I'm not so sure gravitons exist, but that's another story.
JoinedPosts by Razziel
God particle is 'found': Scientists at Cern expected to announce on Wednesday
by cantleave inhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2167188/god-particle-scientists-cern-expected-announce-higgs-boson-particle-discovered-wednesday.html.
scientists 'will say they are 99.99% certain' the particle has been foundleading physicists have been invited to event - sparking speculation that higgs boson particle has been found'god particle' gives particles that make up atoms their mass.
by rob cooper.
God particle is 'found': Scientists at Cern expected to announce on Wednesday
by cantleave inhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2167188/god-particle-scientists-cern-expected-announce-higgs-boson-particle-discovered-wednesday.html.
scientists 'will say they are 99.99% certain' the particle has been foundleading physicists have been invited to event - sparking speculation that higgs boson particle has been found'god particle' gives particles that make up atoms their mass.
by rob cooper.
"However, if the Higgs bosun is simply the result of exciting the underlying field such that it momentarily changes state (to a particle) and then decays away then I can almost square that."
That's closer. Think of a charged particle being accelerated in a magnetic field. The magnetic field has some value of energy density, which is transferred to the particle causing it to accelerate as it moves through the field. The Higgs Field also has some value for energy density. When it interacts with certain particles (they're not really particles, they are fields, but thinking of them as particles is fine for this), energy is transferred to the particle, but instead of that energy being in the form of something like acceleration, that energy is transferred by E=MC^2 as mass.
If a particle absorbs or releases electromagnetic energy, it is really absorbing or releasing photons, as they are the force carrier for the electromagnetic force allowing energy transfer to take place. Similarly, the Higgs Boson is the force carrier for the Higgs Field, and are absorbed by certain particles, again allowing energy to be transferred from the Higgs Field into mass by E=MC^2. Running particles through an accelerator and smashing them together with enough energy does the opposite as you already know.
God particle is 'found': Scientists at Cern expected to announce on Wednesday
by cantleave inhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2167188/god-particle-scientists-cern-expected-announce-higgs-boson-particle-discovered-wednesday.html.
scientists 'will say they are 99.99% certain' the particle has been foundleading physicists have been invited to event - sparking speculation that higgs boson particle has been found'god particle' gives particles that make up atoms their mass.
by rob cooper.
Ok Qcmbr, I don't watch Youtube, or read expert explanations so take what I say with a grain of salt. I have an excellent education in classical mechanics through Engineering, and a respectable education in physics due to required courses and elective courses in Quantum Mechanics. I prefer to read data and draw my own conclusions based off my own intelligence rather than listen to others who have read the data and drawn their own conclusions.
The Higgs Field is a field theorized to permeate all space. The easiest analogy for me for a field is a contour map, where a function of two variables have a constant value, such as in elevation maps that many people are familiar with.
You can also liken it to an electromagnetic field, if you are familiar with EMAG. This field interacts with other fields to produce results we can measure.
If you have an understanding of Calculus and Differential Equations, you know implicit integration results in extra terms with coefficients that can only be explicitly solved by knowledge of boundary condititions. These extra terms sometimes result in non-intuitive results such as the coriolis effect that helps explain the behavior of hurricanes.
For subatomic particles, one of these boundary conditions is postulated to be the Higgs Field, a base field that all particles can interact with. In other words, for subatomic particles, the extra terms do not interact with the Higgs Field, the terms go to zero, and the particles have no mass. For other particles, the extra terms do not go to zero, they interact with the Higgs Field, and they result in those particles having mass.
This is complicated by the concept of Symmetry breaking, where the equations predict that two points along the same contour line will have the same value, or at least a total energy value equal to unity. 1/2 + 1/2 =1, 1/2 + 2/3 = 1, 1/4 + 3/4 = 1, etc.
The reality from observations is, that at certain energy levels, symmetry can be broken. Again in other words, we have a non-linearity; i.e. 1 + 1 does not equal 2. After analysis of many hyperelastic materials and elastic materials in the plastic region as an engineer, I can say with no uncertainty, 1 + 1 does not always equal 2. Superposition does not hold in certain ranges, and this can be a very difficult concept to understand.
