JoinedTopics Started by mindmelda
Why so many Atheist VS. Christian discussions here?
by mindmelda ini notice a lot of the discussions seem to be atheist vs christian here.
or is that just my perception?.
but, do the other people who are neither just not care to debate as much or are there just fewer or them, or both?.
Interesting experience on SL...JeHOvah's Witness and I have an encounter
by mindmelda ini go to a women's discussion group on sl, second life, which is a virtual community where you do all sorts of things, including entertainment, discussion groups, media, and just socializing through the use of animated avatars which can be quite realistically human or whatever you want them to be, really, aliens, elves, dragons, vampires, etc.. anyway, a woman there brought to the discussion a situation where she had her real life husband wants to divorce her for a witness woman he had met..and get this...she had come to his door after the couple separated and offered him a bible study, and apparently instead, it turned into a romance and then, according to the woman, her husband and this woman are hitting the sheets.
(you're not supposed to call on the opposite sex alone, and do doubt this is one reason...too many lonely witness women who'd jump on the first piece of dude they meet!
Best use of "Armageddon" ever.
by mindmelda indef leppard...i secretly used to just love it every time this song came on the radio when i was supposed to be a good little witness.. "are you gettin' it?
arma geddon it!".
Ex JW wiki
by mindmelda ini don't know if there is one, but we need our own version of wiki...i'll start, and you all can add to it if you want.. elder: a guy who has nothing better to do with his life when he's not being a janitor, middle management or a construction worker than pick on you so he can polish the wts's apple.. ministerial servant: guy who wants to be an elder so he can pick on people, because he's tired of mostly just brown-nosing the elders.. pioneer: person who volunteers most of the time they should be out getting a better paying job harassing people with wts literature so jehovah will love them more and so that the rest of the congregation will want to be part of their spiritually elitest clique.. temporary pioneer: someone who can't quite give enough time to be a pioneer because they have a mortgage, kids and a decent job, so they guilt themselves into playing pioneer once or twice a year so they can get one more step up in the jehovah's witnesses caste system.. publisher: low man on the spiritual totem pole who can barely make time to get ten hours a month because he wants to retire someday, but he does it anyway so that the elders won't come by and "encourage" him with a visit that involves making him feel like crap for not being a pioneer.. fader: someone who sneaks away from the wts while the getting is good but does it in such a way that they may not have to experience shunning.. disfellowshipped: shunning, what the wts does to people who dare to tell them where to get off or who quit believing or following their insane rules.. disassociated: people who don't wait for the wts to shun them before they tell them where to get off.. elderette: wife of a janitor who thinks she can assume the role of elder when her husband isn't doing what she tells him to do to encourage the flock...see:wifely submission.. wifely submission: a myth perpetrated by jehovah's witnesses that makes men believe that their wives have to respect them even when they're being stupid or nasty, and largely ignored by many married female witnesses who know better.. three fold cord: unfortunately not a description of a mildly kinky sexual act, but believing that jehovah is the third party in your marriage..okay, maybe that is a little kinky after all.. .
Reasons to believe in God vs. Reasons NOT to believe in God
by mindmelda ini'm sure everyone can come up with their own lists.. reasons i believe in god:.
1. sex...greatest thing ever!
thanks for that one.. 2. food...second greatest thing ever, and food after sex, terrific!.
Yay, I'm a registered voter!
by mindmelda ini went to renew my driver's license today, and decided to become a registered voter too!.
i got a temp card and i'll get a permanent one in few weeks.. one more step out of jw bizarro world!.
i had a turtle sundae at dairy queen to celebrate!
Informal poll...Which Meeting was the most boring for you? Which one did you stop attending first?
by mindmelda infor me, it was always the theocratic ministry school/field service meeting.. strangely, i never minded giving talks, because i always wanted to perform and have virtually no stage fright.
but, listening to some of the deadly dull talks used to make me look at the clock a lot.
i always felt sorry for some poor slob who had to give his first bible reading on something like job's daughters raping him after getting him drunk.. i swear i think our school overseer did it on purpose because he was a mean sob.. and, i hated field slavery as my parents became witnesses when i was about 12, never did get a good attitude about it.
My husband got let go from his job today
by mindmelda inwell, i guess the title says it all.
my husband got "let go" from his job today.
that was the exact words they used.
Baptism Question question
by mindmelda ini was baptized at age 16 in 1976. i was baptized "old style" meaning before the 1985 change where one dedicates oneself to the organization in the baptism questions.
i was baptized "in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit".. i have some questions:.
can a minor (under age 18 in america) be held legally responsible for a public statement like answering the baptismal questions?
I went to an ACOC meeting the other day
by mindmelda ini went to my first acoc (adult children of alcoholics) meeting friday.
i think i had one of the most spiritually uplifting experiences of my life.
i've never fet the intensity of love and acceptance at a kh that i felt at this meeting with a group of women that i'd only known an hour.