing Witnesses to "snap" may also be suffering from some form of mental condition. Rather than "stand tall" "speak loud and clear" and let the whole world know what this organization is doing to people, they prefer to berate, belittle, and undermine the efforts of those trying to bring people out of this organization and stop others from coming in. These ridiculers are still frightened, and deathly afraid of the Watchtower and what it might do to them. Such ones should discuss this fear with trained professionals and see if the very thing they deny is happening with them. Quietly hiding in cyberspace, ready to "jump down anyones throat" for stepping up to bat and alerting thousands of people on a new format via telephone conference call is not helping the goal we all have of exposing the Watchtower org. If such ones are fearful, confused, disturbed, by the Organization finding out who they are, then do yourself a favor and go back to the Kingdom Hall.
Jehovah's Witnesses "snapping" under pressure, their flawed doctrine must be sending people "over the edge"!
by the research lady inin the last year the watchtower's public relations department is being inundated with inquiries concerning jehovah's witnesses and their bizarre behaviour.
the recent murder and cannabalism of a three week old baby is the latest in a series of ongoing horrific news articles linking jehovah's witnesses to acts of violent crimes.
http://www.seattlepi.com/national/408515_baby28.html?source=mypi what is causing these problems?
Georgie girl I agree with the research lady. I recommend that you and your Jehovah's Witness friends read the book written by Dr. Jerry Bergman "Jehovah's Witnesses and the problem of mental illness". This book might give skeptics an understanding of what is going on in the minds of "snapped" Witnesses. The book is full of true stories of Jehovah's Witnesses from a doctor's viewpoint of how J.W. doctrine affects the minds of so many poor, innocent Witnesses.
Hell unmasked! What is it, where is it, when is it,why is it, who is it for.?
by koolaid-man inthe subject of hell is very controversial.
many churches do not like even bringing the subject up because it raises so many questions.
christians differ in their explanation of what hell is.
The subject of hell is very controversial. Many churches do not like even bringing the subject up because it raises so many questions. Christians differ in their explanation of what Hell is. On the surface there appears to be three main positions on the Biblical definition of Hell. These positions are 1. traditionalist, that there is a real fiery place of eternal torment. 2. Annihilationists, suggesting when your flesh body dies, God also destroys your soul. 3. Seperationalists, at death the soul is seperated from God. We will be bringing in a fourth view, the view of Jehovah's Witnesses, that hell is simply the common grave of mankind. If this topic is of interest to you dial in to our special conference call "In Search of Truth". Our guests will be Gerald Henderson, Jay Hess, and an active Jehovah's Witness. This "In Search of Truth" conference call is a seperate conference that will immediately follow the Six Screens call. It will begin at 8 p.m.EST Saturday August 1,2009. It's easy to get on the call, just dial (712)432-8710 and when asked for pin number use 9925. There is no charge for the call, just your normal calling rates apply. Dial in and "stand tall" on the frontlines of truth and keep waving the flag of victory"! http://www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com/isot-conferencecall.html
New internet connection for South Africa...spells Armageddon for Watchtower Org!
by koolaid-man ina new cable for faster service will now put south africa and much of the rest of the continent on the internet super highway.
this means africans will be discovering the truth about "the truth" at a rapidly increasing pace.
exjws there will be connecting with exjws around the world, etc.
A new cable for faster service will now put South Africa and much of the rest of the continent on the Internet Super Highway. This means Africans will be discovering the TRUTH about "The Truth" at a rapidly increasing pace. ExJWs there will be connecting with ExJWs around the world, etc. Armageddon is hitting the Watchtower Society in Africa. The reason why I find this very significant is when checking site statistics on our website www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com (that is the amount of traffic coming in to the site) it more than doubled on the 23 of July. To test if this is a direct relationship to Africa now on a faster superhighway or a coincidence maybe some other webmasters could check their stats and see if their numbers went up as well. http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/07/22/seacom.on/index.html