In the last year the Watchtower's public relations department is being inundated with inquiries concerning Jehovah's Witnesses and their bizarre behaviour. The recent murder and cannabalism of a three week old baby is the latest in a series of ongoing horrific news articles linking Jehovah's Witnesses to acts of violent crimes. What is causing these problems? Could it be the fear, the guilt, the burdens, the Watchtower org. places on the Witnesses? Or perhaps it is linked with their obsession with demonism and the teachings of the immenent destruction of the entire world at Armageddon. The conference call Saturday, August 1,2009 at 7p.m.EST will be discussing the mayhem in the Watchtower org. Join us on the call and you may be surprised at what's going on "behind the curtains" of the Watchtower. It's easy to get on the call, just dial (712)432-8710 and when asked for pin number use 9925. There is no charge for the call, just your normal calling rates apply. The telephone lines open at 6:30 for the pre-show, so come on early and meet new friends and talk with all of those who have been "touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower". For more information
Jehovah's Witnesses "snapping" under pressure, their flawed doctrine must be sending people "over the edge"!
by the research lady 42 Replies latest jw friends
who will be the guest?
I think it's a two part problem.
First, the type of people that are attracted to high control religions that offer an attractive carrot and instand friends are more likely to be disturbed individuals who struggle with mental illness or emotional baggage from an abusive past.
Second, the WTS puts these converts with emotional baggage/problems into a pressure cooker. The covnert is required to show perfect behavior, service hours, and complete agreement with the WTS dogma. If they have children, they are expected to spank their children to keep still at the meetings and to sacrifice the child if the blood issue arises. The ladder is completely offensive to human parental skills and creates much mental anguish. If you are a child brought up in the religion, then you have a warped sense of right vs. wrong, fear the End of the World, isolation, many times physical and sexual abuse, etc.
Add together the two parts, and you get an explosion.
The comments on this article are very revealing.
I think she was just a woman with schizophrenia, post-partum depression, an "unhelpful" significant other who did not get the medical help she needed due to the pervasive ignorance in the general population about such conditions. It has nothing to do with being a jw.
Yeah, I agree with Blondie.
I think being a JW was the least of her problems.
If she wasn't married to the baby's father, yet still trying to be a JW, then that was a problem.
A terrible scenario for all concerned, imo.
You know, being a JW probably did not help.
She knew she needed help, if she had allot of negative messages coming from her JW community about getting that help and from the elders
then certainly they would feel the brunt of some of the blame. Not being informed or educated enough about mental illness, which I would find
to be true for JW's in general would not be helpful to the situation either.
I hope they can investigate her mind and thoughts about it all, study it.
Then maybe everyone will know the part religion had in her illness.
What happens when you get home late from work, only to have to get ready for a boasting session? The bills are not paid because you didn't get a decent job (no college, plus all the good ones are banned), and they are hounding for donations for the new Kingdumb Hell (which they do not need). You are also behind on your field circus time, having been hounded to death to pio-sneer against your better judgment (and knowing that, if you are short in your time, they will hound you to death). You have a talk coming up next week, which you are totally unsuited for (and they knew it when they assigned you).
At this time, your family has what would have been a minor issue--a lost suit coat or boasting session bag, cannot find the Bible, or other nuisance issue. Now, that will make you late for the boasting session--and the hounder-hounder recently hounded the hounders to have zero tolerance for people that are late for boasting sessions because of this kind of issue. One of the children really doesn't want to go to the boasting session (and with good reason--a talk, or whatever). At some point, something is going to break--whether it means getting more than 160 lashes, a whack in the head with a heavy frying pan, or other abuse, something is bound to happen.
What if, instead, they simply were to miss the boasting session? With the ban on college and most decent paying jobs, they should be more open to the fact that many people simply cannot get to the boasting sessions without a lot of hassle. Unlike the hounder-hounders (most of whom have no reason to miss these sessions), most families are not readily able to sacrifice 3 hours in the evening, especially if they are already underemployed and have to work long hours for pennies. The witlesses need to relax the ban on college--instead of comparing it to a gunshot to the head and threatening "privileges", or relax the pressure to attend the evening boasting sessions, or both.
The JW's need to just shut up or shutdown, period.
Down here, the churches are feeding people, clothing them, repairing the homes of the elderly, tutoring kids and taking them to amusement parks.
Why, last Saturday, with the temperature shooting for the hundred mark, I passed one church and they had kids handing our free bottles of ice-cold water!
What were the JW's doing? Trudging along, almost wilting from the heat, trying to interest people in a lackluster message that has no relevance whatsoever to people's lives.
It is so sad, and my daughter is still among them!