I have probably done nothing to answer your original question. The Universe can be described as a set of non-linear partial differential equations which are extremely difficult if not impossible to solve.
Do you just want purely email or do you want your email account associated with other accounts? Been with hotmail for over 15 years and no complaints. I can associate it with my xbox live account, instant messanger, financial accounts, facebook, other email accounts etc, etc. Just depends on the privacy you want.
God particle is 'found': Scientists at Cern expected to announce on Wednesday
by cantleave inhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2167188/god-particle-scientists-cern-expected-announce-higgs-boson-particle-discovered-wednesday.html.
scientists 'will say they are 99.99% certain' the particle has been foundleading physicists have been invited to event - sparking speculation that higgs boson particle has been found'god particle' gives particles that make up atoms their mass.
by rob cooper.
I'm going to be a debbie downer and say that although this is important, it isn't that groundbreaking. I've seen the higgs as more of a decision point for future research. Everybody knows the standard model has some pretty large holes in it that will require inelegant mathematical gynmastics to overcome. But finding the higgs will probably drive research towards modifying the existing theory with those inelegant gymnastics rather than more research into alternate theories that could possibly provide an elegant solution.
Newtonian mechanics were widely successful too, except for those few pesky holes in it.
Edit: We don't need metaphysics in this thread.
I watched "Game Change" I`m curious about americans take on this movie,and their attitude to Sarah Palin
by smiddy ini`m an australian and i am interested in world affairs,though i`m certainly no expert.previous to watching this movie , i have some information about sarah palin via media,and i know that can be biased , so what i am asking of you, the americans on this board what is your veiw of her ?
was this movie a true reflection of sarah palin ?
and if you can give me an alternative veiw of her please do so.. smiddy.
I had the same reaction to her as to most other US Politicians regardless of Party, which is "Seriously, this is supposed to be the best nation on earth, and this is the best we can do? Are we all a bunch of f!cking morons or what?" Oh wait...
Best diet for a Diabetic.
by Quarterback indr just told me that i inherited this health problem.
has anyone had any success in winning over this desease?.
As has been mentioned, always remember that Type 1 and Type 2 are different. A lot of the advice here is great for Type 2, but if a Type 1 tries some of this stuff, they'll end up in the hospital.
Spare the Rod and spoil the child, How did that work for you
by jam inin proverbs there are several verses on the wisdom.
of using the rod for discipline.
the notion that children.
On the back of the hands with a wooden spoon! Ouch that stung. At least there is some padding elsewhere to help soften the blow.
Circumcision banned in Germany - it's about time.
by Joey Jo-Jo inhttp://www.smh.com.au/world/religious-groups-reject-ruling-on-circumcision-20120628-2159v.html.
jewish and muslim groups in germany have condemned a court ruling that deemed circumcision to be equivalent to grievous bodily harm.. the court, in cologne, declared this week that the procedure violated a child's ''fundamental right to bodily integrity''.
religious groups said the ruling trampled on freedom of belief and could lead to ''circumcision tourism''.. the ruling said: ''the body of the child is irreparably and permanently changed by a circumcision.
"And how many of you who are circumcised from infancy enjoy sex incredibly much? Do you think you are not sensitive enough?"
Many of us already climax fast enough as it is, no added sensitivity needed, thanks!
A Question For the Guys...
by Quendi inthis thread was inspired by the "a question for the ladies..." thread and anybody is welcome to post.. if you are now free and clear of the wts, how have your dress and grooming changed?
i'll start the ball rolling by saying that i made some changes that i really like.
i'm down to two suits and they are only for job interviews and perhaps some solemn occasion.
Well my fiancee has suggested many, many times that I give it all up to Goodwill, but I just can't do it. Those clothes have memories, both good and bad, particularly the ties. I'd give up the suits if I had to, but I have memories associated with almost all of the ties.