JoinedTopics Started by koolaid-man
Steven Unthank is a true HERO
by Shawn10538 ini just got done listening to hsi interview on six screens.
if any of you have any doubt about his motives and the greatness of his heroic actions, listen to the entire interview.
it is more than 3 hours long and i believe he addresses many concerns some here have had.
Militant apostate wants to become the Steven Unthank of America!
by koolaid-man informer jehovah's witness monique from calfifornia is destined to become the steven unthank of america.. reading about unthank online is what caused her to exit the organization, just two months ago.. monique applauds mr unthanks efforts in charging the the watchtower organization in not complying with police background checks in australia.
the business monique is currently involved in required her in to get a background check.she has approached the state of california and is inquiring why the jehovah's do not have to comply with background checks,as other businesses and organizations do.monique is a militant apostate and she is attempting to organize a movement to get other former witnesses in their state to push for jw background checks.. monique will be our guest sat.
NEW TO JWN and Lovin it!! A Little about me
by Zordino inhello all, i've been on this site for a few weeks (reading for longer) and i have to say this site has helped me a great deal.
i see from reading all the posts that many many people share my views on the whole jw thing and i'm so glad i can express myself without getting into problems with getting reported to the elders or something.
i am currently in my late 30's happily married to a jaydub with 2 kids.
Recorded interview...Steven Unthank tells his story.
by koolaid-man inin an exclusive interview with richard rawe , steven unthank tells his complete story on charging the watchtower with criminal complaints in not complying with laws regarding background checks.
scroll down to 2-21-2012 and listen in.
JW Man accused of child sex offense is wanted by U.S. marshals
by koolaid-man inhow many more ... governing body can you hide?.
posted: 12:28 p.m. wednesday, feb. 22, 2012. .
INTERVIEW WITH A PROSECUTOR... Feb. 21, 2012.. Instructions for listening in..
by koolaid-man intoday feb. 21, 2012, 7pm.
two ways to listen to the interview..... 1.. dial into the six screens of the watchtower conference call... 712-432-8710 and when asked for pin use # 9925 no computer is needed!
Steven Unthank: What do we really know?
by SweetBabyCheezits ini'm gonna play the skeptic today on a topic that is painful for a lot of people on this forum.
my intent is not to stir anything up but to make sure facts are confirmed.
bear in mind, i'm sickened by the wt's role (and the heirarchy down to elders) in child molestation cover-ups.
Governing Body of Jehovahs Witnesses to Escape Judgment for Crimes Against the Children?
by 3Mozzies infrom jw newshttp://jwnewsnetwork.wordpress.com/2012/02/20/governing-body-of-jehovahs-witnesses-to-escape-judgment-for-crimes/.
governing body of jehovahs witnesses to escape judgment for crimes against the children?february 20, 2012 .
corporate accused: watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania, inc.. case no.
The Surprising Faith Of 8 American Presidents... # 6 is interesting!
by koolaid-man inhttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/darrin-grinder/the-presidents-and-their-_b_1283210.html.
6. dwight d. eisenhower.
eisenhower may have been instrumental in bringing "under god" to the pledge of allegiance and making "in god we trust" the national motto, but he was reared in a religious tradition that does not allow its adherents to take oaths of office or to recite the pledge of allegiance--the jehovah's witnesses (a religion/denomination born in the united states, as was mormonism).