i don't know what statistics say, or what other people have experienced-- i can only relate my POV. i endured physical and emotional abuse, and knew when i was going through it that when i grew up, i would never hurt my child in the same way, because it didn't feel good. people are amazed when they do find out what kind of home i come from..because they look at me and they look at my son and see a healthy, well adjusted child, who has never known anything from either of his parents except love and understanding. he has never even been hit by either one of us, screamed at, shamed, etc. so, i guess my answer is abusive environments do tend to produce abusive adults, but at the same time, there are those who break the cycle, and if i could break the cycle, why can't others? i have absolutely no sympathy for anyone who abuses any child and blames it on their crappy childhood!