They are all aspects of the Divine, and work together. Aside from that, I get a headache thinking too much about the actual nature of a being as powerful as God would have to be.
I tend to think of Christ as the manifestation of God's love that became human so we could draw close to God, the Father as the source of that love. and the Spirit as the outworking of that love.They are all aspects of love, and God is love. That's an easier way of thinking about it for me.
The scriptures that really convinced me was the first chapter of Hebrews. It's undeniable that Paul is applying a quote in Isaiah about YHWH to Christ. It's very direct and unmistakable. Paul felt Christ was the Eternal, the I AM, the human manifestation of the God the Hebrews worshipped for centuries.
Christ makes God intimately accessible in a way that was not available before. We always had the distancing of our imperfection until his sacrifice, which is why it was necessary. Now we are free to approach in freedom.
What's so hard to understand about any of that? It makes more sense to me than Christ being "created" for a specific mission, then delegated somewhere between God and angels. I'm not surprised this "corporate" view of heaven makes sense to JWs, as they're a corporation. They seem to feel everything must be organized like their corporation, even heaven. Are they making the mistake of seeing God in their own image? I wonder. It happens a lot.
To think that God manifested this aspect of himself as human for our sakes makes the sacrifice that much more powerful and personal for me.