You know what convinced me there was a pedophile problem?, the Witnesses own news site on the web.
They have all the news on every case ever filed against a Witness and there are so many there, I couldn't read even a small part of them in a couple of days.
Where there's smoke there is fire.
Besides, I did personally know an elder in Utah who was DF'd for incesting his own two daughters and raping his daughter's little friends who came over to spend the night on weekends.
They thought they could cure him with the Bible and DF ing him, but unless you use one as a brickbat to emasculate a pedophile, that's not going to work.
It was only after they caught him doing it again while DF'd that his family finally turned him into the legal authorities. I know that the policy now is to let the law deal with this if discovered, but they should do that even if it's suspected, which is what they often fail to do, especially if it's an elder.
Of course, in my 34 years of being a Witness, I saw elders get away with many things they were merely counseled for, or put on restriction for, that they wouldn't hesitate to DF someone else for, because they chewed the scenery and professed repentance.
Gee, I wish that worked for some of the other people I know who did that...seemed to mostly work for elders. And that is my first hand experience.