There are plenty of Christians, or at least those who define THEMSELVES as such who would not accept ALL the fundamental tenets listed above.
I've seen plenty of online debate about substitution, for instance, on Christian discussion sites like "Ship of Fools" for instance, all by various members of different faiths.
I live in what people call the Buckle of the Bible belt in the US and even here, where fundamentalism is both a return to literal interpretation with out higher criticism or comparitive religion, and a political stance, you will still find religious debate on some of those fundamentals by Christians.
I guess some of you who think most Christians believe fundamentalist tenets have never met Unitarians or Universal Unitarians, many liberal Lutherans or Presbyterians, and Episcopalians, all of whom indeed deem themselves "Christian"?
Why do you think there are so many sects of Christianity in America?It's because at some point, they have parted ways on some doctrinal matter, no matter how slight to someone for whom it seems inconsequential.
Baptists and Methodists may seem much the same to someone not in the faith, for instance, but a Methodist does not hold with the idea that total immersion baptism is necessary for salvation.